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Lexington Avenue, NYC


MM/28 summaron

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Hi Ben - I don't have any first hand knowledge, but I would imagine that it was even harder to be happy on the UES in the late 70's.


On the other hand, I wonder how the therapist-to-UES resident ratio has evolved since then

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A fine shot with great composition, tones, sharpness and the expression of the young boy on the cell phone plus the missed opportunity of the dog in the foreground to talk to the other dog walking down the sidewalk. The appearance of grain gives this the good old film look.



Edited by pauledell
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Thanks, Paul. I am not sure I'd characterize this shot as sharp; I shot it while driving (though I was going slow). I also didn't think the boy was on a cellphone, but rather was simply scratching his cheek. You could be right, though! Thanks very much for stopping by! Best, Adam

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A very interesting shot with a lot happening .Is the boy weary of the dog ? The dog handler or owner's umbrella is in a unusual position .Is he leaning on it standing still,awaiting the The King Charles Spaniel decision which way he or she wants to go? Greetings: John Basso. :)

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