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A heavily used fountain pen. (2014) (Macro)


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M240 + Visoflex + zeiss 85mm f/4 @ F/8 - <Focused with live view.>


I like fountain pens. This is acutally a brand new fountain pen that i've been only using for about a week. The ink I'm using with this pen has some beautiful gold flakes that resonates with vibrance when the angle of light hits it perfectly. As beautiful as the ink is, it does cause problems with pens. In my case, it turns a new fountain pen that has been used only for a week; like its been used for the past 50 years with the nib floating in the bottom of an ink bottle. I've never seen a nib detoriate so quickly with so little use, so I snapped a picture.


the ink wiped right off with a normal dry towel. For the curious, the pen is a twsbi 580 in rose gold with a broad nib. The ink is J.Herbine Rouge Hertitmite. IDHEHsp.jpg

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