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  1. Hey guys! I just developed my first film at home. Tri X 400 at 1600. Shot on my M6 with a 35 Summicron and Yellow Filter. This is my go to setup. Today I tried do develop my first role at home with the following recipe: -18:30 in Rodinal 1+50 at 19Β°C/68Β°F -Agitate 30 seconds initially, then 2 inversions every 2 minutes -Rinse/stop with 19Β°C/68Β°F water for 1 minute -Adox Adofix 1+9 fixer for 4.5 minutes -1 min wash -Adox Adoflo 35 seconds with distilled water -hang to dry Bye the way, I know Rodinal is probably the most inappropriate developer one can use for pushing tri x at 1600. Here ist the outcome. Strange streaks all over the negatives.. So much grain and a strange tone curve. Any ideas what caused this problem?
  2. Hello, here some photos from my last trip to Queretaro, Mexico. M7, Summicorn-M 35/f2 ASPH, Kodak Tri-X 400, home development with R09 1+50 for 14 minutes @ 20C. Please feel free to leave your comment & suggestion. regards Massimo
  3. Hello, here some photos from my last trip to Queretaro, Mexico. M7, Summicorn-M 35/f2 ASPH, Kodak Tri-X 400, home development with R09 1+50 for 14 minutes @ 20C. Please feel free to leave your comment & suggestion. regards Massimo
  4. M7, C-Sonnar 50mm, Acros 100, Rodinal, V700.
  5. Malmesbury Abbey. M7, C-Sonnar 50mm f1.5, Tri-X, Rodinal.
  6. In Malmesbury. M7, C-Sonnar 50mm f1.5, Tri-X, Rodinal.
  7. A warm welcome awaits at Paradise Farm... M7, C-Sonnar 50mm f1.5, Tri-X, Rodinal.
  8. Alas no more! M7, C-Sonnar 50mm, Acros100, SEfexPro2.
  9. No point, Tandoori has taken the business... Leica M7, C-Sonnar 50mm, Acros100.
  10. Swindon's youths taking the air... M7, C-Sonnar 50mm, Acros 100, Rodinal.
  11. The joys of Swindon... M7, C-Sonnar 50mm, Acros 100, Rodinal.
  12. M7, C-Sonnar 50mm f1.5, Acros 100, Rodinal.
  13. Keith (M)


    Held captive... M7, C-Sonnar 50mm, Tri-X @ ISO 200, Rodinal 1:50.
  14. Spotted in Coulon in the Venise Verte area of France. A venerable Renault 4 (and even more venerable house). M7, C-Sonnar 50mm, Tri-X, Rodinal.
  15. The West front of the church in this charming village. M7, C-Sonnar 50mm, Tri-X @ ISO 200, Rodinal 1:50.
  16. after a long morning's shopping... MP, Elmarit-ASPH 28mm, Acros 100, Rodinal.
  17. Acros 100 @ ISO 80 - ridiculously low shutter speed, hand-held - deep breath, breathe out and squeeeze... (MP, Summaron 35mm f2.8).
  18. Walking on the ramparts of the Iron Age fort at Barbury Castle, Wiltshire. M7, C-Sonnar 50mm, Neopan 400, Rodinal.
  19. Well there was a time... MP, 1967 Summaron 35mm f2.8, Acros 100, Rodinal.
  20. Taken during a local stroll yesterday with my M7 & C-Sonnar 50mm f1.5. Tri-X @ ISO 200 and Rodinal 1:50.
  21. A view down Lime Avenue. M7, C-Sonnar 50mm f1.5, Tri-X, Rodinal.
  22. Well, it seems that way, given how much I have just paid for two! M7, C-Sonnar 50mm f1.5, Acros 100, Rodinal.
  23. As featured on Lydiard Parish Church, N. Wilts. M7, Summarit 75mm, Tri-X, Rodinal. C+C welcomed.
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