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  1. Most of us seem to be photographers as well as collectors. Show me your favorite lenses, old and new alike. I like the Noctilux range for the extreme apertures, but I prefer the Summilux range for the best speed:size/weight ratio. Here’s a Summilux gathering of 21, 24, 28, 35, 50 and 75mm. All in black.
  2. Hello members, I’m curious about the new Summaron-M 28mm 5.6 It’s Focusing tab stuck at the framelines selector and cannot go to close focus. Does this occurs to every M-body that has rectangle framelines selector? 😅 Thanks in advance Thatchapon
  3. Summaron 2.8/35 with googles C&C welcome!!
  4. Hi there, new to the forums here, please forgive me if this is posted in the wrong section. I have been looking for a good 28mm (near 35mm equiv.) lens for both IR photography and B&W once I sell my full spectrum modified Olympus. After researching a while I have come down to these three options; Ultron 28/1.9 = Good low contrast B&W, IR?? Biogon 28/2.8 = Not so good B&W (higher contrast) but good IR Summaron 35/3.5 (Not 28mm I know) = Good B&W and apparently good for IR (due to coatings) The Ultron seems ideal for my needs except there is very little information on its use for IR. Can anyone confirm whether it is sharp in the spectrum or suffers from hotspots at certain apertures? Samples would be great to. The Biogon has IR focus marking which would probably make my life alot easier except I've heard its not the best for B&W, unless some samples convince me otherwise. For IR it doesn't suffer any hotspots according to the guys @ getdpi. If I can see more IR action (samples ofc) from the Summaron I might be sold. Although a filtering solution for this lens seems like a pain, if anyone is using this for IR how have you gone about with it? Just using the SOOGZ adapter? Any samples of the three in b&w and IR are greatly appreciated! If there are any other possible lens options apart from those 3 that I should consider, please let me know also. Thanks for the help
  5. Hi, I just bought my first Leica, an M6 Classic. I hope I'm not asking a stupid question... I have a Summaron 35mm f/3.5 serial number 1179705, I think it might be from 1954? On my M6 the 35mm frame lines does not automatically show; I get the 50mm + 75mm. I have to turn the frame lever to get the 35mm + 135mm frame lines. I understand there is an issue with the goggles made for the M2. But reading about it, I get all confused. How do I know if my Summaron was designed to be used with goggles? If I so; shouldn't the M6 display the 35mm frames without the goggles? I understand some have filed down a detail on the lens to make it work without the goggles; could this be my problem? I would greatly appreciate any help from you good people of this forum :-) PS: Also; the focus lock knob touches the frame lever, making close focusing a bit hard - is this "normal"?
  6. was my first thought... Downtown, NYC MM/28mm summaron
  7. The Road Ahead. I like being on my bike and most of my photos are taken after I pull over on the bike having seen something as I roll along. I use the cylinder heads to dry out wet gloves or to warm them up! [ATTACH]170140[/ATTACH] Summaron 2.8 on M2 HP5 in DD-X
  8. Lost but not forgotten; a Ransomes single furrow plough waiting for its time to come again! Tri-X HC110 Summaron 2.8 M2 [ATTACH]158354[/ATTACH] This and a couple more agricultural reminiscences form my new album if anyone feels like a look.
  9. I just bought an M3 with a goggled Summaron f3.5, and it obviously hasn't been used in decades. I live in New York City, and was thinking of trying out Panorama Camera in Manhattan--has anyone had any experiences with Leica repairs at this camera repair shop? The inside of the Summaron also looks a bit cloudy--not sure what it is exactly, but is it common to have the inside lens elements successfully cleaned? It looks scratch-free... I am very, very excited about getting this camera up and running, it's my first Leica!
  10. Hi there, I've recently come into ownership of a mint Summaron 35mm 2.8 lens. After some quick research I believe it is the original ltm mount. There is no red dot, and the lens focuses down to 1m. It comes with the original caps, bubble and the lens hood. Its in mint condition. I will upload pictures shortly but just wondered in todays market whats a good average price these lenses go for? Thanks Alex
  11. My main goal is shoot B&W (but not only) on digital cameras. Trying to choose beetwen a 1962 Summaron f/2.8 and a 1964 Summicron V1, both look in very nice condition, the price diference is 700€. From what I`ve read here, these would be my favourite options. Opinions welcome, considering the price diference too. Thanks
  12. Trying to find a COMPLETE LIST of the Summaron 35mm 2.8 lenses that were delivered to the Swedish Army and had the three crowns insignia of the Swedish Military engraved. Leica sent an email to me recently responding that "They regretfully possess no official listings of serial numbers or even the exact documented amount of Summaron 35 2.8 lenses delivered to the Swedish Army". The Wiki article states that 1677001 - 1680000 is the serial number batch from which the "three crown" Summarons (1959/60) were sourced. Some dealers say there were only 10 such lenses, some say that there were 30, some say lots more, but it is really difficult to get a hold of the real numbers. I have managed to verify (visually) the small batch of the following serial numbers of the Summaron 35 2.8's that have the 3 crowns engraved. Neither the Wiki entry on the batch, nor the "10 units only" claim seem to be correct. Also, according to Leica archives and Lars Netopil's kind research correspondence, some of the below numbers are FAKE three crown engravnigs: 1664759 1678204 1678208 (depicted in Lager's Illustrated History Vol. 1) 1678210 1678241 1678246 1678305 1678328 1678693 1678780 1679028 Brandt Optik AG (Stockholm) was the Leitz Agent/official importer in Sweden at the time. All items were never shipped directly from Wetzlar to the Swedish military, but to Brandt be delivered to the Swedish military. Apparently 35/2.8 lenses with three crowns all were shipped together on May 25th 1960 to Brandt Stockholm, with shipping number 80856 (80856 instead of 80866!). Upon checking of some details with Leica AG some of the delivery dates for the serial numbers above did not match the delivery date nor the location, i.e. were delivered to Germany or Asia (HK) instead later and have nothing to do with Swedish Military. Maybe someone from the community and/or well respected collectors frequenting this forum can help to compile and perfect the list or shed some further light on the matter? Thank you in advance.
  13. So I recently got (for lack of a better word) scammed into buying a Summaron 35 2.8 with a cracked goggle (let's not get into it). The lens functions okay, but I'm wondering what my chances are of replacing the glass on the front of the goggle and what this might cost. The lens is over 60 years old, so I'm not very hopeful but wanted to check anyway. Thanks in advance for any responses.
  14. Just wanted to share my first impressions of the mini 28mm f5.6 summaron lens: I wanted to get this lens for street photography ever since it came out and finally pulled the trigger. I was a little skeptical of its output having seen both good and bad shots on reviews with the lens, but wanted first hand experience and to finally scratch that 28mm daido moriyama itch. After the opening a nice black box and admiring this silver jewel for a moment in my hand, I quickly attached it to M10 and went searching for some test shots on a clear but cloudy day. I shoot my film M/A at f5.6 on bright sunny days so wasn’t worried by its lack of low light capabilities. The reverse position of the focusing tab takes some getting used to, really not very hard, and for closer subjects you need to take a step back than what is normal for other lenses, as you need more distance to bring things in focus. But from the moment I started snapping away I felt the same wonder and joy that you do with other Leica lenses. After an hour or so of taking photos this is what I noticed most: the center of this lens is very sharp but not in a clinical way; there is a smoothness to images; some shots do not produce vignetting but some do which, gives it the “classical” feel and really sets off objects in a cool way; its kind of an unpredictable lens which i like and comes down to personal preference; color accuracy was very good and no different than my 50mm summilux & 35mm summicron; the size of the lens is perfect for adding a 3rd lens to my small leather street bag. Overall, I’m very pleased with my decision to get this lens. Not only imbued with a piece of Leica history but also very capable of producing cool images in daylight conditions. I personally think this is one of those special lenses to own that captures unique qualities rather than the clinical kind you find everywhere else. Unlike, with other leica lenses where i expected images to be great, i was expecting this one to be less so, but was proven wrong. It really is a great little lens and has exceeded my expectations. Thank you Leica for making this!
  15. Hello all, I recently purchased an M3 with a goggled 35mm f/3.5 Summaron. Unlike many other Summarons I've been able to find online, however, the paint job on the goggles is a glossy black paint, rather than the crackled paint that's ubiquitous online. I've been told this is a relatively uncommon version of this lens - the question is, how uncommon? Is this something that adds to the value of the lens significantly/is it collectible? I haven't been able to find any copies of the glossy paint version that have sold recently, so I would love your perspectives on whether this is a collector's item of any sort, or if it's something I shouldn't worry about using/possibly getting dinged up in the process. If you have any thoughts on potential value, I would welcome those as well. Here's an image of the lens in question. Thanks in advance for your thoughts!
  16. Hi all, I recently purchased an M3 with a goggled 35mm f/3.5 Summaron. Unlike many other Summarons I've been able to find online, however, the paint job on the goggles is a glossy black paint, rather than the crackled paint that's ubiquitous online. I've been told this is a relatively uncommon version of this lens - the question is, how uncommon? Is this something that is collectible or significantly adds to the lens value? I haven't been able to find any copies of the glossy paint version that have sold online, so I would love your perspectives on whether this is a collector's item of any sort, or if it's something I shouldn't worry about using/possibly getting dinged up in the process. I've attached a photo below.
  17. Thomas Edison's Ft. Myers, Florida laboratory, where he and his wife wintered from 1886 to 1930 and he tried to synthesize or find a natural source of rubber. Leica IIIf, Summaron 35/3.5, Kodak Portra 160NC, 1/5 sec @ f/11, drugstore develop and scan to CD, Nik Silver Efex Pro Sepia 2, burnt edges, this is a crop of about half of the negative. (Taken 13 Apr 2010) This is wild, I used to have an old 5x7 B&J and this shot looks just like it--only with a 35mm! [ATTACH]198333[/ATTACH]
  18. Hello all. I just received a 35mm f2.8 Summaron with eyes for my M3 from a seller on the (in)famous web auction site. The lens itself appears to be in excellent shape - I'll be shooting test shots later this afternoon. However, when I mount the lens on my M3, the rangefinder patch is off vertically, but is on target horizontally for distant objects with the lens locked on infinity. The rangefinder is obviously perfectly aligned for lenses without eyes. Is this easily fixed? How much should it cost? Can I do it myself? I'll be very gratefull for any advice. Guy
  19. Wo finde ich die Fabrikationsnummer auf dem Objektiv? Ich suche und suche, entdecke sie aber nicht.
  20. Guten Abend liebe Leicianer! ich befinde mich seit knapp einem halben jahr in besitz einer leica II aus dem jahre 1938! ein wunderschoenes goldstueck (vor kurzem ist zwar die belederung zerbrochen und abgefallen, aber ich muss sagen ohne gefaellt sie mir momentan noch fast besser). habe den schatz auf dem weg nach suedamerika in zuerich erstanden, leider ist das "kit-objektiv", wenn man das so sagen kann, ein russisches industar 22. da mir nach dem verschiessen so einiger filme der stil des industar endgueltig ueber ist und ich mich nach weiterem horizont, aeaeh winkel sehne habe ich mich hier in buenos aires mal nach objektiven umgeschaut. gerade eben ein hektor 4.5/135 erstanden, laut summilux jahrgang 1935 fuer umgerechnet ca 36 euro. keine kratzer und habe gerade bei neuem hinschauen festgestellt dass da so ein paar kleine punktfoermige truebungen sind (im laden nicht bemerkt). fokus und blende laufen superweich und sanft und zart und einfach leica! aber nun zu meiner eigentlichen frage: koennte mir jetzt noch ein summaron 3.5/35 kaufen, serienummer 1019368, laut summilux bj¨'52, das glas sieht mir (abgesehen von miniminimalsten putzspuren) glasklar aus, blende und fokus gehen butterweich und sauber und bis euf eine klitzekleine delle ganz vorne and diesem rand der uebersteht wie neu. kosten soll das ganze umgerechnet ca 175 euro. dazu wird mir noch ein aufstecksucher 35mm original leica fuer 72 euro angeboten. der sucher leifert ein einwandfreies bild und scheint mir eine sinnvolle nachruestung fuer die leica II zu sein , ist von aussen betrachtet jedoch recht benutzt und der kitt fuer das vorderglas scheint an ein paar stellen nicht mehr vollstaendig zu sein. nun liebe kenner, ich wollte mal fragen zu was ihr mir raten wuerdet. danke schon mal im voraus und gruesse aus buenos aires tobias
  21. ....bringt er meistens neue Spielsachen. Die liebste aller Ehefrauen macht ein Gesicht, das ich das Paket lieber erst mal zur Seite stelle. Am nächsten Tag:< Schatzi, guck mal meine neue Leica >. Der Hund geht mit seinem ausgeprägtem Instinkt vorsichtig in Deckung. Ich murmele was wie: <Die war gar nicht teuer. Und den Gurt habe ich sowieso noch gehabt> Erst kommt ein kurzer, ziemlich desinteressierter Blick, dann ein zweiter längerer Blick und dann: < Ooch, ist die schön! Die ist ja so klein. Ist die für mich? > Glück gehabt! Morgen frage ich, ob ich mir die Leica mal kurz ausleihen darf. Claus
  22. Morning all. I have just one lens for my M2; an Elmar 35mm. I'm wondering about a Summaron 35mm. If anyone would be kind enough to respond to a couple of questions I'd be grateful. Question 1. Does the front of a Summaron rotate with focussing in the same way it does with the Elmar? Reason for asking; the lens hood I have also rotates and I have modded it (with nothing more permanent than PVC tape) to be rectangular as I shoot into the light a lot and benefit from as much shielding as possible. This rotating is a complete pain and it would be good if the hood stayed square to the camera. If the Summaron's front also rotates, what is the earliest 35mm lens that accepts a hood that doesn't rotate in this way? Question 2. Is the f3.5 Summaron as good at f3.5 as the f2.8 is at f3.5? I can live with f3.5 but wondered if there was any penalty for not buying an f2.8. Many thanks all, Jim.
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