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  1. Has anyone else had any problems connecting the GPS to the M10 Monochrom? Most of the time, I see in the rear screen that the GPS icon has an "x" through it...obviously not connected. I have the Visoflex connected to the camera and the GPS turned on in the menu. I realize there are areas that pose a problem for GPS connections, but I have tried various types of environments. Am I missing something? I've only had it connect sporadically over the past few weeks. Thanks.
  2. Both app and firmware (5.1) are up to date. I’ve deleted the app multiple times. I’ve removed and added the camera multiple times. It keeps telling me “check camera WiFi is enabled and try again”. To the best of my knowledge there is no way to “enable WiFi” very frustrating that such an expensive camera and good camera has such a bad software. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I’ve been playing with the Leica M 11 Monochrom for about a week now. At higher ISOs, I have noticed the presence and some images of a tartan-like grid pattern. At first I thought it was lights that was causing this pattern. Then I started to wonder if my sensor was defective. After reading a review, I noticed that the reviewer also mentioned that at ISO’s as low as 6400 a tartan-like grid pattern could appear in the shadow areas of the image. So my question are as follows: • Is this a defective sensor? • Is it something that can be fixed with firmware? • Are Leica aware of this issue. • Are there plans to address it this matter? High ISO performance is all well and good, but if the image is ruined by pattern noise, then it no longer becomes usable at those ISO’s. More concerning is the revelation that this pattern noise may be present as early as 6400 ISO. This discovery has taken the shine of this camera for me. I do hope for some good news from Leica soon.
  4. Hello, I’m close to buying a new Leica. Trying hard to make the right decision. All options remain on the table, but I’m leaning towards a SL2-S or SL3. I made the decision to go Leica about a year ago. At the time, I was excited. I thought it’d be easy. Little did I know. The good thing is: it’s been a year. I’ve used that time wisely, I hope, to consider a lot (reading posts, watching videos, and trying out different cameras). I’m almost there. But before I pull the trigger again (more about that in a moment), I’d love to get some input, so if you have any thoughts to share … I’m all ears! A little about me: I’ve got a good amount of life experience and been a photographer for many years. Over the past decades I’ve shot Nikon film cameras & different mirrorless cameras including Fuji, Sony and Ricoh. I enjoy shooting landscapes, city buildings and some street in the endless pursuit of creating photographic art. I have a passion for B&W. So much so that after nearly a year, I made the decision to purchase a “like new” Q2 Monochrom. Unfortunately, it had debris in the viewfinder that I found distracting so I returned it. The experience was a good one because it caused me think even deeper about my commitment level and what I really want. They say the Leica Q’s are the “gateway drug” in the Leica world and I now see why. Yeah, even after a very short time with one. I’m someone that would be very happy with a Monochrom only camera. I shoot 90% B&W (at least), and the ability shoot at night with very high ISO’s with a camera that doesn’t have a bayer filter, and noise that looks more filmic is a very attractive proposition. If I missed color, I could always carry my trust Ricoh GRIII I Ruled Out a Leica Q I’ve ruled out another Q camera for several reasons, with the biggest being that I’ve got some wonderful vintage lenses and want to use them on a Leica (rather than continue using them on my Sony I think). Maybe a M11 or M10 Monochrom? I thought an M11 monochrome … or maybe an M10? … was the answer but I’m not sure a rangefinder’s for me. I mean I LOVE the look. Truly. It’s … beautiful. But I love shooting fast lenses. The rangefinder focusing … nice … but when it comes to focusing some lenses like a f/0.95 or even f/1.2 on a rangefinder … I want an EVF for critical focus. Sure, there’s a great external EVF for the M11 … and I’d be fine with buying that if I needed to, but in my opinion, it kinda messes with the whole rangefinder aesthetic to have to put that on the hot shoe. Also, I’ve heard more than one person talk about their rangefinder’s going out of alignment - and needing to be sent back in for recalibration. I’ve also read about freezing issues some have said they’d experienced with their Leica M11’s on this forum. On top of that, I like to focus CLOSE sometimes (not macro but down to 3/4 or 1/2 a meter) with my vintage lenses … I’ve can do that with an adapter on my Sony A7RIVa with vintage m mount lenses that normally wouldn’t be able to focus that close but would not be able to do that when using them on a Leica M. That frankly is a big deal (for me). Leica SL-2S or SL3? So that’s led me to consider a Leica SL-2s or maybe a SL3? Pros: Ability to convert M lenses and focus close using M to CL adapters. Check Built-in beautiful EVF. Check. More affordable than a Leica M11 Monochrom - check No calibration needed. Cons: No monochrome sensor in sight. Sigh. It’s so … BIG!! The M11 looks so much more inviting. Big Red Dot & Big Leica in big white letters … sheesh! I so prefer the look of the monochrom cameras. Discreet. So tape it up and cover up the dot I guess is the solution there. Perhaps not the best for street? More suited for studio than street? In conclusion: At the end of the day - is a Leica SL2s and/or SL3 worth spending thousands of dollars more - or should I just stick with my 60 megapixel Sony A7R-IVa and call it a day? Has anyone upgraded from the SL2-s to the SL3 .. .and if so, was it worth it? And why? Has anyone owned both a Leica M10/M11 along with a Leica SL series camera and if so, which do you prefer and why? Anyone move from a Leica Monochrome camera to the SL line ? Any regrets? Thoughts and/or Recommendation would be much appreciated. Thanks!
  5. Hello everybody, I just came across the website of ARRI (for those of you who don't know: it's a big cinema camera, lens and light manufacturer from Germany). They build the Arri Alexa camera as a monochrom version, which I guess is similar in sensor design as Leica does for photography (increased resolution, higher dynamic range, more light sensitive...). One thing I can't find anywhere is: do the Leica monochrom cameras also have no IR filter and that's the reason why they render highlights and shadows in a different way? In all the reviews out there, no one is talking about that point specifically. Here's the link to the ARRI website: https://www.arrirental.com/en/cameras/exclusive-cameras/alexa-monochrome-cameras
  6. I happened to discover this online essay today - the author offers some interesting insights into the M246 Monochrom and why it is still a viable choice: Why I bought a Leica M246 Monochrom https://mwwphotography.co.uk/blog/leicam246monochrom
  7. Did you need the yellow filter for the clouds? Could similar or same be achieved post? Having specified a Q2M I wonder whether I should be looking out to fit yellow or orange glass in front of all that nice Q2M design?
  8. M8 Monochrom, Voigtlander 35mm 1.4 @ 1/125 at f5.7 ISO 400 at the Dunkin on the corner of 97th and Madison in Manhattan's Upper East Side.
  9. But with winter coming up, it might be of interest to owners of newer Monochroms.. https://the.me/die-leica-in-der-hand-the-monochrom-goes-into-the-snow/
  10. It has been ages since I have posted on this forum, or caught up with some of my good friends on a Leica day out. I hope to again soon - and although I haven't been posed I do lurk and read, especially recently. This March I decided to turn over a new leaf with my photography, to return to using my digital Leicas and to be a little more disciplined about it. A number of things made me think about, and ultimately finally buy, a Leica M Monochrom (typ 246). I thought about the M10, or the M10 Monochrom, but apart from the big price difference (I found a very good used M246 at a great price from Ivor at Red Dot) I wasn't sure I wanted the additional resolution of the M10 M, or that the M10 was going to be a significant improvement on my M (typ 240) which I have been neglecting using. I decided the 246 was the one for me, and I am delighted I did. I have really enjoyed using it so far. I wrote a short photo essay about my new leaf, and included the first photos I have taken with the 246 during March: https://rangefinderchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/04/march-2021-new-leaf.html I hope to use it a lot more, over the next months and years. So far I am a very happy user. Nick
  11. cj3209

    M9 MC

    I was excited to get a pre-owned M9 Monochrom in excellent condition with very few shots and a new sensor. Good looking camera, I have to admit. Coming from a Q2, honestly, the control/settings layout is a bit dated. But the pics show promise (I have to go out and shoot more). And the mechanical shutter sound and the file write delay...whoah. The settings offer two modes: soft and discreet. Both are so loud, forget about using this camera for wildlife shooting - it would scare away a bear. And the slow file write is...interesting. But if the pics live up to expectations, I can accept the annoying and tinny shutter sound. Cheers! CJ
  12. Leica M10M + 50mm Apo Summicron F 2.0
  13. probably coming soon....
  14. Unser monatliches Treffen im "BARCO Cafeteria Bar Cantina im K." (neben dem Badischen Staatstheater) findet am Donnerstag, 07.04.2016 um 20 Uhr statt. Neue Gesichter, digitale, gedruckte und ausbelichtete Werke sind gerne gesehen. Nach allgemeiner Zustimmung auf dem März-Stammtisch werden wir am 07.04. gemeinsam über Bildbearbeitung und dem Workflow mit Photoshop Lightroom sprechen. Wer mit Notebook und/oder eigenen Bildern in digitaler Form kommen mag, ist herzlich dazu eingeladen. Adresse: BARCO im K., Ettlinger Tor Platz 1a, 76137 Karlsruhe Parken ist nur wenige Meter vom Treffpunkt möglich. Adresse für das Navi: Kriegsstraße 27, 76133 Karlsruhe. Ab dann einfach zum Ettlinger Tor-Platz fahren und auf der rechten Seite sind Parkplätze an der Straße verfügbar. Bitte beachten: Parken im Einkaufszentrum Ettlinger Tor ist leider nur bis 22.00 Uhr möglich! Alternativ ist das Parkhaus des Staatstheaters (Baumeisterstr. 9) bis 1 Uhr geöffnet. Der Abendtarif ab 18.00 Uhr: 4,00 €
  15. Hallo meine Lieben, ich hab keine Ahnung ob ich hier richtig bin aber ich versuche mein Glück trotzdem mal. Ich spare gerade für ein Monochrom. Jedoch weis ich nicht ob mein Traum eigentlich mein Traum ist und würde gerne vorher das ganze mal ausgiebig testen. Ich weiss nur einfach nicht wie. Ich würde mir gerne mal ne Monochrom für 2 Tage leihen und das ganze mal auf Herz und Nieren testen, aber wie? Hat jemand von euch evtl. eine Idee oder ein Tipp wie man an sowas rankommt?? Vielen Danke für eure Hilfe. Lg Micha
  16. I love my Leica Monochrom (CCD) and sometimes use flash. I bought from the metz 45CT4 (version pre digital) with bracket from a friend. Can I use it with the de sca 351 and sca 300A cable on the MMv1? How can I use this safely on the Monochrom (CCD)? What do i need to connect it to use TTL? Thank you all for your advice!
  17. Dolomiten Auronzo und Lago di Santa Caterina Monochrom 246 mit 1,4/50 Asph
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