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Ilford is back


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Yes, I had the 7 Day email today too.


I also had an email from Ag wanting to know if I have received the order for over £100 worth of Ilford film I made online before Christmas.


I had not received it because they hadn't sent it! This is the second successive time Ag have made a mess of my online orders, so I cancelled.


I've dealt with 7 Day for years and never had a problem. They get the order.

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This is the second successive time Ag have made a mess of my online orders, so I cancelled.


I've dealt with 7 Day for years and never had a problem. They get the order.


Normally I'd cheer this but Matthew usually does a good job running a niche business in a difficult ecconomic climate and paying taxes to HMRC. I've never had a problem with him.

7 Day shop have lots of other interests to fall back on to survive, not that HMRC will gain any benefit (?).


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Yes, I had the 7 Day email today too.


I also had an email from Ag wanting to know if I have received the order for over £100 worth of Ilford film I made online before Christmas.


I had not received it because they hadn't sent it! This is the second successive time Ag have made a mess of my online orders, so I cancelled.


I've dealt with 7 Day for years and never had a problem. They get the order.


Used Ag once as a trial last year also...They sent a total of 3 different invoices, costing 6 emails, and then at the last minute wanted more money because they made miscalculations about shipping to DK. Also no Paypal. I cancelled right away and will never use them again. There are many others, particularly in Germany who are tip-top in getting film to you fast and without hassles.


Just my 2 cents worth,


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How do the above suppliers compare to B&H in New York?


I'm talking shipping to Australia where B&H do a 'near as dammit' same week service of delivery. Film prices are half local prices, but shipping is a bit hefty.

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How do the above suppliers compare to B&H in New York?


I'm talking shipping to Australia where B&H do a 'near as dammit' same week service of delivery. Film prices are half local prices, but shipping is a bit hefty.


Mathers' web site advises that they ship around the world but you would need to contact them for the details.


How to Order from Mathers of Lancashire Bolton


I've always found them very helpful and their film stock is usually 'long dated'

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Mather's have a poor selection of colour film, though, if that's your bag, and a very poor selection of developer.


I do buy my black and white film from them and picked up 10 rolls of Provia from them a couple of weeks ago. E6 film is now getting to be very expensive indeed (£8.50/roll), even before processing, so I am going to have to start to consider other options.


i.e just take black and white.

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E6 film is now getting to be very expensive indeed (£8.50/roll), even before processing, so I am going to have to start to consider other options.


Yes, that's twice what I used to pay. I did virtually all my film photography using E6 (for me, slide film is film) and it seems weird to think that I haven't bought a roll of E6 since, I'd guess, 2006. I'm not quite sure why I've moved to C41 for colour film (it can't be cost because I still have quite a bit of E6 in the freezer)?:confused:

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I found some Reala in the freezer last week, so I am using that up now - I don't like C41, so it won't take long to get rid of. I would only consider using E6 going forwards, but at those prices, it becomes pretty expensive. You're looking at getting on for 40p per shot, processed.

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but at those prices, it becomes pretty expensive. You're looking at getting on for 40p per shot, processed.


Yes, it's nice stuff though.:) I'm getting all nostalgic for looking at a well exposed E6 slide. Might have to crack open a roll or two when the weather becomes a bit more colourful. I dare say I'm in for a mild shock when it comes to processing cost.

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I mainly use RVP on 120 for 6x17. With 4 exposures per roll, it works out around £2.50-£3 per exposure for film purchase and processing alone. Factor in my time for postage and packaging to the lab, travel, scanning and pp and the direct cost per exposure is at least 10x that cost. The work has to sell.

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I don't have anyone to sell my stuff to, so all cost is 100% cost, with no return. This makes it even more relevant.


There is a solution, of course, if one considers a digital image to be a suitable alternative. But that requires a significant up-front cost that is too painful to accommodate in the current climate. I have my D700 for these situations, and I therefore have to be content to let M photography just be B&W for the future.

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Factor in my time for postage and packaging to the lab, travel, scanning and pp and the direct cost per exposure is at least 10x that cost. The work has to sell.


Yes, very true. £15 for 36 shots (albeit casual "35mm" stuff) suddenly seems rather cheap.:) I think I'm going to stop mithering, have a look in the fridge and load up my MP right now.:D

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Out of curiosity, I checked 7dayshop's price for 36x Delta 100


They are nearly £3 per roll more expensive than Mather's, if you buy a single unit. Only when you get to multi-buy do they become competitive. Now, most people would buy multiple boxes of film at once, but it does seem to me to be very odd pricing.

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......I think I'm going to stop mithering, have a look in the fridge and load up my MP right now.:D


No point in the MP sitting around idle!


Mine has never earnt me a penny and never will. It's a toy, as most are. I balance the pleasure of using it against the cost of consumables.


The MP wins every time. :D

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