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Found 5 results

  1. Hallo zusammen, ich habe mir gerade nach dem FW-Update (auf 3.0.0) über die Fotos-App drei (für mich neue, ich glaube aber, die gibt es schon eine Weile) Leica Looks heruntergeladen: brass, eternal und chrome. Wenn ich diese jedoch einstelle, bekomme ich im Sucher, auf dem Display und als Ergebnis bei allen dreien nur jeweils den exakt gleichen Schwarz-weiß-Look (mit leichtem Sepia-Stich) und nicht den jeweils in der App vor dem Download angezeigten Look. Die Leica Looks, die ich gleich nach dem Kauf heruntergeladen habe (classic, blue, contemporary), funktionieren allerdings wie bisher einwandfrei. (Es könnte natürlich mit dem FW-Update zu tun haben. Ich habe die drei Looks leider erst danach heruntergeladen, dewegen kann ich das nicht nachvollziehen.) Hat jemand eine Idee, wie man das beheben kann?
  2. Hello there. I have been entertaining the idea of buying a half case for my Leica MP. I have mixed views about the half cases for these fine cameras. On one hand I want to protect this valuable piece of delicate machinery from harm as much as I can but on the other hand I don't want an extra layer of thickness while holding the camera which has already perfect dimensions. While I think of the Leicas and the cameras in general which have survived to this day I see a lot of them have some sort of leather case that protected them for all those years. But when I see the cameras of pros that have been brassed beautifully I admire them even more because of those marks. What are your thoughts on this subject? Does a Leica need a protection from harm? Should a black paint Leica brass over time? Will a Leica brass no matter what the intentions of its user? Does a half case make the camera thicker in a way that it affects its usability? Or do half cases make the camera easier to hold? If used with a half case, does black paint Leicas gather an uneven patina?
  3. How rare are modern silver M wide angle lenses below 35mm? Specifically the Elmarit 21mm f/2.8 ASPH and Elmarit 24mm f/2.8 ASPH? What is the total count of the two? How about Summicron 28 ASPH? The latter is apparently not brass...? How many silver chrome Summilux 28's were made before they were discontinued? Any silver Summilux 24's? Was there ever the SEM 21mm Super-Elmar ASPH f/3.4 in silver? What about Elmar 24 f/3.8 ASPH? I have also seen a silver MATE but no WATE? And the silver Elmarit 28mm f/2.8 ASPH was finished in 775 pieces only?
  4. Had to do a few quick & dirty street tests with both lenses side by side- the "regular" Summilux 50 ASPH (my version is 11892) and the "Black Chrome" special-edition-becoming-regular-edition Summilux 50 ASPH (11688). Rumor out there in several forums has it, the latter (Black Chrome rehoused) lens is somehow sharper, although even Leica themselves claim both have exactly the same glass. All comparisons were done WIDE OPEN, where the true resolving character of the lens is nested to show differences. All tests done on M10-P Reporter. TL;DR: The lenses are EXACTLY the same, identical sharpness, identical chromatic aberration, identical flares etc. Anyone claiming otherwise must have had a bad copy of his original lux 50 ASPH when comparing the two against each other.
  5. Guest

    Sight Reading

    Sight Reading M8.2, 'lux 75, ISO 320, 1/60 sec., Aperture 3, 3rd March 2013.
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