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I wonder if anyone can explain or diagnose a behaviour that to me, anyway, as a new M9 user, is a bit strange and disconcerting?


I just bought a used Zeiss Biogon 2.8/25 ZM on ebay. Seems in perfectly acceptable condition. But when I mount it on my M9 (bought new last October) and try to focus with it, the whole (internal) viewfinder seems to move around, from side to side and (slightly less) up and down.


Is this normal or should I be worried?


I see from this thread on the Rangefinder forum that there were two versions of the Biogon 25 ZM's bayonet mount - I don't know if that has anything to do with it:




The lens codes helpfully listed here mention a 'mount fix' for the Biogon 25:




The Biogon 25 shifts the viewfinder on my M8, too, though the movement seems slightly less.


Any advice or reassurance will be gratefully received!


Best wishes

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You can demonstrate this for yourself by removing the lens and pressing the cam tracking roller (top of lens opening) toward the back of the body while looking through the finder.

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