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Found 18 results

  1. During my last couple of trips in colder temperatures I've noticed that once temperatures get slightly cold the light meter of my M6 gets fairly unreliable. Meaning that the little arrows either don't show up at all, are barely visible or simply give me wrong meterings. I'm assuming it has something to do with the cold draining the batteries. But the temperatures I was in weren't exactly "freezing" - mostly between 0 and 15 Celcius (32 and 59 Fahrenheit) - so I'm not sure. Is this a common issue? Is there a simple fix? Maybe a battery thats more resistant to cold temperatures? Any help would be appreciated!
  2. I recently purchased an R4S and I have been having some issues with the light meter. When shooting outdoors with 100 speed ISO my meter has been saying I am over exposed even at F 16. Also when I open and close the aperture there is no change in the light meter reading. I have replaced the battery but still have had the same issue. Any advice on this issue? Thanks
  3. Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere, but how does the M determine the aperture used for a photo? The coding tells it maximum aperture of a lens but there is no linkage to tell the camera what aperture you set the lens to. My guess (or rather how I would design such a system) would be to have a secondary meter in the optical eyepiece which determines the EV of the scene and comparison of this to what the meter reading the reflection of the shutter will tell you how much you have stopped down. thanks,
  4. Hiya, Has anyone used an iPhone light meter that's any good? I own a proper handheld held meter, but not one that does color... Just wondering? Paul
  5. Hi, I just have a M3 camera here to try out. But I have not really any idea how to use a camera without light meter. So the question is on one hand - how to use a M3 without a ight meter to get the right exposure (ISO Aperture and Speed) - and on the other hand this is not sticky to a M3 but how to use any camera without light meter. Thanks for any help which is highly appreciated. Any links to online help also welcome - I already asked google but did not do a great job. Regards AHAB
  6. Hi guys! I'm new to this community and I've been a passive member untill now, and I need your help. I've recently upgraded from a Leica M6 to a mint condition second hand Leica MP chrome, and I'm in love! The build quality is just perfection. However I started to get anxious when I got my latest roll back from the lab, and it was very underexposed. I blamed the lab, because the roll should be pushed +2. Yesterday I was shooting outside and then I realized the exposure meter was giving me some weird readings. When I got back home I double checked with my M6 and Lumu light meter, both of them suggested times that were 1.5 stops under the MP. For example I got the same reading when I changed my ISO on the MP from 400 to 150. I started to investigate and then I thought, maybe the batteries are out. Now it gets really interesting. I bought new batteries and voilà, the readings were the same, but then I loaded the MP with a roll and the readings were back to -1.5 stops again. Is there someone out there that could point me in the right direction? Or experienced the same even? I really don't like this, because I don't think the camera has any warranty left. Best, Simon
  7. Hello for everyone The light meter in the internal viewfinder sometimes freezes due to underexposure in strong light. I am using Noctilux 0.95. and M 10 Monochrome Changing the Aperture and shutter speed does not help. It is necessary to turn off the cameras and only after that you can continue to work. Have you ever observed this. Thanks.
  8. Hi Guys, I've been using my M6 TTL without an issue for sometime and then I left it dormant for around a year when I left the country... Now the meter wont work , the M6 would work fine and still take pictures if exposed correctly with an external light meter, but the mechanism now would not turn on. I'm based in NYC and have sent it to the Leica repair and they sent it back saying that they can't fix it because they "no longer have the parts", I contact Sherry Krauter and she said that she gets her parts from Leica, so if they don't have it, she won't either. So really now I'm just asking for help! Thanks! H
  9. Hi All, I'm struggling to find this information anywhere on the internet and hoping someone may be able to chime in. I have a Leica M6 (#168xxxx) and have a meter that is underexposing by 1 to 1 1/2 stops. I have confirmed this in 3 ways: 1) I've metered a gray card with an external meter and it differs from my M6 meter 2) I've metered a gray card with a Contax G2 meter and again, it differs from my M6 meter 3) all the photos I get back from the lab are consistently underexposed. I shoot 400 speed film and set the camera's ASA to 200 to let another stop light in and this fixes the problem. I'm curious if anyone knows if there is an adjustment that can be made to the meter so that I don't have to compensate this way forever. I had new light shields installed by DAG in July because of a light leak issue and the camera was apparently also checked for accurate shutter speeds, rangefinder and meter. I've emailed him again but haven't heard back in 3 days. Hoping someone else might be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks! mike
  10. I just discovered this little jewel and it looks like a good possibility for M cameras with no built in light meter. Priced at $130 USD, it won't break the bank. KEKS EM-01 Light Meter Review https://casualphotophile.com/2020/07/27/keks-em-01-light-meter-review/ Available at the end of August from F Stop Cameras: https://www.fstopcameras.com/accessories/keks-em-01-light-meter
  11. frame-it

    cute meter

    looks interesting..though i have a VC-2 already
  12. Hello there! I feel like something is wrong with my Leica M6, but I can't confirm as it's my very first Leica (and I LOVE it). When it is 'powered' (fresh new batteries and not on Bulb mode), if I press the shutter half-way or even all-the-way, I don't get any reading in the viewfinder. The light meter is powered on and giving me a reading only when the wind lever has been pulled completely and the camera is ready to take a picture. While I can still use the camera properly, in specific light conditions (low light, cloudy and changing light) it's a bit risky to use as sometimes I have to wait 10-15 mins to have the natural lighting I'm looking for and the trigger could be pressed by inadvertence at any moment. Could you guys please confirm that: This is not normal, and the light meter should give me a reading even though I didn't pull the lever (as long as the camera is not on Bulb mode) It wouldn't be too crazy to fix as it should 'just' be a connection missing Thank you in advance.
  13. Hi, I have had a M6 (serial number is in the 1665000 range) for about 7 years now and to be honest, haven't used it a lot in the last few years, but fired it up again recently and noticed that I think the light meter is functioning odd. In the past, I could press the shutter button when the film wasn't wound on and the light meter would activate, briefly, and then I could set the exposure. Now it doesn't do that, but when I wind film on, it will activate the light meter and not turn off until a photo is taken. I ran a roll of film through and it works fine - i.e the exposures were fine - it just seems to activate differently that it used to. Is this a common thing anyone knows about? I live in Melbourne, Australia and it's tough to get a repairer here who will look at an M6. Any advice would be REALLY helpful. Thanks in advance! Scott (Also, I added a photo of my camera just 'cause it's a nice looking thing.)
  14. I hope that you can give me some advice. My Leica M6 classic's light meter is playing up. It is intermittently working. I've put in fresh lithium batts. and when the meter does come up into view it is much brighter than previously, if it is showing at all. Is this a connection issue or a problem with the light meter itself. Is there anything that I can try to remedy the problem? Cheers
  15. I have just had my two Westons, a 1965 Weston Master V and my fathers old 1956 Weston Master III, serviced and repaired by Megatron. Very helpful people, great communication and very reasonable prices. I have no connection with them other than being a very satisfied customer. Megatron
  16. Hello, I have had an r4 for a while now and have encountered a problem where the meter does not fully turn off. A can be seen by the images attached, when noting is pressed on the camera, the mode light stays on. whenever a button is pressed, the rest of the meter turns on and the brightness of all lights increases. The camera has no other electrical issues and has new batteries. serial number 1613662
  17. I was not sure if I should start a new thread for this simple question, but here it goes. I purchased Leica MP (used) just little over month ago. Just last week we got our first cold weathers this winter here in Finland. I have shot with the MP for many rolls without any problems. At first cold weathers the battery died, so I replaced it with brand new one. Now when I was shooting my first roll with the new battery in ~ -3 °C, after a while when the camera got cold my light meter stopped showing the overexposure led. Other leds work fine and the lightmeter does seem to work fine otherwise. I still have warranty left on the camera because I bought it from store. I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this and if this could be because of my batteries. I used Duracell DL1/3N battery, instead of the recommended CR1/3N. At the moment the led seems to work fine, when the camera is at the room temperatures.
  18. Hi there, I am attempting to repair the battery terminal for the light meter on my SL2, which corroded and snapped off some years ago. I have seen a repair video for the same issue on an SL model on YouTube and it certainly looks achievable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXSjrAUj0EQ I am having trouble removing the bottom casing though. After removing the 2 screws and either end of the body, it's clear it is still fastened in the middle, however there is no drive hole to unscrew inside the tripod mount. It's possible that it has been stripped off if it's soft aluminium. I have attempted with a Robertson bits and Hex bits and there is nothing in there to grip - but I can also see that there is nothing to grip.... Is it different between the SL and SL2... or if it has been stripped, is there any other way to remove the screw/cover? Thanks in advance...
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