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Ah- It is a all-time great lens. But the Elmarit is a sweet lens as well. That is a hard decision. It depends on the rest of your lens lineup, I would say. If you happen to lack the Summilux 50 asph - that should be interesting too.

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sell the 24mm elmarit, the cv 12mm AND the Zeiss ZM 18mm and buy a 24mm Summilux


don't need all these crazy wides now I have the M9 :(


To me the 24 mm elmarit is one of those very special Leica lenses, its look, sharpness and perfect M style and size. I would need a lot of convincing that the 24 summilux is better before switching.

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Nice to see these "keep the elmarit" responses. I love my chrome 24 elmarit. The IQ is spectacular and it's size is a great plus. That 24 lux sure looks sweet, but with support like this thread, I'm dancin' with the girl I came with! Now this is for my M8s with the 24 frame line. On a future M9, since an external finder will be needed for either 1.4 wide, I'd be more tempted by the 21 lux anyway. best....Peter

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its a good point, the elmarit is fabulous but i'm a great lover of fast lenses and shooting wide open


sadly i sold my 28 'cron just last week to part fund my M9


I plan to replace it with an Ultron but maybe i need to buy a cron back again


now I've got the M9 I realise that for me, 35mm and 28mm have become the most important lenses.

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Nice to see these "keep the elmarit" responses. I love my chrome 24 elmarit. The IQ is spectacular and it's size is a great plus. That 24 lux sure looks sweet, but with support like this thread, I'm dancin' with the girl I came with! Now this is for my M8s with the 24 frame line. On a future M9, since an external finder will be needed for either 1.4 wide, I'd be more tempted by the 21 lux anyway. best....Peter


Hi Peter

That's because I'd rather like one. Truth be told though, is that the 28mm frameline with the M9 turns the 28 'cron back into the wide angle it used to be, and 24mm is irritating in requiring a finder . . I'm finding myself carrying the WATE and the 28 'cron, the 50 'lux and the 90 elmarit (long unused and now re-loved)

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My favorite lens on my M7 was the 35 lux. On my M8 it's now the 28 summicron.


But, I really like the 24mm (full frame equivalent) view (which is why I - just -- bought an 18mm for my M8).


If I go for an M9, I was thinking of getting the 24 elmarit, selling my 18mm super-elmar and even selling the 28 cron.


I was thinking about the 24 lux but just can't justify the expense (and with an M9 + 24 2.8, I have arguably 2 stops more low light capability than the M8 + 18 3.8).


Now, I realize many would think it's crazy to sell the 28 cron, but I'm just not sure I'd use it with the 35mm and, from what I've heard, the 28mm framelines on the M9 are very hard to see with glasses (didn't check this out myself when I tried the M9).

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The only reasons to trade a 24 Elmarit for a 24 Summilux are if you need the wide aperture for low-light or if you really like the ultra-shallow DOF look.


It's a beautiful lens, maybe the best lens I ever used, but it needs a finder on the M9 and it's quite a large lens.


I think it was the perfect lens for the M8 (at least for the type of work I do). On the M9, it's too wide for my taste.

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As a general comment, there are very few Leica lenses that I have owned and then subsequently sold that I have not regretted selling, and bought again. This includes my DR Summicron, Collapsible 90 Elmar, 3.5cm Elmar... the list goes on. Sometimes I have been fortunate and made some cash on the deal, but mostly one loses out.


My advice - unless you need the money, don't sell. Pack the lens(es) up, put them away, and get them out with a smug smile on your face in a year or so, as you murmur the words "thank you Bill" ;)





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My advice - unless you need the money, don't sell. Pack the lens(es) up, put them away, and get them out with a smug smile on your face in a year or so, as you murmur the words "thank you Bill" ;)






Quite right Bill (oh where is my Mate, and my 90 macro)


As for the 28 'cron . . . just don't sell it until you've had the M9 for a bit - to me it's the jewel in the crown.

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How about sell the stuffs you intended and get the 21mm/2.8 Biogon ZM? This lens is just as impressive in terms of optical qualities and it's probably a lot lighter.

You don't need to sell all that for the Biogon - it is not THAT expensive - a marvellous lens though, albeit not in the league of the Summilux.

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You don't need to sell all that for the Biogon - it is not THAT expensive - a marvellous lens though, albeit not in the league of the Summilux.


Yup, I agree, it is not as fast as the Summilux.


And, so, it depends on what you are shooting. Humans and journalistic ones probably do well with the Summilux. For architectural stuffs and static objects, the Biogon is a pure delight.

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