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  1. https://www.ibc.org/news/nikon-acquires-red-digital-cinema-cameras/10784.article https://britishcinematographer.co.uk/red-digital-cinema-announces-it-will-be-acquired-by-nikon-corporation/
  2. These are very tranquil mild october days here. The sun, if it comes out is already very low. It then spreads a warm golden light. Wen I go to work I cross a little park and took my X1 to get the last glowing colors before they will be torn be one of those storms later on. X1 in the morning in a slightly humid air
  3. On monday when coming home from my work the sky changed into a promising foreboding glow. I grabbed my stuff in haste, snatched a sturdy tripod, snatched my raincovers and when I sat in the car it started raining. As I reached my location it seemed as if the major downpour happened somewhere else. In front of my eyes there unfolded a spectacular light and cloud formstion. I could not run for a better vantage point because light changed very quickly. Canon 5 D MKII with R Elmarit 28 mm and Olympus EM 5 with Nocticron. The colors were as such, processed from RAW the files only underwent a small correction in contrast and came out of the camera in these incredible colors. I used a GND filter for the Elmarit which gave me about 3 f-stops freedom for exposure. EM 5, Nocticron, 4 pictures pano
  4. When roaming alone one can focus without being disturbed and one does not have to hurry after others vanishing suddenly having turned round the next corner. So I had a little time for myself. San Francisco, near O'Farell Street Leica X1
  5. This park, as mentioned before, is on my way to my office. These days I take my little X1 with me very often, for every days provides a different quality of light. Tghere is a pond and a wonderfule delcate littel Japanese Maple Tree with a wonderful red dress. X1
  6. these are also from yesterday. A quick visit to our Botanical Garden to catch some nice light before it fades. Olympus OMD EM 5 with R Elmarit 90 mm
  7. Since evening sun has left our own garden when I come home I often then hurry to our Botanical Garden. There are not many flowers there now but if one is quick one can get here and there something of a glow. Here is one last sunbeam glowing on a kind of grass Olympus OMD EM 5 with Elmarit R 90 mm
  8. a few exercises on the subjet red. The streets of Prague are rich in subjects for street. I am not an expert because it needs a lot of practice. But here are a few samples, all with Olympus EM5 + Nocticron this is a detail from an Oldtimer Car that can be hired for tours through the city this guy was busy with his group from south East Asia he was waiting for his group there is his mini group another group needing help?
  9. After very hot days it was today a bit cooler because a series of rainshowers. After such a shower I felt to rush down into u garden to take a breath of fresh air and look for some motives. Sun was almost gone but a glimpse of warm light could still be given back to the picture. Olympus EM5 with Leica Panasonic Nocticron 42.5/1.2 Asph.
  10. our garden has roses and the roses sometimes have visitors. This time not lice but a nice ladybug. These 7 point version is friendly but recently we get more and more of this yellow type from Japan. This type is agressive and even bites. Canon 5D MKII with R Elmarit 60 mm macro
  11. Our Botanical Garden offers an endless variety of target. This time I went there during a break of rainshowers in the evening. Olympus OMD EM5 with Pana Leica Nocticron 42.5/ 1.2 Canon 5D MKII with R Summicron 50 mm + achromat lens
  12. I found this couΓΌple waiting as guest for a wedding party to appera for a photoshhot in our Botanical Garden. I could not pass by taking a snapshot because the distance was too short. so I hid in a flower bed and shot from this ambush. apparently they were deeply involved in a nice chat... Olympus EM5 + Nocticron Pansonic-Leica 42.5/ 1.2
  13. one can spend hours with a camera in the hand strolling through the garden. At the second glance there are many things to discover and a whole cosmos is being revealed. Canon 5D MKII with Summicron R 50 mm + achromat lens
  14. our garden is my hunting area for the time being. Olympus EM5 with Nocticron Leica/ Panasonic 42.5/ 1.2
  15. a few roses are showing what they are capable of in these last wonderful late summer days. 5D MKII with R Elmarit 90 mm The red color is as always a challende. This time I used Topaz filters and Helicon Focus trying to bring out the red glow and its velvet texture.
  16. Summer is back for a few days and it is a pleasure to visit our local Botanical Garden as an afterwork "rehabilitation". Sun is low now and when I reach there no backlighting any more. Tripod, reflector, torch and almost no breeze. I wanted to use a free bounced flash with remote releas ( but battery was gone ) The glowing red is a challenge any time. Canon 5D MKII with R Elmarit 90 mm + R Elmarit 60 mm macro R 60 mm macro
  17. It was a lovely warm and pleasant evening. The park was crowded with students. It was fun watching their different activities Olympus OMD EM5 with Leica/Panasonic Nocticron 42.5/1.2 Asph.
  18. no comment - everybody knows - be honest who else has a Zeiss lens for his smartphone? Olympus EM 5 with Nocticron
  19. These days our local Botanical Garden is a festival of colors. Everybody is walking about uttering strange sounds like ooh and aah. Olympus OMD EM5 with Nocticron
  20. samwells


    DLux 4
  21. It was April 2013 when we visited the Valley of Fire on our way back to Las Vegas. We reached there at 9:00 a.m which was just in time to wach the sun glowing on the rocks. Canon 5D MKII with Elmarit R 60 mm macro
  22. This pond I pass every day on my walk to my office. The red color is the reflection of a part of a characteristic building of our city: the main hospital. Light was nice and a very thin fragile layer of ice was there. Very often if morning light is promising my Olympus EM5 joins me and more and more the Leica R lenses are becoming my favourites here. This time it was the 60 mm macro Elmarit.
  23. we watched many girls all dressed alike heading towards an assembly hall, a marriage party probably. Not that they were all familiar with high heels and catwalk techniques. Olympus OMD EM 5 with Elmarit R 60 mm macro
  24. my intention was to collect small things with my X1 and my newly acquired achromats. A newly cut hedge caught my attraction because it was "studded" with yellow little very hard apple like fruit. 2 achromats mounted provided a comfortable distance.
  25. these days thunderstorms are constantly menacing. On such an evening yet I went to out Botanical Garden. As soon as the setup was installes (tripod,flash,reflector) it started the downpour and a windgush let the flowers sway. Yet, I tried something, you may look if you want All with Elmarit R 180 mmm on Canon 5D MKII
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