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Justifiable protest


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A bit of reportage:


Today the students, staff, & faculty of the University of California held a protest on all campuses against budget cuts, and these are photographs of the picket line & demonstration at UC Berkeley.


I feel strongly about this issue: Bad as the state's finances may be, I believe it's unacceptable for a public university to raise tuition to over $10K a year (plus living expenses!). This undermines the whole idea of 'a career open to talents' & of equal opportunity. In practice it will mean higher education open to the middle class & above.


I'm happy to have your comments about the photos, even if you don't sympathize with my view.




M8u, 21 f2.8 Biogon & 35mm Summicron v1


PS: Sorry about the color of the Megaphone Man. I'll have to work on that one.

Edited by thompsonkirk
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Great topic of universal inportance. Here we have quite restricted fees with no 'top-up' as in England so as such we are feeling the financial squeeze institutionally. It really is a rock and a hard place!


Good to see activism.....our students are so passive by comparison.





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Thank you everyone for your photo & political-economic comments.


Ian, that's an interesting question. IMO only a few looked as good or better in BW.: partly because the 'riotous' colors of the scene seemed to go with the subject matter; partly because it was hard to sort out the different parts of different bodies without the color-coding of clothing; & partly because red seemed to be a prominent color for the strike (lots of red arm bands).


So the whole series 'asked' to be a color series. But here are a couple of BWs that looked OK:

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A lot to say about this, for sure. First of all, GREAT PHOTOS:

I think they all look good in color, especially #5. I'm glad I started my grandson's 529 plan a year ago, when he was born.

Hopefully, when he's 18 or so, he'll be able to afford at least one semester in the UC system ($100K/semester by then, at the current rate of increase??).

Just five years ago, his mom attended UCSB and it was around $1300/semester without housing.

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Guest wls.shanghai

good series!


the reason:


many US-University`s incl. Harvard, Princeton, Berkeley etc. lost big money with gambling at the casinos (stock exchanges etc.)


they are just like greedy gambler (zocker)


now the students must pay the bill from the gambler...


very very very strange & crazy world.....



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