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Found 21 results

  1. Hi all. I have a Q2 and a Q2M which I love. I've been considering getting a Black Mist filter which will add a more cinematic look. I can see what it will do on the Q2, but what will it do on the Q2M mono images? Does anyone here have examples or does it not do much in B&W? Thanks.
  2. Hi everyone. Got the B&W UV filter for my new Q2 as recommended by several Q/Q2 friends to protect the glass, however, I have a trip coming up with lots of water/beach days. Wanted to know which model Polarizer filter everyone may be using. Any positive/negative feedback welcome. I was looking at the following two, but not married to either. Thanks! B+W 49mm Circular Polarizer MRC Filter B+W 49mm F-Pro Kaesemann High Transmission Circular Polarizer MRC Filter
  3. Hopefully nobody minds me asking an ignorant question... I have an LTM Elmar 50mm f/2.8 and, reading the Ken Rockwell review, he recommends a Yellow #022 39mm filter for b&w photography with that lens. However, what I am really unsure about is how the filters fit to my lens and, if I am not to buy an authentic Leitz/Leica filter, what I need to look for on eBay, etc. I don't see any thread inside the collapsible lens so I am guessing that the filters either fit over the lens like the lens cap or somehow grip onto the inside of the lens. Grateful for any insights plus suggestions re where I can get them!
  4. Greetings from lockdown, I just purchased a Zeiss zm 35mm Biogon-C F/2.8. Why? I don't know, I guess I wanted to try a Zeiss zm lens. I do also have a Summilux FLE, and a summicron V1 (Had a summicron ASPH, but never bonded with it). Anyhow, I realized that this lens has 43mm filter threads and was wondering if anyone is using a step-up adapter to 46mm, and if so whether they get vignetting for 1-2 filters? I would normally not hesitate to do this, but I ran into vignetting issues when stepping up from 39mm-46mm on a 50 APO lens (which was disappointing) and wasn't sure how well rangefinder lenses, in general and specific to this Zeiss lens, handle step-up adapters.
  5. Whenever I use the in camera filters they don't stay on when I upload the RAW to Lightroom. The preview of the image shows it with the ffilter but when I click on it it goes back to normal where there is no filter applied. Please help.
  6. Hi, l’ve a 50mm Summicron and 90mm elmarit; both stellar lenses. I’ve had these lenses for a good few years and don’t have any desire for more. From the get go I was sure to source lenses with common filter sizes, in this instance 39mm. I shoot quite a lot of film with my M6, both colour and BW. Its on the way back (in the post) with a viewfinder upgrade and CLA so looking forward to giving it a good run feeding it lots more film. I’ve a B+W F- Pro orange filter that I use a little and I’d like to add to this. Specifically a green filter for BW portraits, to experiment on my young surfer son who’s seven with some cute freckles. Also, for colour negative, typically with Portra, I’d like to get my hands on warming and cooling filters to try and get more consistent results and minimise colour shifts. This is particularly relevant as finding a good local scanner operator is a challenge; it’s not an excuse, just another reason to try and minimise any requirement for corrections at the scanner, i note Leica make some black and white filters, including a green filter, so that would likely cover off my requirement for BW, however, I’m stumped for warming and cooling filters, particularly in the 39mm size. I tried a camera store this afternoon to see what they may be able to get and was advised they’re unable to help me as there’s little need these days with digital; fair enough. Most ideally too, I’d like nice brass filters like the B+W F-Pro series, they’re very nicely made bits of kit. As I’d like to keep the setup compact, I don’t wish to use step downs or larger filters, I’d like to stick with 39mm. So, we’ll made brass 39mm filters; colour for BW and warming / cooling for colour neg. Any recommendations on where I might find the above? New or used? Thanks. And for a bit of fun, who else is using warming and cooling filters for colour neg film? I’ve an old Lumu light meter; I’m considering upgrading to the newer one simply for better understanding of colour temp variance, and flash measurement. FYI, the lumu’s are a great little light meter; I keep mine on my phone always, often even if I don’t have a camera with me! Cheers, Steve
  7. I think this is an impossible question to ask, without someone seeing it in person, but back in the 1960's and 70's I accumulated a small collection of Leica gear, most of which went into storage when I got into digital. Then Leica came out with the M8 and M8.2, so I bought one as soon as I could afford it. When I read about the problem the camera had with infrared, for me that was a bonus - I wanted to take infrared photos, and now I had a chance. I did this back in 2009 and 2010, and then I mostly moved on to other things. I've now got a M10, and all my other gear is put away in drawers, but I again want to start taking infrared photos. 50 or so years ago I got what was supposed to be a Leica infrared filter that screws into my equally old 50mm Summicron. There are no markings on the filter, but I've been using it all this time. I know there are several filters I can buy nowadays, but my first question is whether anyone recognizes this as a Leica filter. Did Leica make several variations of this, or was this "it". It's nice that I can take hand-held photos with the M8.2 using this filter. A related question is about focusing. I read that on the 50mm Summicron, I need to focus normally, then take the distance mark on the lens and turn the focus adjustment such that this mark is now opposite the f/5.6 mark that's used for depth of field. (from here: https://www.photo.net/discuss/threads/why-no-ir-mark-on-summicron-50mm.162704/ ) I'm surprised there are no markings on the filter.
  8. Did you need the yellow filter for the clouds? Could similar or same be achieved post? Having specified a Q2M I wonder whether I should be looking out to fit yellow or orange glass in front of all that nice Q2M design?
  9. While browsing several neighborhood community forums I have stumbled upon what I consider the thinnest (1.2mm) lens filters I have ever seen. They are called "eins SUPER PROTECT FILTER" from their UNX-9000 series* and apparently sport the German SCHOTT glass. Super hard to get, these brutally thin filters are a perfect match for any lens that does not command an additional thread in front. I use one on the Steel Rim reissue (46mm, model UNX-9625)**, see photos attached. Regarding the thickness, B+W filters (XSP line) and Cokin (Pure Harmonie line) that were considered the thinnest out there are about 3mm in comparison, more than double the size of eins. The package comes with a round rubber pad that is used to friction tighten the filter's threadless front. The price is around 21 euros (3300 Yen), some nasty scumbag scalpers can charge triple on eBay. Yodobashi and Amazon.jp stock them sometimes but hardly any other major camera store. *I am in no way whatsoever related or sponsored by this company. **NO included lens hood fits the new Steel Rim with this filter attached despite its ultra thin size.
  10. Wenn jemand Deutsche Preislisten von Leitz von 1933 hat, möchte ich gerne wissen wann das IR Rotfilter FIKYB zum ersten Mal erwähnt wird. Lex
  11. I just updated my Noctilux article with a test of the new 60mm Leica ND-filter 4-stop (16X) which is a little more blue than the B+W. Scroll down the page a bit to get to the part. http://www.overgaard.dk/leica-50mm-Noctilux-M-ASPH-f-095.html I've written up a little bit about accuracy of ND filters in general (as to colors and density).
  12. Has anyone used colored filters with the new M 246 and have any comments on their images. I am interested in the impact of light red (B+W 090), yellow (B+W 022) and orange (B+W 040) filters that I currently use for landscapes with my M9/Monochrom.
  13. To begin with, this is not something that is causing me a problem, it's just that I don't quite understand what is going on. Where does my MM measure light for exposure? I thought that it was via the lens. If it is, why do I have to manually set things up when I add an ND filter (e.g. 6 stops for x64)? I don't seem to have any problems with my orange filter... but then I do tend to work on manual most of the time and tweak. Thanks, Mike
  14. I'm using a Nex-7 and M5 together with 35/1.4FLE and WATE. When using theNex and the WATE I'm using no filters and having no problems but with the Summilux I'm using a Leica UV-filter and getting some blue rings coming from reflections between the filter and front lens. Especially when shooting in dark scenes and there are light sources outside of the actual coverage of the lens. Is the original square lens hood sufficient? Any alternatives? Have anyone seen the same problem with any Leica Digital M's? Without the filters I need to point the camera into the light source to get a very very vague symptom of the problem. Thanks in advance Harry
  15. I just received my New M yesterday. I'm wanting to buy a Polarizer, and $500 for a Leica polarizer seems a bit excessive. Could I just purchase a good old fashioned polarizer and not use the viewfinder, opting instead for the EVF2. Any thoughts? Ron
  16. Hello all. I am new to Leica and absolutely have bought in (more ways than one) to the whole philosophy... but something is on my mind: If everyone -- and I use that loosely, not to offend anyone -- uses the same LR or PS presets, filters, etc... what exactly is the quantitative benefit from using a camera like the one we all have? Is there a particular benefit that these programs receive from the DNG or JPG files we feed them? Or is it just about the feel of the camera and all this digital stuff just about the same? How should we approach that "leica-look"? ------- I am basically trying to discover a good workflow and see if the in-camera processing or desktop variety best in general? Obviously we all have varying taste and eyes but I am curious what better and more seasoned photographers have to say. Thanks. ------- Roman Vail Leica M8 Leica 90mm f/2 Carl Zeiss 28mm f/2.8
  17. Newbie question: Can the X1 take filters at all. If yes, can someone recommend a good quality brand. Many thanks Laurence Cowes, UK
  18. Has anyone tried the ND500 MC filter and is it easy to use on the rangefinder lens? http://www.lightcraftworkshop.com
  19. 1. Which ND filter(s) I could use on 35mm Summilux when screw-mount hood is attached, is there any limitations with this or could I use every 46mm filters out there (Hoya, B+H, Heliopan etc.) ? 2. Is there noticeable difference between these filter brands? Official Leica technical data says only this... Filter mount/Lens hood: Internal thread for screw-on filters size E46, non-rotating / Snap-on type (supplied)
  20. hello all. I would like to shoot some long exposures with my M8. Has anyone had good luck with this using neutral density filters? If so, which ones? thanks:D
  21. I'm in the process of ordering a APO Leica-R Elmarit 100mm F/2.8. My understanding is it has a filter-size of E 60. What does that mean? Can I get a regular B+W 60mm UV filter or is there a special filter I have to get for this? B&H sells Leica filters that are "E 60" but they're a fortune! If a regular B+W works that would be a great relief. On another related question, this lens was made in 1986, the first year they came out with this particular lens. Should I get a UV lens or a clear lens, given that it was made when FILM was the only medium? What happens if I got a clear filter, would I have a bluish color shift on a Canon 5DSR? Thanks, Bill
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