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"Ghostly" Morning Commuters (SOHO)

A miller

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From a morning a few weeks ago...


I thought the "now you see me, now you don't" rendition of some of these was kinda cool, particularly in the first.


Would love to hear what others think...


MM/28 cron/SF-24D flash


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That's a very creative use of a flash with a slower shutter speed! We've seen lots of street commuter photos before, but I've never seen any like this. I suspect you have to be a New Yorker to relate to these, the constant movement of people disconnected from each other just moving to and fro like lost spirits wondering aimlessly. I think this is a theme worth pursuing. It's refreshing to see someone break out of the box.



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I came back to these photos this morning for another look. They have an unsettling and even spooky effect as your title suggests. "The rest is yet to come" is a scary thought indeed. I wonder how many New New Yorkers feel like Zombies marching to work in the morning. I wonder how many corporate employers have turned their workers into Zombies, or see them as such? Something to think about.

Edited by wilfredo
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