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Found 18 results

  1. So much interesting people-watching goes on along the beach... Please feel free to share your own photos.. Anything of broad interest will do... Here are some of mine... M-A, 35mm lux fle, M-A/35/Cinestill 50 M-A/35/portra 160 M-A/35/portra 160 M-A/35/portra 160
  2. Hi, seriously thinking of getting a Q-P, how do the colors compare with say the X1 or the M-P240 ?
  3. Scarves at a street vendor's stall in Tallin, Estonia
  4. I'm new here and while attempting to make my first post I was surprised to find that the main thread for street photos contains black and white photographs, exclusively (the thread is even tagged "mono"), and the street photo I want to share is a color shot, so instead of sheepishly going away, I've started this topic. I don't know if there is value in keeping the color street photography separate from the monochrome, I'll let the moderators decide that. But currently the only thread of any importance in the entire street photography forum containing color pictures that I could find are all photos taken at beaches, so I hope others find this topic as useful and necessary as I do and post in it. I'll go first. Woman on LSD, Nicollet Mall, downtown Minneapolis, 2018 (Leica M10 and Summilux 35mm f/1.4 ASPH) She was obviously high, which is why I followed her, and after I made this shot I asked her with a smile if she was tripping. "Yeah, tripping balls!" she answered and then did a pirouette and dashed off into Target before I could say another word.
  5. this picture stressed me a lot... I missed the blue hour and there have been millions of people on the street and in front of the building. So, considering the circumstances... I'm still quite happy with the result. Festival of Lights Berlin by Dirk Raffel, auf Flickr
  6. Pcoloma

    blue plate

    © Patrice de Santa Coloma

  7. Hallo liebes Forum, ich bin frisch vom Fuji-X- ins Leica-M-System gewechselt und wahnsinnig angetan vom Summilux 50mm ASPH. Es sitzt an einer schönen schwarzen M9, auf der ich die neueste Firmware installiert habe. Nach den ersten Fotos ist mir bei den JPGs aufgefallen, dass die Hauttöne oft zu kühl und insbesondere die Lippen viel zu pink dargestellt werden, weswegen ich nur noch in Raw fotografiere. Jedoch sind auch die Raw-Dateien viel zu kühl und blaustichig, wenn ich sie in Lightroom bearbeite. Dabei spielt es keine Rolle, ob ich das Farbprofil "Adobe" oder "Embedded" wähle. Hauttöne sind zu grün, Lippen zu pink. Daraufhin habe ich mir Capture One zugelegt und bemerkt, dass Capture One viele Farben ganz anders rendert. Hier ein recht krasses Beispiel. Die JPGs wurden direkt aus den jeweiligen Programmen heraus erstellt, ohne jegliche Bearbeitung: Adobe Lightroom 6.7, Farbprofil "Adobe" Adobe Lightroom 6.7, Farbprofil "Embedded" Capture One 10: macOS Sierra "Vorschau": (Download DNG) Leider kann ich mir die DNG-Datei nicht mehr auf der M9 ansehen, weil Lightroom die tolle Eigenschaft besitzt, in die Raw-Datei zu schreiben. Die Kamera sieht sie als ungültig an und zeigt nur den Dateinamen an. Sonst könnte ich euch sagen, welches am ehesten dem Kameradisplay entspricht. Meine Fragen an euch: 1. Welchen Raw Converter nutzt ihr? 2. Wie geht ihr mit den Hauttönen um? Ich finde wirklich, dass Kodak Portra oder die Fuji-X-Trans-Sensoren die Hauttöne viel schöner darstellen. 3. Wie verhalten sich die Hauttöne auf der M 262? Hat jemand ein paar Portrait Sample Shots im Vergleich zur M9?
  8. I've been working for quite some time on my first user report on the Leica M-D 262. It's a lengthy piece that comes around most things. I hope you enjoy it. Cut it up over some reading sessions so you don't spend all weekend on it :-) "What's This - A Digital Camera Without a Screen?"
  9. In the city of Hannover there is a large area of gardens. The baroque part of the garden with the palace is a huge place. There is a fireworks competition being held annually with altogether 6 events during the summer months. At 6 p.m. people start to stroll around and look for a place to settle down for picknick on one of the benches or on the ground. Then at 10 p.m. the fireworks start and last for 30 minutes. This time it was a young Italian pyrotecnic group performing the mandatory piece was a part from Dvorak's symphony no 9 "From the New World". a second part was the group's own choice. It was nasty cold and people were right to wear winter jackets,caps,shawls and gloves! At least it did not rain. In 30 minutes time we enjoyed a fantasy of colours and rhythmic scenic change. I had a gorgeous time and it was worthwhile having been there. Canon 5D MKII with R Summicron 50 mm apart from the first picture which is with R Elmarit 28 mm
  10. Leica S (006) with 70mm Summarit-S
  11. I just updated my Leica Q article with samples of the colors before and after the implementation of the new Camera Raw 9.1.1. that now supports Leica Q. The Lightroom profile has just been updated today, so that changes things quite a bit. Also the issue with wrong Kelvin values has been fixed. http://www.overgaard.dk/Leica-Q-Hemingway-digital-rangefinder-.html
  12. this is from last weekend when the sky was cloudy and from time to time the sun came out for a second or two. This is our landcsape: hilly at the feet of the Teutoburger Forest. Canon 5D MKII with Summicron 50 mm
  13. this is a pond which is during daytime frequented by dogs. One of the most beautiful resort places is a paradise for dogs because they are allowed roaming there unleashed. We avoid going there during daytime but in the evening at dusk the place gets back its peaceful atmopshere and other animals come forward. Then also I have seen an egret and hundreds of toads in their mating season. MKII with R Summicron 50 mm
  14. when coming home from work I grab my stuff and look for the last daylight on our forest which can be reached within a few minutes walk. I wanted to have my first experinece with my new Summicron R 50 mm. It is from the mid sixties and I am quite surprised what a different it makes to my Elmarits. As always it is mounted on my Canon 5D MKII
  15. These are the first pictures from our visit in April to the Great Canyon. I am still busy processing the other half of my 2.000 shots from NYC,Las Vegas,Grand Canyon and Valley of Fire. I will post more if you like. My MKII was mounted mostly with Elmarit 60mm+2xApo Converter, the X1 had also a very busy time. The MKII was tweaked down to 50 ISO, polarizer and tripod (for the early morning and evening shots.) The shots were all taken from the Rimtrail. MKII with Telyt 250 mm - 7:00 a.m. Mathar Point MKII with Telyt 250 mm 7:15 a.m, Mathar Point X1, morning 11:00 a.m. MK 60 mm+2x Apo Concerter, 18:30 Hopi Point X1 11:00
  16. This was just a 30min walk around Mountain View, California with my M9 and the only one lense - 75/2.5. Filip Molcan — Autumn in Moutain View, California. Photos were...
  17. Hello all, A question from a quite new M8 user. I'm often dissatisfied with the colors I get, especially with grass and leaves that come out more yellow-brownish than I like. Maybe even more pronounced in cloudy weather. It has been discussed here before, but some of the threads are old and maybe outdated? Manual and Auto WB doesn't make a big difference. I use a coded Summarit with original UV/IR filter and open the DNG files in Capture One 6.2 using the M8 Generic UV/IR profile. Save as TIFF 8-bit and sRGB color, and then work with this file further in Photoshop Elements 8.0 (adjust levels, remove color cast, convert to Jpeg....etc.) Is there a simple way to "standardize" this workflow so that I can come closer to the colors I want? Should I use the saturation and hue sliders, for instance? and what value/amount? Are there alternative color profiles I can use in Capture One besides the two M8 profiles that came with the program? I'm glad to hear what others have found out, especially those who use Capture One to make TIFF files. My monitor is not professionally calibrated but I feel it is quite correct, as the Jpegs from my Olympus E-PL1 seem very good (and Olympus is known for good colors stright out of camera ) I know the M8 needs more work to get it right, but all say this is possible. I love using the camera, and pictures are incredibly sharp even with sharpening disabled (as I use). from Geir
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