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I've been dragging a camera around since I ran away from home in the 70's. In later years I've gotten serious and am using a Nikon D850 and a couple of their better lenses. After a few years with the 850 I still haven't found a good way to carry it, and for the most part I take only landscape shots. Not that this is a bad thing, but there has to be more....  So tell me, what would I be getting into if I bought a M11-P and a 35mm lens? What would I gain, and lose, if I part with the 850?


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Well, apart from mostly resolved issues that some users had initially, you would be investing heavily in an idiosyncratic system that does not suit everyone.  If the click is there, it is fantastic but some will never bond. For a carry-everywhere landscape and travel camera I would recommend the Q3. 

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Posted (edited)

In my first post I said "I take only landscape shots" I should have been clear that is because I find the D850 a bit cumbersome for anything else.


I believe you are right. But I tried a Panasonic LUMIX DC-ZS200 point and shoot to find it was only an advanced, and propitiatory, cell phone camera. I'm worried the Q3 is a much better form of the same thing.

The D850 and I pass by many 'I want that shot' opportunities. The thought of a light-weight manual camera appeals to my analog brain.

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please note that we have image threads and forums. Members are not supposed to post images for display in the technical forums. 

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That LUMIX is a good small-sensored camera but cannot be compared to a Q which is a camera without competitor. 

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7 hours ago, andredl said:

So tell me, what would I be getting into if I bought a M11-P and a 35mm lens? What would I gain, and lose, if I part with the 850?

You would be getting into much higher cost, gain entry into a very niche system which, as jaapv says, is ideal for some but not for others, and you would lose virtually all automation associated with the 850. I doubt that many would notice any significant shift in image technical quality however this is only a part of the story because gelling with the appropriate system for you can help ypu create more satisfying, 'better' images.

My advice (as a 45 year M user) to anyone aiming to get into the M system is not to spend huge initially. But an older M camera as cheaply as possible together with a good M lens and try the system (ideally from a trustable Leica dealer who may well offer a good trade in later and will guarantee equipment). You will lose massively less than buying an M11 if it proves to be making a mistake. If you like the M system then trading up will cost you something but likely not that much relatvely, and the experience (at least in M terms) will be 'cheap'. Watever you do, do not get sucked into the hype about which lens has a Leica look and is esoterically good as this is fundamentally about nuance for the cogniscenti😉. I still use an M9 and am happy to shoot it, and get satisfying (landscape) images, using a 35mm Summarit which gives a fairly modern look in a very small package and never fails to satisfy. Also, assuming you can afford to do so, buying say an M240 and 35mm lens may allow you to run them alongside the D850 for a while and make a far more objective comparison than by simply changing.

All that said, as you may read on the forum people do jump straight onto the latest and most expensive, and some get on well. But others don't.

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On 6/5/2024 at 2:18 AM, pgk said:

You would be getting into much higher cost, gain entry into a very niche system which, as jaapv says, is ideal for some but not for others, and you would lose virtually all automation associated with the 850. I doubt that many would notice any significant shift in image technical quality however this is only a part of the story because gelling with the appropriate system for you can help ypu create more satisfying, 'better' images.

My advice (as a 45 year M user) to anyone aiming to get into the M system is not to spend huge initially. But an older M camera as cheaply as possible together with a good M lens and try the system (ideally from a trustable Leica dealer who may well offer a good trade in later and will guarantee equipment). You will lose massively less than buying an M11 if it proves to be making a mistake. If you like the M system then trading up will cost you something but likely not that much relatvely, and the experience (at least in M terms) will be 'cheap'. Watever you do, do not get sucked into the hype about which lens has a Leica look and is esoterically good as this is fundamentally about nuance for the cogniscenti😉. I still use an M9 and am happy to shoot it, and get satisfying (landscape) images, using a 35mm Summarit which gives a fairly modern look in a very small package and never fails to satisfy. Also, assuming you can afford to do so, buying say an M240 and 35mm lens may allow you to run them alongside the D850 for a while and make a far more objective comparison than by simply changing.

All that said, as you may read on the forum people do jump straight onto the latest and most expensive, and some get on well. But others don't.

Thank you for sage advice. I do want to do different types of photography, stuff like portraits and street photography. I think a M240 is a fine choice. I've found one I may buy, after I sit on this idea of buying an expensive camera for a week or so.

In shopping online for a used camera one thing stood out: There are a lot of used Q cameras for sale. A used Q2 would be a sweet spot regarding cost, but I'm a nuts and bolts engineer and enjoy shooting my D850 in manual mode.

On 6/5/2024 at 1:46 AM, jaapv said:

.....  a Q which is a camera without competitor. 


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There are a lot of Q2s available because of the recent(ish) release of the Q3 and people on the upgrade treadmill are selling off. 

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