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continuation of Ben in Village as seen below


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please forgive the disorienting presentation but necessary due to #image/thread rule....


here's a window into Ben's technique. Personal, intimate photography, making real connections with strangers.


the side story. Just after I snapped this a young black man sat next to me on the subway....and started a wonderful conversation with the question "are the shutters on those Leicas as silent as I've heard they are?" New York, New York. What a wonderful town!



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Great story from the sub-way, and a wonderful shot of Ben in action, I really would love to trail him around for a day with a HD cam and a wireless mike on his lapel. I think it would be a fantastic documentary of a Leica shooter, or maybe simply of a accomplished street photographer.


Noticed the broken up posts, some people have gotten "around" the limitations by posting two messages in the same thread.



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Great story from the sub-way, and a wonderful shot of Ben in action, I really would love to trail him around for a day with a HD cam and a wireless mike on his lapel. I think it would be a fantastic documentary of a Leica shooter, or maybe simply of a accomplished street photographer.


Noticed the broken up posts, some people have gotten "around" the limitations by posting two messages in the same thread.




Great idea, maybe I'll do that very thing if Ben is interested! And thanks for the workaround only a little embarrassed I didn't think of it......Peter

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