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less Leica negativity


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A month ago, just about every article on Leica began with hand-wringing over the company's current monetary situation and ended with the remark that Leica had missed the switch to digital.



Completely different line today in the electronics/entertainment press, with the exception of the last entry below. (These links are in German language.)


Leica M9: 18 Megapixel-Kamera mit Vollformat-Sensor - News - CHIP Online--straight new products story


Comeback für Beatles und Steve Jobs - Seite 2 @ NETZWELT.de--actually includes a defense of the rangefinder concept!


heise online - 10.09.09 - Gegen das Digicam-Einerlei: Leica M9 und X1--positive headline recognizes Leica's break-out from the monotonous sameness of the digicam market; good basic description of both M9 and X1; comments that the M9's LCD isn't up to today's standard; interestingly, implies that one problem with the introductory webcast was that the number of un-preregistered attempts to watch overloaded the server


Neue Digitalkameras: Leica will mit Innovationen aus der Krise - computerwoche.de--mentions Leica's financial troubles in both item title and text; gives very basic M9 intro data

Edited by ho_co
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So would I. It seems to me that many of those who have become digital evangelists still have plenty of negatives in their dark rooms... :rolleyes:


Some people are never satisfied unless they have something to moan about.





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I'd like to see less Leica negativity in certain parts of this forum...


We should be realistic. This forum is not just a meeting point for people with some common interest in a brand of photographic instruments. It is also part of the public opinion which can help or hamper to sell a commercial product.


There are producers around who have no interest at all that Leica products are sold, as they want to sell their own. That's quite legitimate. So you will have to exspect that they are doing a lot to make sure that negativity prevails especially on this site. So negativity is not just a personal point of view; it is largely the result of commercial interest.

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We should be realistic....There are producers around who have no interest at all that Leica products are sold, as they want to sell their own....will have to exspect that they are doing a lot to make sure that negativity prevails especially on this site....


Drugs or on the up and up:eek:

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We should be realistic. This forum is not just a meeting point for people with some common interest in a brand of photographic instruments. It is also part of the public opinion which can help or hamper to sell a commercial product.


There are producers around who have no interest at all that Leica products are sold, as they want to sell their own. That's quite legitimate. So you will have to exspect that they are doing a lot to make sure that negativity prevails especially on this site. So negativity is not just a personal point of view; it is largely the result of commercial interest.


That's absolutely right.:rolleyes: I get calls every day from camera manufacturers offering me large sums of money if I'll only post something really negative about Leica. I've just had to turn away a whole stretch limo full of delectable young ladies sent by - well, I'd better not say which Japanese company, but its name may end in "n". I'm sure many others here can invent similar experiences.:rolleyes:

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