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X-113 and Visoflex - GPS


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Hi guys, New member here....


I recently bought the X-113 and a Visoflex. The Visoflex is primaily used for EVF and diopter purposes, but when something is marketed with some function, I like to test it.


The Visoflex is supposed to give GPS readings. However, turning the function on and being outside with it for a few hours still does not make it function. The exclamation mark, telling me that the reading is not received, is there all the time. A couple of times I have been able to get a reading, but then only after multiple times turning the "X" off and on, removing and mounting the Visoflex, so there does not seem to be any consistency in when it will get the GPS reading.


I have also been with the importer, and they don't know what is the problem, either. The problem was replicated with their Equipment as well... I understand that some "T" cameras also have suffered from this.


Any other X.113 users out there who suffers from this? If we are many, maybe Leica will look into the matter....

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Sorry, I can't help with your GPS question, but could you verify, for EVF (type 020):


In some of the product descriptions it's said to "tilt-and-swivel" - can you verify 180 degree rotation - 'selfie-ready' or in other words - pan /tilt 360 /+90 degrees?


Thanks, and welcome to the Forum, Tim

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Tim, thank you for the welcome.


The Visoflex-020 does NOT swiwel. It does tilt 90 degrees upwards, so that you can see through it from the top of the camera (just like the good old medium format cameras where you look down on the matte screen), but it does not turn around its own axis.

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