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  1. Hello everybody. Does anyone know where to find a replace battery cap for Leica Minilux film camera? Thank you, S.
  2. During my last couple of trips in colder temperatures I've noticed that once temperatures get slightly cold the light meter of my M6 gets fairly unreliable. Meaning that the little arrows either don't show up at all, are barely visible or simply give me wrong meterings. I'm assuming it has something to do with the cold draining the batteries. But the temperatures I was in weren't exactly "freezing" - mostly between 0 and 15 Celcius (32 and 59 Fahrenheit) - so I'm not sure. Is this a common issue? Is there a simple fix? Maybe a battery thats more resistant to cold temperatures? Any help would be appreciated!
  3. The manual says the following e I have 2 brand new batteries and when they are charging, green light on the charger blinks all the time. Battery does indicate 80% charge when reached and when fully cahrged the green light stops blinking. Now considering the text in the manual is should I be concerned? Is it a normal thing, that blinking light? Thanks!
  4. A few years ago, I bought an original battery for the Leica M10. It lay in the closet for several years, and finally, I decided to use it. However, my disappointment is considerable. The battery won't charge. After inserting it into the charger, the green diode flashes slowly first. Then this LED flashes faster. Again after a while, the green and orange LEDs flash quickly, and it has been going on for hours. Should I assume that a reasonably expensive battery has broken from disuse? Maybe someone knows some method to revive such a battery?
  5. I've had the Nitecore charger for few years without problems charging batteries for M240. Just bought couple of new BP-SCL2 batteries at very attractive price via FEDEX from Hong Kong. When I try to charge them for first time with the Nitecore there appears the " EE EE " message indicating shorted battery. HK seller now says that I must "activate" them via first time charge from original Leica charger. Said original charger is misplaced or lost somewhere over past few years. So two questions: 1. Is it true about having to "activate" a BP-SCL2 with original charger? 2. If so, is there another member of the forum in/near Pinellas County, Florida, who might be able (taking precautions all round) to charge them on an original charger? Thanks, Harry
  6. 37 months after the Leica M9 disappeared into the closet, the Leica M9 returned... I've been using the Leica M9 for the last five weeks and found it so pleasant to use that I decided to add a Page 19 to my Leica M9 article series. It also contains a dictionary of Leica words as well as a visual guide to the features of the Leica M9. Enjoy! Leica M9 Confessions by Thorsten Overgaard http://overgaard.dk/leica-M9-digital-rangefinder-camera-page-19-Leica-M9-Confessions-Definitions-and-What-is-That-Details-Explained.html
  7. I posted this topic over on rangefinder forum here, but someone suggested i post here too. Gist of the situation; m240 camera, battery was around ~70% last night and ~95% a few days ago when checked it prior to my trip. (have taken ~200 shots on this battery so far) This particular battery recently started to display the "Check Battery Age" message about a month ago, but I believe I had just recently charged it. Maybe 2 weeks prior to this trip. I'm on a biz trip at the moment, so I didnt bring any spare batteries or a charger, so my test & diagnosis options are limited. I may have the chance to goto the LA Leica Store to try a couple of things. When I turn on the camera, the LED on the back blinks like normal, but then stay illuminated for an extra long time (~3-5s?). Normally it turns off after a few fast blinks. All of the buttons are unresponsive (Menu, Set, Info, LV, etc). The framelines are not being projected. Neither is the ISO, EV Comp, or Shutter info. Pressing the shutter button makes the LED blink like when taking a picture, but nothing happens, and then the LED stays lit again for a few seconds. I have tried pulling the battery while on and off. Leaving the battery out for a few minutes. Tried a friends SD card that was just formatted in my computer. Tried it with and without the one lens I brought on my trip. Tried it on S, C, and Self Timer. Basically, just about everything I can do without having access to my spare batteries at home or a charger. Does anyone have any other ideas? Thanks in advance, Phil
  8. After a serious hike up Volcan Madera in Isla Ometepe, Nicaragua, I am fairly certain my M battery has given up the ghost. It doesn't turn on the camera anymore and stays in 'low charge' mode on the charger forever, occasionally giving the green and orange LED 'blinking' error when trying to charge. Perhaps some water got into it, or it is simply its time to go. Sadly, I don't have any way to get a new Leica M battery easily in Central America. Does anyone know if there's a possible fix? I've kept it in a bag of rice just in case some of the more moist tropical air was the culprit, but that doesn't seem to have fixed it. Long shot, I know, but I'd love to continue shooting down here.
  9. Hi, I'm new here and I created my account because I desperately need help with this and would be grateful for any help I've been using my M6 for some time now and everything has been functioning perfectly However, when I bought some new batteries for it, the light meter would stop working, while if I put the old batteries back in, everything would work again. The batteries I have tested include, LR44 alkaline battery from energizer, and a CR-1/3N lithium battery. If anyone has any idea what the problem could be, and if there are any possible fixes, it would be greatly appreciated.
  10. I have not used my M9 for a couple of years and need two new batteries. Remembering the discussion years ago about generic batteries and wonder if anything has approved. Is it possible today to by generic batteries working OK with the M9? If anyone has succeeded in buying one please let me know where and how.
  11. Hi, The datat sheets state that the battery for the Q is BP-DC 12. A search for that model shows that the battery for the V-LUX4 is the same model. But is it really the same battery? On B&H site there are two listings with same model name and specs: 1: BP-DC 12 for Leica Q that costs $190 http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1160034-REG/leica_19500_bp_dc_12_lithium_ion_battery.html 2: BP-DC 12 for V-LUX 4 that costs only $79.95 http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/894736-REG/Leica_18729_BP_DC12_Lithium_Ion_Battery.html and of course there are third party batteries like the Wasabi Power that you get 2 batteries plus charger for only $30 http://www.ebay.com/itm/Wasabi-Power-Battery-2-Pack-and-Charger-for-Leica-BP-DC12-/251621940689?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a95d61dd1 Will the V-Lux battery or the Wasabi batteries will work with the Leica Q? I've ordered the camera but will need extra battery and don't feel like paying $190... Thanks for any input
  12. Before I owned the M6, I used to have the Canonet QL 17 GIII. It was working perfectly until I stopped using it for 3 months. The shutter got stuck. When I took it to the repair shop, they asked if I have left the battery inside as the shutter/ self timer is very sticky and dry. So I'm wondering if I should remove my M6's battery when not in use to prevent shutter jam?
  13. Am sorry, am in hurry, leaving for Alaska. I got this unit while buying DMR but don't know what this is for. Can somebody please let me know about it- http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=344915062307079&set=a.344915045640414.1073741826.141740022624585&type=3&theater
  14. Dear all I just got a nice Leicameter MR 4 No 94991 for my M3. How do I know which battery I need? I have both an EPX625G (Alkaline 1.5 V) and a Wine Cell MRB625 (1.35 V). I read that originally the Leicameter was designed for the Mallory PX 625 1.35 V battery, but later models were adjusted for 1.5 V Alkaline. How do I know which model is mine? Can you please help? Thank you in advance. Regards Swiss leica fan
  15. I know there were many threads about this with the M8....but I didn't have the problem then, and this may be a different beast? I have two batteries....one works perfectly and charges fully, the other was fine also, but now didn't charge at all (once, yesterday) and then charged only halfway, at least according to the INFO meter.... It is a somewhat older one (left over from M8 days)...is this a sign that the battery is dying (it isn't really that old and hasn't been used that much) or that the INFO might not be correct? Or that the camera might be reading it incorrectly somehow? I haven't yet used it up to see how many shots it will take.... Thanks!
  16. Hello, We've been using DIGILUX 1 for couple years now and we like it a lot. We bought the camera used and since the beginning it drains a battery while not used. It is very annoying to pull out the camera and realize the battery is empty. Is it normal? Can we do something about it like change some settings etc.? I tried to get a new battery which did not help. Thank you, Radovan
  17. Being frugal with money so I can save for my travels, and having good experience in the past with Chinese batteries I ordered a $12 (shipping included) battery for the X1 on eBay to try out. I figured I'd share my experience with you folks here in case there's some other's looking for a less expensive battery alternative. Since the X1 doesn't use "smart" batteries like my DSLR, the kind that have unique electronic serial numbers with communication to the camera to monitor performance and shutter clicks per given battery, I wasn't concerned with using non-OEM batteries. There's no electronics in these batteries. For this type, a battery is a battery assuming it performs within spec. At full charge the output for both of the batteries is 4.19v Both batteries weight 34 grams. I also ordered one of the $12 chargers that has a nice folding plug and the function I absolutely need - a 12v plug so I can charge it off my motorbike on my travels. These same cheap Chinese chargers I have used on every camera I've had for years. The output on the Chinese charger is 4.29v The output on the Leica one is 4.49v Close enough for me. This past holiday weekend I used both batteries up twice each with a family wedding thrown in and witnesses identical performance. Given the facts and then experience I believe that this non Leica battery is just fine along with the charger. Just like the rest of these types of batteries I've used, there's no reason to pay a premium for a re-labeled battery already made in Asia. I think I'll order 3 more now.... There's various ones available from China, just be sure you get the 1600mAh ones or PM me for the specific seller if you want.
  18. Hi, I just found this website that seems to sell some kind of M8 and M9 generic batteries for very cheap (compared to Leica products) I was wondering if anyone had used these batteries with the M9... At this price it's a real bargain, but I don't want to waste my money... Any thoughts? Thanks!
  19. Has anyone experience of using Lumix branded comparable batteries instead of Leica on the D-Lux 3 or on any other Leica models? I am assuming they would be compatible, and/or does someone have some suggestions please are.
  20. I recently bought a NOS TL. I'm still figuring out the best way to use it - but nevertheless, so far, it's hard not to like the camera. One issue that I have with the TL does not seem to be normal however: when I remove the battery for charging, and the camera is without battery for eg one night, I loose all settings: date and time, and the settings in which I was working before I removed the battery. Saved profiles are still there. Just a problem with the internal battery, or… normal for a TL? Marc
  21. I really like my Q. That said, nothing is perfect and one of the weaknesses of the Q is that it is power hungry. Even though I have automatic review turned off and EVG-LCD set to EVF Extended so the LCD is rarely powered I only get about 100 shots/battery charge. That is a guestimate -- I've not actually bothered to note the exact number of images. In addition to the stock battery, I bought two Wasabi work-alikes. They were cheap and reportedly made in Japan using good Japanese cells. Also, where the stock battery is rated at 1200 mAh the Wasabi batteries are rated at 1400 maH. 16% more. Win. Except... the Leica battery seemed to last longer. Hmmm. I use the Nitecore charger for both Leica and Wasabi batteries. One of the pieces of information the charger gives me is "how many mAh" were added to the battery during charging. I used the batteries until the camera automatically turned off due to low power and then paid attention to how much of a charge they took. The 1200 mAh stock battery took about 1000 mAh when being recharged. The 1400 mAh Wasabi battery took about 860 mAh when being recharged. The "bigger" Wasabi battery actually gives me 14% less power. Neither battery gives me its rated value. That does not surprise me. I'm glad I have three batteries.
  22. This is a thread for all your findings about the Leica M11 that are a bit out of the ordinary. Feel free to post them.
  23. After shooting for a few minutes (or after a certain number of shots), the EVF displays a message that “burst shooting or recording in 4K is not available” (or something similar to that). Even though I am using a fresh battery, completely charged, the battery level quickly goes to the 50-75% range. I have the camera (SL2) set to shoot in high burst mode and I may get about 50 or so shots before this message is displayed. If you can only get 50 or so shots on high burst mode, this makes the battery/camera very limited if you need these high burst rates. Since I am new to Leica, I guess I have something set wrong. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  24. Apologies if this has been posted already. I looked through several pages and didn’t see anything. It’s winter and sadly I find I can go a month or more without touching my camera. If I am spending a long time not using it, is the conventional practice to keep the battery in the charger so it’s always fully charged? Or, should I charge it periodically when not in use or is it fine keeping an uncharged battery in the camera for weeks on end? What is going to maximize battery life?
  25. The first time I charged my Q2's battery it went to the green "charge" light. Yesterday the battery indicator was red. so I charged it overnight. this morning both the green charge and the orange 80% are lite. does this mean it's not fully charging? I pulled it out and re-inserted it. the charge was blinking but then stopped after 5 minutes. the orange 80% is still lite.? to me this means it's stuck between 80-100%? ? Anyone else experience this?
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