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I am looking for a Nikon F/G mount adaptor to L mount. There are a lot of $20-30. Models and $125 up models on the market, but very few reviews I left Nikon for Leica because the newer lenses seem to be not as sharp as they were years ago. However, i do have some amazing lenses from a few years ago that i kept when i sold not D5’s. Does anyone have any recommendations for a really good quality adaptor ?
I own a Leica Q2. My first Leica.... and I love it. From the simple controls, to the image sharpness and colour fidelity. However, for my occasional gig and landscape photography I use a Nikon D850 with a range of long and prime lenses. I'm toying with the idea of trading my Nikon for the mirrorless SL2. The similar controls, lens quality, sharpness and build quality are all factors in my consideration. Is this a sound move? Can I make it work? What lenses would be available to me [not just from Leica, but maybe Panasonic/Sigma, etc]? Any advice/criticism welcome. Thanks! NB. I currently use a 300mm Nikon lens for some of my photography, is there an option in the Leica system for such a lens?
Hello I'm tackling the following issue since ages . I would like to use my 82 Apo Televid as a lens , for various purpose : nature , and possibly astrophotography. A) i'm chasing the leica 42306 adapter (no longer in production, but available in some places) I have a question with this adapter , it's offers a T-mount interface in the back (camera side) but i've seen a female thread. I'm puzzled because I would have been expecting a Male thread, because all the T-mount camera adapter I have seen have F thread in the front. Anybody having experience of such adapter would be welcome. B) even more difficult question: my ultimate idea is to use the Televid as a "deluxe" guiding scope in astrophotography: for that purpose, I would like to use its native focal length of 440mm, that is to say bypass the 42306 that works as a focal multiplier . I have seen that when one removes the eyepiece of the Televid, there is a Male thread (in parallel with the Leica "bayonet" mount (translation from French). This thread looks like 42x1mm or 42x075mm . I just wander if it would be possible to adapt an eyepiece holderr to this thread, to use standard eyepieces or a camera. Any help, comment, advice, would be highly appreciated
Anyone have experience mounting a Nikon 80-200 2.8D on their SL? And pls recommend adapter. Thank you.
I like to use my SL (&M) at events sometimes; They're less 'in your face' and back-breaking than lugging around a large Nikon with flash. Particularly at more intimate gigs. Always used to work fine, but I got caught out at a recent shoot with the SL. I've used various Nikon flashes and currently use an SB-910 (in manual mode). With firmware 2.2 and below, the only oddity I saw was when changing ISO or white bal - the reading would jump around as you turned the dial, however it would make the change ok. Not a deal breaker, just an inconvenience as you had to double check on the info screen where you were, to be safe. However, with firmware 3, things have changed. I used to have exposure preview on, so I could see my ambient exposure and then use the flash to light the foreground subjects (for parties and that kind of thing - people shots typically with bounce flash where poss, or direct). If exposure preview is on now - the LCD & VF displays both toggle on & off repeatedly between exp preview going on and off - so the screen flashes between dark & light which makes focusing hard / nigh-on guess work. Trying to find the issue, I tried reverting firmware back, but you can't do that, so next, switched exposure preview off and the screen becomes stable again. It's usable like this, but obviously, you lose real time view of your ambient exposure. Another tweak that I found worked is to ever so slightly pull the flash forward out of the hotshoe. Then the problem stops happening even with exposure preview on, but the flash is not secure. I know Nikon flashes probably aren't officially supported, but as I say - never had problems before in manual power settings mode and didn't want to lay out for a dedicated Leica flash, when I have all these others. I'm also now wondering if my Profoto (Nikon version) Air Remote will work ok. Something I love using in the studio, or on location with various F-mount glass. Anyone else using the SL in this way / seeing a problem? It's such a versatile camera, hopefully it can be sorted, as the option to choose your flash / triggering system, especially if you already own something else is fantastic.
Hi All, Anyone know if there is an adapter for Nikon D lenses for my SL? Thanks
I'm an (extremely happy) Q owner and also shoot film with a Nikon FE with 24, 50, 90, and 80-200 glass (all, AI manual) I'm thinking of the Nikon 7200, which is a half sensor and which will work perfectly (increasing focal length by 50%) with my old lenses, so that I can also buy the fantastic AF-S Nikkor 300 f/4E PF ED VR that with the half sensor will turn into a 450 for birding. However, after the Q, I just can't fully get my head around any digital camera besides the Leica: just too many buttons and too inelegant. I really love what I read about the CL and have thought about it for my non-Q alternative (which will make all the lenses the same focal length as the Nikon 7200). However, I also want to use all my Nikon glass, esp. my contemplated 300. Or is there any obvious (not more than ~ $2k) alternative for birding telephoto (equivalent of at least 400) with the CL? Is anyone shooting Nikon glass with their CL? how and what's their experience? many thanks.
Yodobashi Camera's top ten best-selling interchangeable lens digital cameras for the first half of November 2022 have been posted on CAPA CAMERA WEB. CAPA CAMERA WEBに、ヨドバシカメラの2022年11月上期のレンズ交換式デジタルカメラの売れ筋ベストテンが掲載されています。 >>Data collection period: November 1st to November 15th, 2022 データ集計期間 : 2022年11月1日~11月15日 第1位 ニコン Z 9 ボディ 第2位 ソニー α7 IV ボディ 第3位 キヤノン EOS R6 ボディ 第4位 キヤノン EOS R5 ボディ 第5位 ソニー α6400 ダブルズームレンズキット 第6位 ソニー α7S III ボディ 第7位 キヤノン EOS R7 ボディ 第8位 ソニー FX30 ボディ 第9位 ソニー α7 IV ズームレンズキット 第10位 ライカ M11 ボディ ライカのレンジファインダー機「ライカ M11」がトップ10入りを果たした。ライカブティックがあるヨドバシカメラならではの結果といえよう。 >>Leica's rangefinder "Leica M11" entered the top 10. It can be said that this result is unique to Yodobashi Camera, which has a Leica boutique. あと、ライカM11のランクインは驚きですね。 >>Also, the ranking of the Leica M11 is surprising.
Ho everyone, I have Leica M6 and I love it. I never owned 35mm SLR camera, only Polaroid SX-70 which is SLR.I shot few times with SLR. A week ago I asked one friend to give me bis Nikon FE2 with 200mm lens to test it. The truth is that I don’t like the hard button and the noisy shutter, but I like the way I frame.I mean I like that I see only what is going to be in the frame and nothing else. From the results I noticed that my photos gave better composition than with the M6. I know the vast majority like the viewfinder of Leica M and the possibility to see what is going to be inside the frame and many say that this is advantage, but I’m not sure wether for me this is valid. I use 50mm Summicron, because I don’t like too much wide lenses. As I said, I like my M6 too much, I don’t want to switch to SLR. Is there any tip/trick to ignore what is outside the frame? Am I the only one who prefer to see only what is going to be inside the frame?
Is it possible to use older Nikkor lenses on a Leica R body? It seems the other way round is possible, but I would be interested to use a Nikon Nikkor lens on a Leica R camera. I assume it is not possible to use Nikon lenses on analgue Leica M bodies. Lex
Is early days I realise, but I wonder if we could please have a thread devoted to third party lens performance on the SL please. In my case I would be interested in experiences with Zeiss F mount lenses (ZF/.2), particularly the 1.4/55 Otus, 1.4/85 Otus, and 2/135 Apo-Sonnar. But I also have a couple of C/Y lenses. I'm sure there are others here interested, as well as those with Canon and Nikkor glass. If I end up with and SL I will report first hand, but I haven't decided to pull the trigger yet (I had wished for higher resolution and IBIS), but there is a lot in this camera that appeals, including it looking like a good tool for some R glass I have. So, anyone with an SL and experience with third party lenses, please share your experiences. Thanks in advance.
Leica T + 90mm f/2.0 APO Summicron M ASPH "Nikon Girls"
I've been into photography from August 2008: relatively speaking, I am an FNG* (just look it up!) I would be interested to know peoples' history of camera models and what they were used for. Here's mine: Nikon D40 - perfect newbie camera with both auto and manual functioning, and in-camera editing. Nikon P100 - megazoom and nothing else to recommend it. Canon PowerShot SX110 IS - decent point and shoot. Canon PowerShot SX30 IS - huge zoom, lots of bells and whistles. Nikon Coolpix S9100 - point and shoot, pocket size, decent zoom. Minolta Dynax 5 - my first 35mm camera, very steep learning curve. Zenit ET - manual 35mm SLR, starting to learning old analogue skills. Casio EX-H15 - although low end by current standards, Casio seemed to produce some decent models at the time. Minolta Dynax 7 - an upgrade on the Dynax 5. Sony A500 - excellent dSLR with advanced features, compatible with Minolta lenses. Canon G9 - advanced compact, small sensor, yet surprising image quality. Fuji HS10 - excellent bridge camera which had a habit of freezing! Leica V-LUX - one of the best bridge cameras, thank God for LeicaSonic! Fuji X-E1 - much heralded compact system camera, used it for a while, but it's not that good once you start putting it through it's paces. Minolta Dynax 9 - incredibly advanced 35mm SLR, a joy to use. Sony A900 - a great dSLR, stunning film-like images. Leica M6 - a classic, end of story. Leica M9 - great model, had to send back as I couldn't get to grips with it! Voigtlander Bessa R2 - aside from build quality (still better than most), just as good as any Leica 35mm RF. Leica M4 - the beginning of my darkroom obsession! Pentax 645n - a great introduction to medium format, still holding its well-deserved value. Hasselblad 500c - another all-time classic, ideal way to learn all the core skills. Nikon F - the original and, some would say, still the best! Over the years, all the cameras have been exchanged, sold used, or put on commission sale at varios dealers. I have learned how to spot a bargain, then sell it for a decent price or do a good trade-in. .....and my current line-up Leica X2 - stunning images, KISS-Keep It Simple Stupid! Leica X-Vario - stunning lens, simple to use (like me!) Nikon F2 - back to using 35mm after a break! For the record, I have certain problems of a psychiatric nature, including obsessive tendencies, as you can see! Thank you and have a nice day!
- 23 replies
Hello to all, I would like to request your help/advice. I currently own and use a Nikon F3, but feel the need for something new to help with street/travel photography. After doing a fair bit of research I have come up with buying either the M5 or the M6ttl. I can't actually go to a store and handle these cameras and I will be buying online, I am drawn to the M5 but the worry is I am buying something bigger than my F3 when I am looking for something less intimidating when on the street? however the shutter dial and viewfinder look like great additions. With the M5 it seems the Shutter speed in the viewfinder would also be useful and perhaps better than the LED's in the M6? Could anybody who owns an M5 post some size comparison photos to give me some idea of what it looks like next to the F3? How Do you find the M6 TTL, LED system? I will be predominantly using a 35mm and 50mm lens to start with. Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated, Thanks !
OK I have just been given an LS5000 (I thought I was being given an old SCSI Coolscan but no!). I obviously need to run it via software and my only previous experience was with Nikon's own which is no longer an option as far as I am aware. I'm Mac based and running OSX 10.9.5 on a MBP so I do have USB ports (2) or could use a Thunderbolt with adapter if this gives any advantage ('though I doubt it would). Any suggestions given that I have a vast number of slides, some still in filmstrip form, and that speed whilst not essential would be useful? I have looked at both the Silverfast and Vuescan sites and both claim to be good; any others to consider?
Has anybody used yet the AFS NIKKOR 14-24mm 2,8 G ED on the SL? What adapter are available? Can you post a link to this theme. I could not find any meaningful post. Thanks Hans
I'm considering to buy me a Leica T as a second camera for street photography. I owe already a Nikon D800 with several nikon and sigma full frame lenses. Is there a possibility mounting these lenses on the Leica T? If so, are there limitations?
Hey guys, I wrote a new article! In this article I will go over my workflow for photos taken on film rather than digital. I will be using software suite Nikon Scan 4, and will go over the settings I use for scanning with the Nikon Super Coolscan 4000 ED. This article will be most of interest to anyone using Nikon Scan 3 or 4 with any of the Nikon Coolscan film scanners. Some features and options will vary per scanner but most will be the same. It will also be interesting for people who use other scanners and software but will need to take this information as is and ‘translate’ it into their own software suites functions and options. Please read the article here: Scanning film with Nikon Super Coolscan 4000 - Jip van Kuijk I would love to receive comments and feedback here on the forum or in the comment section on my website.
Remember, remember the 5th of november .... [ ...oder so. ] Fakt ist morgen 5ter November um 5:00 GMT wird die neue Nikon DF offiziell vorgestellt. Ein Bild kann man sich heute schon machen: Die gerüchteten Specs: * The name will be called Nikon DF which stand for “Digital Fusion“ * Nikon FM2 like design, but with a larger pentaprism * Most likely be available in two colors – all black and silver/black (a.k.a. as Panda version) * Standard Nikon F-mount * Pentaprism viewfinder (meaning the camera will not be mirrorless) * 16.2MP 36×23,9 full frame sensor (same sensor as in the D4) * The AF system of the Nikon DF will be most likely the same as in the D610 with 39 points * SD memory card * 2016-pixel RGB image sensor * 9-cell framing grid display * 3D color matrix metering II * Native ISO range: 100-12,800 (incl. ISO 50 and ISO 102,400) * 5.5 fps for up to 100 shots * 3.2″ LCD screen * Expeed 3 processor * Battery:EN-EL14 * Dimensions: 143.5 x 110 x 66.5mm * Weight: 765g * No video recording capabilities * The camera will meter even with non-AI lenses down to full aperture * The camera will ship with a new special edition Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G lens to match the look/design of the body * The camera will have physical controls and excellent build quality (which explains the 765g weight) * Nikon calls it a “hybrid” camera – not sure what exactly they mean with that * The Nikon DF will have settings for 1:1, 3:2 and 16:9 aspect ratios * DF Basic control system is same as the D610. * DF will use Nikon D4 sensor * When using non-Ai lens is used, can be selected from the menu on the lens information manual setting. * Interlock lever formula flip-up. * It is equipped with a synchro terminal. * Continuous shooting speed: 5.5 FPS * Same battery as Nikon D5300. * Set the aperture value of the (added) non-Ai lens use, use it in conjunction with the actual aperture value of the lens-side sub-command dial side of the body. * Shutter speed is configurable in the main command dial, can be set in 1/3 steps. * The announcement will be on November 5th right on time for Le Salon de la Photo show that will take place in Paris (November 7-11, 2013)
- 52 replies
Hi, Has anybody used the adapter Nikon AIS to Leica M? Can you tell me if it's any good on a M9? Are there any issues? Thank you.
Hi all, I'm brand new to the leica world and don't know so much about it. I just stepped into Leica these days and thought I'd like to own one. I think it could be much better than my Nikon D700+big lenses for candid street photography shots. But now the question is what body+lens to buy? I have narrowed it down to M4P, M6 or M8 + Elmarit 28mm f2.8. I'm fascinated by film although probably buying a digital would be more practical (though EUR1000 more expensive). Maybe being a Leica beginner I could have a quicker learning curve with digital. Also while familiarising and playing with it I'll throw away more shots(which in film costs more). Also the reason why you see only one lens there is because I want to start with only one to test the system and get familiar with it. Also because of cost issues obviously. I'd like if possible to keep the number of items low(I just have too much nikon equipment, will sell something...:-)). Maybe if I like it I'll keep 2 lenses(28 and 90) after a while. Does this make sense? Any advices from who did this before me? Thanks
Lomo gegen Nikon M8.2 Photokina Köln 25.09.2010
Anyone out there have any information on using the Leica Digiscope adapter with a Nikon ED scope? Leica states that the physical dimensions of the adapter are made to be compatible with the wide eypeice for the scope. Could this be used with a standard variable eyepeice for the Nikon? If the consensus is that the above will not work, how about a custom adapter? Could one be made that would work on a Nikon scope? TIA
"Engpässe bei Elektronik" so lautet die Überschrift eines Artikels in der heutigen gleichgeschalteten württembergischen Presse "Sonntag aktuell" (leider auch in Baden erhältlich) Anbei ein kurzer Auszug: Da dieses Periodika (Zeitung möchte ich es nicht nennen) nicht die Speersitze des investigativen Journalismaus darstellt, vermute ich das dieser Artikel ein Zusammenbrau aus einem grössenern Beitrag aus der Wirtschaftswoche (der Name taucht mal auf) ist. Steht dort etwas detaillierter um was es handelt... * Sonntag aktuell, 22.05.11, Printausgabe S 5
I know this would be a strange question, like why would someone wanna use Nikon lens on a Leica M6/MP?! Well...I am on a tight budget. I can probably afford to get a M6 second hand body, but maybe awhile till I have enough funds for a proper Leica lens. I have a Nikon FM2 with a few MF lenses. Can I use those on a M6 with the right adaptor?
- 9 replies
- leica m6 m9
- lenses
(and 1 more)
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