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Found 13 results

  1. Geschätztes Leica Forum, zu meinen Objektiven an meiner M6 gehört seit kurzem auch ein Hektor 13,5 cm 4,5 Nr 1311820 in erstaunlich gutem Zustand, das ich sowohl am Tubus als auch am Visoflex versuchen wollte. Dieses Objektiv ist auf einem 13,5cm Tubus Nr 1385210 aufgeschraubt. Diese Kombination, die zumindest nach meinem bisherigen Verständnis funktionieren sollte, zeigt an meiner M6 eine konstante "Defokussierung", die sich bei ca. 2 Meter Objektabstand in etwa bei 20cm bewegt (!). Macht sich hier bemerkbar, dass die beiden Nummern nicht identisch sind? Ich habe gelernt, dass im Werk damals Tubus und Objektivkopf aufeinander abgestimmt wurden, würde aber so eine so große Schwankung im Abstandsmaß einschließlich Fokusdifferenz eigentlich ausschließen bei dieser Firma. Liege ich da falsch? Die Vermutung, dass schlicht meine M6 an ihrem Fokusmessrad eine zu große Ungenauigkeit hat, meine ich ausschließen zu können, da meine alten, lichtstarken Summicrone 50 und 90 bei Offenblende sehr exakt mit meiner M6 fokussiert werden. Ich bin zumindest beim hierfür sicher anfälligen 90mm bei 2,0 durchaus erfolgreich bei der Scharfstellung, deshalb würde ich annehmen, auch wenn ich keine Einstelllupe für das Hektor verwende, dass ich (hoffentlich!) keine großen Schwankungen durch unpräzises Fokkussieren habe, zumal die Defokussierung immer in der gleichen Richtung liegt und nicht schwankt. Der für die Entfernung zuständige Übertragungshebel im Tubus sieht völlig intakt, unverkratzt und unverbogen aus, auch nicht "abgenutzt". Der Objektivkopf ist komplett eingeschraubt. Das Objektiv hat keinerlei Sturzschäden oder sonstige Kennzeichen, die auf eine Deformation hindeuten würden. Ich weiß, dass dieses Objektiv nicht vergleichbar ist mit neueren Rechnungen, aber ich bin sicher, dass man seinen Spaß damit haben kann. Doch so ist es für mich nicht nutzbar. Trotz fast 30 Jahre Erfahrung mit vielen Kameras und Objektiven bin ich in diesem Fall schlicht mit meinem Latein am Ende. Meine Suche im Forum war leider nicht erfolgreich (ich hoffe, dass ich nicht selbst so langsam eine "Defokussierung" habe...), daher hier als neues Thema, in der Hoffnung, nicht doch eine alte Klamotte damit in dieses gelungene Forum zu tragen. Kennt jemand dieses Defokusproblem mit dem Hektor 13,5cm? Oder kann mir ein schmunzelnder Kenner des Hektors sagen, welchen systematischen Fehler ich mit diesem Objektiv und diesem Tubus mache? Ich wäre für jeden Hinweis dankbar. Schönen Gruß vom Bodensee Jörg
  2. Sandhill Cranes Leica II, Hektor 135/4.5, Fujicolor 200, 1/100 @f/5.6, VCII meter, handheld, harsh noonday sun, drugstore develop and scan to CD, light smart sharpen in CS4. [ATTACH]218223[/ATTACH]
  3. Hello, I have generously received a late model 135mm Hektor in M mount which has a lovely exterior, but there are dust bunnies clinging to the otherwise pristine matte black finish on the inside of the focus tube. I'm Seeking advice for cleaning these loose fuzzies without marring that currently unmarred paint. Shoukd I just wing it and gently wipe with a soft cloth? Note: so far the lens surfaces appear to NOT be hazed or fungus'd up, but the rear surface of the lens head is still waiting to be cleaned and find out for sure. All comments and input are highly welcome. Sincerely Richard in Michigan
  4. [ATTACH]313474[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]313475[/ATTACH] (Hektor 28mm f/6,3, Nex-7, ARW)
  5. Dear friends: hello everybody as this is my first contribution to the Forum! For a brief while, I have been collecting projection lenses - including but not limited to Leitz lenses. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find much information on the optical design even of the most common lenses such as the Hektor or the Elmaron. Apparently there are not really any web-availabe resources, aren't there? Finally, I dissected a fungus-affected Hektor. So I have a certain idea now of which shapes the included lenses are in this case (see http://www.l-camera-forum.com/leica-wiki.de/index.php/Bild:SCHEMA_H.jpg). But not being an optics expert, this is not much help without further explanation. I'd appreciate any hint - also to printed material. Best regrads, jan
  6. Guess who took their IIIf to the zoo! This is the colorful Golden Lion Tamarin, an endangered species, from the tropical rain forest canopy along Brazil's Atantic coast. "Golden Lion Tamarins get their name from their beautiful soft fur, which is gold from head to tail. The circle of hair around their faces resembles a lion's mane. When first sighted, during the voyage of Magellan, they were thought to be small cats that looked like monkeys, instead of small monkeys that look like cats. GLTs are among the 10% of mammals who are monogamous and mate for life." Their enclosure was pretty dark and I'm pleasantly surprised this turned out as bright as it did. [Leica IIIf RDST (DAG), Hektor 135mm (SK), 1/100 @ f/5.6, Fujicolor ASA 400, VCII meter, handheld, drugstore develop and scan to CD, ever so slightly sharpened in PS4, no other mod--the rest is classic Barnack!] [ATTACH]168022[/ATTACH]
  7. Hello! I think this is one of my first ever forum posts on here. I love browsing this site! So a few years ago I had a couple who were friends of mine going through a house that they inherited, due to the guy's father passing away. They were cleaning it all up and they handed me this lens one night we were hanging out and asked me what it was. I was surprised to see it was a Leica lens, a little 13.5cm f/4.5 Hektor. They told me I could keep the lens if I did a small family photoshoot with them. I agreed, and they got some nice photos and I kept the little Hektor. I wasn't really fond of the 135mm focal length, and I saw it really needed an internal cleaning. So I stowed it away in the back of my camera cabinet, and it has sat there since then. Since then, I've gotten far more into Leica and went form owning a IIIa, to the IIIa + black/nickel II + some M bodies and a variety of lenses. I'm a huge fan of history, and I collect cameras (more than just Leica) because they are fun to use, or are quirky and can tell a story from their time period. I am only in my 20s, so I didn't exactly grow up with any of this stuff either. I was reorganizing my little camera cabinet and found the Hektor in the back of the shelf, sitting there. I took it out and gave it a look, and for whatever reason only just now noticed it wasn't a chrome lens. I guess I didn't look at it that closely? It's definitely nickel plated. Apparently my phone file sizes are way too big, so the rest of the pictures I dumped into a Flickr album : https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjzH7kz Sorry, they're quick snaps with my cell phone. Anyways, the serial number for this lens is 575643. Which, according to Leica Wiki, means it was produced in 1941. It was supposedly in a batch of 'black.gray' (??) of 1,000 units. I know serial numbers can be weird, and this isn't a gray painted lens. This lens does have the focus barrel as the same as a black paint, being black and chrome. The tripod mount has nickel plated screws but looks chrome. The lens flange on the bottom looks chrome plated. There is some wear that shows straight brass underneath the nickel plating. The aperture range is older, and goes : 4.5, 6.3, 9, 12.5, 18, 25, and 36. The lens elements are coated. The aperture ring looks like black paint and shows brassing underneath. According to the little serial number list, there's none that show up as a whole batch of nickel plated Hektors. The year makes it a war-time production which is interesting. Maybe it was nickel plated afterwards? Maybe it was stripped down to nickel from a chrome plating? All the engravings on the lens are filled with black, and look original (or at least very well done). I'd love some input on this interesting, 'boring' lens. Please let me know if you'd like any other pictures! Thank you!
  8. I have a Hektor f1.9 73mm with Serial Number 98732. All the serial number listings that I've seen do not include this number. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Most of us seem to be photographers as well as collectors. Show me your favorite lenses, old and new alike. I like the Noctilux range for the extreme apertures, but I prefer the Summilux range for the best speed:size/weight ratio. Here’s a Summilux gathering of 21, 24, 28, 35, 50 and 75mm. All in black.
  10. Is there anything special about the rendering of this lens? Tempted to Pick it up.
  11. Anyone know if there is anything special about the rendering of this lens ? saw it today at the shop, the small screw on the ring in front of the aperture is interesting..wondering what its for.
  12. Could anyone give me a hint where to find a hood for the Hektor 135/4.5? I don't know what the original one looks like, but I'm sure I could settle with a working non-original one...
  13. hey, last week when I was dropping off some film to be developed, I saw an old leica that the lab was selling (the lab is also a camera store), from my little knowledge of leicas and after researching a bit when got home, I deducted that it was either a III or a IIIa, and it was being sold fitted with a collapsable 5cm f/2.0 Hektor for the equivalent of around US$390. if I remember correctly, the serial number of the camera started with 17, so I think it's one of the first produced. So, my question is: do you think that is a fair price for the III(a) with the 50mm f/2, considering that the body looked mint and the lens looked nice, though I didn't analyze it much. Also, do you think that is a usable setup? I would definitely need a meter, since I can't figure out an exposure just by looking at the scene, so how much is one of those leicameters and are they hard to find? I would also like ask if you think I should wait until the end of the year and then get a used M6 or MP (if I'm lucky) then?
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