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Found 19 results

  1. Hello everyone! First post – I should warn you that this might be a dumb question, but it's one that I can't seem to find an answer for. Recently, I had an M3 serviced by Youxin Ye (YYe Camera) via the rush option, and it was returned to me quite quickly. At first inspection, everything seemed good. The camera had been experiencing shutter capping, which was no longer an issue, and the rangefinder was clean and adjusted appropriately. The camera itself, a double-stroke with buddha ears, is in pretty nice condition, with almost all of its original vulcanite. More recently, I got my hands on a TTL shutter tester (PulseHPT 3-in-1 Shutter Speed Tester, configured with the light sensor). Based on the shutter tester's readings, the 1/1000, 1/500, and 1/250 speeds are at approximately 1/300, 1/200, and 1/140. All other speeds are accurate, within 1/4EV or less. I've also tested the shutter speed tester with a 500CM and electronically controlled cameras like the Pentax LX, and those cameras do not exhibit the same issue of slow top speeds when used with the shutter tester. I emailed Mr. Ye, and he stated "The speed for a Leica mechanical camera is an approximation, not exact," and that "Even a new Leica MP, due to Leica adjusted speeds in too tight tolerance, we have to readjust the speeds after a few months the camera left the factory, to prevent capping problems." Is it true that the tolerances for the top speeds of Leica cameras, even a brand new one, are this flexible? I thought that adjustment of the shutter speeds, as part of the CLA, is supposed to bring them into spec, not just get it to some degree of 'functional.' Otherwise, what would be the point? (Photos of said camera attached for eye candy)
  2. Hi all, Just had my M6 CLA’d due to a light leak around the shutter curtains. They are demonstrating some curling and leave a light leak when a frame is left in the gate for too long. The tech replaces the baffles among other things but I can still see a bit of light at the edges when shining a bright light. He claims that is normal and his other Leicas also have this. Can anyone attest if that is true by checking your shutter curtain edges when shining a bright light inside? much obliged! Boe
  3. At the risk of being redundant... Don at DAG Camera Repair is the best. He received my camera/lens yesterday. I'd mentioned to him that I was heading out to Joshua Tree for a photo shoot, and whatever he could do to get the camera back to me would be greatly appreciated. That Cat sent me an email this afternoon to let me know that he'd completed the CLA on my M240, and corrected the back focus on my Zeiss lens. In ONE day. Carry on.
  4. Hallo Leute, ich bin neu hier im Forum und seit einem Jahr stolzer Besizer einer M6, die mich seit dem in die analoge Welt eintauchen lässt. Ich habe hier zwei-drei Anliegen an die Erfahrenen M User. Vor ein paar Tagen ist mir ein dummer Fehler passiert, ich wollte einen Film zurückspulen und habe vergessen, vorher auf R umzustellen. Nach ein paar schwergängigen Umdrehungen (ich weiß, ich gehöre geohrfeigt) der Kurbel und einem leisen Klackgeräusch ist es mir aufgefallen. Nach dem Malör habe ich die Kamera auf die Rückspulfunktion überprüft, dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass die Kurbel insgesamt ein seitliches Spiel hat, man kann sie leicht hin- und herwackeln, ich bilde mir ein, dass es vorher nicht war, muss aber auch dazu sagen, dass ich es mir noch nie so genau angeschaut habe. Meine Sorge an der Stelle ist, dass dieses Spiel mit der Zeit immer schlimmer wird. Ebenfalls ist mir, schon ab Kauf aufgefallen, dass sich der Spannhebel minimal nach oben und unten bewegen lässt und zwar mit der gesamten Auslöseeinheit, ich gehe davon aus, dass dies so nicht richtig ist, da der Vorbesitzer anscheinend dadurch einen feinen Abrieb am Gehäuse verursacht hat (das Plastickteil des Spannhebels berührt bei ungünstigen Druck das Gehäuse). Aufgrund dieses Problems werde ich der M6 eine Kur in Wetzlar gönnen. Doch bevor ich unter anderem das Problem der Kurbel in Wetzlar anspreche, wollte ich erstmal hier in der Runde fragen, ob: 1. dieses Spiel der Kurbel normal ist? 2. jemand bezüglich des Spannhebels ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht hat und was grob auf mich zukommen wird, inkl. CLA? 3. Wie sind die Erfahrungen nach einer CLA? 4. klar, die M6 hat schon ein paar Jahre auf dem Buckel, aber habe das Gefühl, dass das Silber-Chrom angelaufen ist (dunkle Färbung im vergleich zur Bodenplatte) bekommt man das aufbereitet? Ich bedanke mich schonmal im Voraus für klärende Kommentare. LG Dominik
  5. Hello everybody, I need some advice regarding repairing/CLA of an M6. The camera seems to have shutter capping (It might be partially my fault since I took out the camera at -7 degrees Celsius a whole day, however, after that, I shoot a roll in a normal temperature environment -my house- and everything was fine, all the images were fine) So... these are my questions: 1. Do I sent the camera to Leica Camera without prior notice? I mean, do I ship it with DHL and that's it? I'm asking this because on their service page they do not specify all the types of Leicas they are repairing. I'm assuming M6 is one of them but it's better to play it safe. 2. I want my problem to be fixed and also I want a full CLA (I've noticed some gunk on the winding gears and the low exposure times are not quite accurate). Should I specify the CLA part in the attached document or the CLA of a camera comes by default with the repairing process? 3. Please don't laugh on this one but the camera will be sent to: Leica Camera AG, Am Leitz-Park 5, Wetzlar, Germany? I'm asking that just to be sure that I'm sending the camera to the right address. I realize the questions are a little bit odd but I never sent a camera for a CLA (I usually shoot with two EOS3 cameras-never had a problem). I bought recently this Leica from Ebay and I want to make it "as new" before I start shooting with it intensively. Thanks in advance for the answers Cheers L.
  6. Hello, I recently acquired two Leica M cameras from an auction. One is a M3, the other is a M2. They both are cosmetically in pretty nice condition, but the viewfinder on each seems to have an issue. The M3 seems like it may have some separation going on and the focusing patch seems pretty dim. The frame lines for the 90mm seems permanently visible as well. The M2 has what looks like dark spot inside the viewfinder—I'm not sure that this could be. When you looks through the viewfinder it still seems bright and the patch is clearly visible. I'm wondering if anyone can help identify the issue and also let me know if you think it can be fixed. Other than the viewfinders, the cameras seems in really great shape. Hopefully a CLA can clear things up, or a recement. Thanks! Ross
  7. I've recently acquired a very cheap 35mm Summicron v4 M in very good shape. However, the front and back elements are filled with dust (or fungus). The edges don't have any obvious fungus or anything. The are only specs here and there, but mostly in the center of the elements. What do you guys think? Is it dust or fungus? Here are some pictures:
  8. So I recently got (for lack of a better word) scammed into buying a Summaron 35 2.8 with a cracked goggle (let's not get into it). The lens functions okay, but I'm wondering what my chances are of replacing the glass on the front of the goggle and what this might cost. The lens is over 60 years old, so I'm not very hopeful but wanted to check anyway. Thanks in advance for any responses.
  9. M lenses: How often do they need a CLA or overhaul? I Google searched that question and could find no definitive answer. I have searched this forum and found no answer, definitive or otherwise. Some M users say an M camera should be overhauled once for every ten years of average use (however you define average use) - more often for rampant shooters like photojournalists who may make 100,000 or more images in a year (yes, I know that precious few photojournalists work with M cameras these days). In thinking about this, it occurred to me that M cameras have significantly more moving parts and more total parts that can malfunction/break/wear out than M lenses do. So does the ten year suggestion apply to lenses, too? Or is "if it's not broken, don't try to fix it" the principle to apply to CLAs or overhauls for lenses?
  10. My Tele Elmarit M 90 shows these marks when inspecting under a certain angle. It looks like dried water behind the front-element of the lens. It does not show in photos but still it concerns me. Is this serviceable? Have you ever seen something like this?
  11. I have recently bought a Leica M3 and have run a couple of films through it and have thoroughly enjoyed using it. I have owned an M6ttl for a number of years. As far as I can tell it all works great but I am not sure the film advance is as smooth as I have read about (but this could be a myth). Also there is a bit of dust or something in the viewfinder which is not really a problem in use. I would quite like to get it CLA'd just to know it is working as well as it can. I was just wondering what the general opinion of getting a cla on a camera that is working ok, is it completely unnecessary? I was thinking of using Aperture in London as I can get to them easily have used them in the past for Hasselblad repairs.
  12. Among the many possible answers to the first question – Why Leica? – my preference to the M-system has been the relatively small size and low weight of the bodies and the majority of lenses, the overall superb optical quality ranging from ultra wide-angle to medium telephoto, including a unique set of fast lenses, the brilliant optical viewfinder (when properly calibrated) and, with the digital Ms, mostly fine-quality, full-format sensors. Overall, the system has the feeling of being an instrument, not some plastic-stuff put together in millions of copies. The price of the instrument package is high. But instruments made in the western world are seldom cheap, so perhaps the price is what one could expect. And the majority of lenses last (almost) forever. When bodies and lenses work as they are supposed to, it’s a real joy to use the M-system. Now and then lenses and/or bodies need calibration or other adjustments or fixes or even being rebuilt. That’s all fine, like for most instruments. Within reasonable limits, that is. This leads to the second question: Why, Leica? First a backdrop: I have owned the last four incarnations of the digital M: M9, MM, M240 and M246. All of these, except the MM, were purchased new. The experiences with the new purchases are as follows: The rangefinder of the M9 was slightly off out of the box. I could live with this for some time, but I got eventually the rangefinder adjusted by Kamera-Service/van Manen during a visit to the Netherlands (handed in one afternoon, picked-up the following day). After that, the body worked as it should; with the feeling of having an instrument in my hands. Great! I sold the body when I bought the M240. The rangefinder of the M240 was also slightly off out of the box. In addition, the red digital numbers in the viewfinder didn’t work properly; typically only parts of the information were shown. The latter was not a big deal, but I wanted to get this error fixed. So I sent the M240 to Leica for adjustment and repair via the Norwegian Leica dealer. The battery charger was also sent to Leica; this did not charge properly, likely because of poor contact between the charger and the power cable. An early incarnation of 50APO was also returned to Leica in this batch – for a check and a possible rebuild linked to numerously reported problems with early units of this (otherwise) brilliant lens. The above package was shipped in mid April. A few weeks ago I picked up a brand new M246 in a local store. The rangefinder was way off, actually so off that it was next to hopeless to use the rangefinder at large apertures. Again, off to Leica for adjustment via the Norwegian dealer. In summary, both M240 and M246 are for the time being at Leica for adjustment/repair due to failure(s) out of the box. The adjustment/repair of the M240 (+50APO) will likely take 3 months. If I am lucky, I might get the M240 and/or the 50APO before I head for this year’s summer vacation. I have no idea when I can expect to get the M246 back from Leica. Therefore my question: Why, Leica? Why don’t you do a proper check of the bodies leaving the factory? Shouldn’t the rangefinder be as easily checked and rechecked on your side as by users (like me) on the purchasing side? Particularly now with focus peaking on the digital M? I would guess that the cost of adjustment/repairs during warranty must be non-trivial. Not to mention the frustration on the consumer's side. I simply don’t get it. Given the premium price – wouldn’t it be reasonable that bodies that are off out of the box get a priority that reduces the repair waiting time on your side? Alternatively, what with an option to offer a body for rent (possibly with a deposit or for a modest cost) during the repair time when the bodies are off out of the box? Or a replacement? From a user’s side, the absolutely most useless and expensive bodies/lenses are those that are being off for a repair for an extended period of time because of sloppy quality check on the factory side. It’s also frustrating to spend time on contacting dealers and service agencies with typically vague and non-definite responses. Leica – as any brand – exists because of the customers, not vice versa. I apologise for taking your time, but this is a bit more frustrating than I am comfortable with. Postscript: The Norwegian dealer states that they will likely be able to provide a body when I head for vacation. This is fine (given that the body is properly working, including a calibrated rangefinder). But the question - Why, Leica? - remains valid. And in the mean time, no body/bodies to use. Grrr... PS2: The attached images illustrate the position of the focus based in the rangefinder (assisted with a viewfinder loupe) and the digital focus peaking with 10x magnification. The focus should be on the last "I" in "MODIGLIANI", and the photo with the digital focus is spot on. Additional tests have been done with other lenses with similar result; the rangefinder is way off and rather useless for accurate focusing. (M246, 90 Summicron, f2, on tripod, no post-processing except reduced image size).
  13. Hi everyone, I am quite new Leica user. Got M6 TTL few months ago. Love the camera big times. If I new how it's gonna be I would save my self a lot of money and time and buy one much earlier instead of going through all the cameras I've been till now. But... and there is always one BUT... shutter on my Leica is quite loud. When I say loud I mean much louder than my friend M7. It's not like a major problem but I'm wondering if it means something (as if I should check the camera)? I live in Abu Dhabi and any kind of repair or even CLA is a bit of the pain in the neck, so I would like to start planning it as soon as possible. Any advice is more than welcome.
  14. I just purchased a used M8 from an Ebay member of 6 years with a 100% rating. He is sending paperwork along with the camera showing that Leica US had recently completed a CLA on the camera. I know what a CLA includes on an M6 but can someone tell me what it incudes on an M8? Thanks
  15. My recently purchased R6 just stopped working. I was using it at slow shutter speeds and it jammed. The mirror is halfway up, the winder will not crank and the shutter button does not move. Up until 1/30 it was working fine. I recently had similar slow shutter speed problems with my M6 but moving the shutter speed to a speed greater than 125 would reset the shutter. A CLA fixed that problem. Does the R6 sound like a CLA would remedy the problem (cost about $300) or should I simply buy another used for about $400 ?
  16. philipus

    CLA query

    Good afternoon everybody I realise I am about to ask a question which may be impossible to answer, so apologies in advance. I have been offered to buy an M3 with a 35mm f/3.5 Summaron (with goggles). The M3 has a slight water damage to the viewfinder. Also the 1, 2 and 5 shutter times don't work. Needless to say the price is pretty good. I guess that instead of a CLA, this one needs CLAR(epair). Does anyone have experience in how much this might cost? I am in Holland and I understand Will van Manen is reliable. But I'm also interested generally what such an operation might cost in the various countries you are in. Cheers Philip
  17. I just bought an M3 with a goggled Summaron f3.5, and it obviously hasn't been used in decades. I live in New York City, and was thinking of trying out Panorama Camera in Manhattan--has anyone had any experiences with Leica repairs at this camera repair shop? The inside of the Summaron also looks a bit cloudy--not sure what it is exactly, but is it common to have the inside lens elements successfully cleaned? It looks scratch-free... I am very, very excited about getting this camera up and running, it's my first Leica!
  18. I have a non-collapsible 50mm Summicron M lens that I recently discovered had a case of the white haze. The haze seems to be in the shape of a ring corresponding to closing down the lens to f2.8, with the cloudiness filling to the edges. This lens already had a liberal amount of 'cleaning marks' on the front element, but I liked the way it rendered. It was a little soft, but in a way that was almost flattering when shooting people. I had checked this lens ~9 months ago and don't remember seeing anything. There also seems to be the beginnings of haze on other elements inside the lens. I haven't done any tests yet, and I really am not equipped to do that kind of stuff. So some questions: How fast can this happen? Why did the haze form the way that it did? Can it be stopped, once it's started? Can it be fixed? Would the haze likely not affect images if I stopped down 2.8 or more? Is there group therapy available for people who are watching a lens they love die? Any help is appreciated. @ f2 (below) @ f2.8 (below)
  19. So, having just dropped my M6 classic for the second time (this time it was not exactly my fault - I got bumped hard in airport security) in the six years I've owned it, I've decided that it might be a good time to get it checked out. Both times it hit the cement - hard. No real damage to the body (small scuff on the edge of the baseplate). The first time I cracked a lens hood - a lot cheaper than a new lens. So I'm not sure there's anything really wrong with it. But it's been a long time, I carry it every day, get it wet, drop it, and take lots of pictures. Sometimes I think the RF is ever-so-slightly out of alignment. Not sure. I should probably get the viewfinder upgrade. Anyway, in terms of quality work and turn-around time (I am going to be very unhappy carrying a SLR while I await its return) who is the current best person to talk to if I need to send a camera and lens for a check-up? Any recent experiences that were particularly good? Thanks for any advice you can provide. I realize there are threads about this but wanted to hear from people who'd recently had work done on film cameras.
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