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When I bought my first Leica cameras in the 1960s the leather gadget bag was considered a necessity. Besides the Leitz cases, Leitz N.Y. carried the Benser bags, and the local camera store owners used them. I used the Benser soft pouches for my Leica and Leicaflex, but always thought the Benser bags with inserts were a nice design. (Later I made my own for my setup copying the Benser insert ideas, but all in thick heavy leather.)

I just found a nearly mint Original Benser case (larger size - still smaller than the one I made) filled with inserts. While the M body (with meter) insert and a couple of the lens inserts are easy to figure out, I can't tell what some of the other inserts are for.

Does anyone know of a source for catalog descriptions of the Benser inserts? I haven't found anything on the Web as yet.

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Things to know about Benser bags for M. (There was also a separate system for R.) 1) There were two rangefinder versions. The first version had tan lined inserts; the second version had red lined inserts. The two versions are not fully compatible as the "tan" bag was a little smaller. 2) The leather neck staps on the second version dry out over time and can't be trusted not to break. You may indeed want to get a new strap from somewhere. 3) Modern M equipment, such as the digital cameras and the larger new lenses with tailored shades, don't fit well in any of the inserts. And the only way to know is to try all the combinations.


I used a second version Benser bag extensively and consider it the quickest photo journalist bag ever developed. It offered great protection to the equipment. But they are now dated. I would love for some manufacturer to offer a modern version.


I will scan the Benser brochure tomorrow and add it to the responses, unless someone else posts it before I do.

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I used to own Benser cases many years ago but found that they did not last very long under heavy use. Still have a few inserts, that I use in other cases.... I just scanned some Benser case information into a couple of pdf files and will upload them here. They are from a 1966 Leica Catalog no. 39 - Leitz used to list the Benser case in their literature in those days.


If you need better quality scans, please send me your email address via pm and I will re-scan the pages with higher quality.







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I just realized - a Pentax Accessory Lightmeter may not fit into the Benser case... ;)


Your user name did indeed look familiar - I may not need your email address after all, I have it!





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Jan scanned the same sheets I have. The Benser brochure is a bigger original, but the print quality of the original is the same - bad.


The only durability problem I had was that the neck strap stretched from the weight. You can get a lot of equipment in a Benser case. The original tan version had a doubled-over leather strap with stitching running up each side. Others may have had trouble with the stitching on the case itself or the flex joint ripping from openning and closing the top.


I can't enjoy modern bags with those cloth/velcro dividers because they are not rigid. I am spoiled by the rigidity of the Benser inserts.

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Thanks to both for the information - and to Jan for the Pentax meter! Don't worry, I'll make it fit. It's my Pentax 6x7 that may be a problem...

The Pentax H1a was my first good camera in college before I found Leica (and the new M4). Since I've retired I've been collecting both, mainly the 50s & 60s innovative years. For Pentax that means Asahiflex, the 1957 Original Pentax, then the various models to the SV (H3v in US). Through these years Asahi cameras just felt "right" when you used them, and the Spotmatic wasn't bad either.

But the Benser will be mainly for organizing and storing some of my 50-60s Leica goods, and maybe for packing to travel, but not as a carry-around.


BTW - Here's my homemade case inspired by Benser that I made about 1971. Bought a tanned cowhide (much thicker than Benser leather) and made the bag and inserts to fit my M4, Leicaflex SL and lenses. The inserts are thick leather like the bag, and so are larger, but offer good cushioning. Rather heavy to carry on hikes though!

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Edited by TomB_tx
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Interesting that Benser is shown in the '66 Leitz catalog. I have '59 and '68 catalogs and don't find Benser in those.

Anyway, thanks to the list I see I have an insert for my goggled 35 Summicron, so this will do well for my M3 setup. However, it also came with an insert for the 280 Telyt (which would fit my 200) - but no insert for a Visoflex - which is needed for the Telyt.

I recall that a college friend from those days had two M2s, and carried two bags, one of which had his Viso and lenses. I guess the case I got could be a collection of good inserts, or the original owner also used a second case. In any event the set is in amazingly good condition. I'll find ways to use it.

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The Benser case was actually a great concept. One of the features that appealed to me (if memory serves me well….) was the fact that the top opened away from ones body - it was out of the way when one was reaching inside the case.


One of the reasons I stopped using the Benser was a Leica original case - probably the best shoulder bag ever made. Also opened with the top away from the body and it was very simple to retrieve lenses and cameras from it. Still have two of them, with different inserts and unfortunately, the M8 does not fit very well….. See photos below.


As far as the Spotmatic is concerned - I have always believed that that is what a Leicaflex should have been. I see quite a few Spotmatics today, with heavy signs of use, and they still work like clockwork with the typical smoothness of Pentax products from the 1960’s.





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I'm surprised the Benser bag was not in the 1968 catalogue as I bought one around then to take my M3 outfit. Nearly 50 years on it's still in use. Yes, the strap wore relatively poorly and I have had it replaced. No, the inserts are too narrow for the M8 or M9 or for the Visoflex III, but they are amazingly adaptable. The insert for the f/4 200mm Telyt fits an M8 + mounted 50mm Summicron; the bottom pocket on the Visoflex II insert fits the 18mm Elmarit and the top part takes a 21mm - 28mm finder in its case and a 75mm Summarit. Adding a 5mm sheet of polystyrene foam enables a 90mm Summarit to be housed safely in the former f/4 90mm Elmar compartment. I could go on …

I found the weak point of the cases to be storing the bodies without the lenses attached. This certainly slowed down the initial shot far more than the warm-up time of electronic cameras.:(

In fact I bought a second Benser case (2nd hand) only last month from R.G.Lewis for £30. As far as I know there is still a second, smaller Benser case for sale there.

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I have always liked bags which open away from the body, it seems such an obvious thing. I used benser inserts for many years in a Rox case, and then in a rather basic but strong Photax one, I still have the benser inserts but dont use them now,

Currently the Leicas are in a Lowe Pro Rezo bag which opens away from the body, but is as bit flimsy, the Nikons are in a Samsonite Trekking bag which they stopped making a while ago, (although I bought a mint one off ebay recently for £7!) stronger than the Lowe Pro,


Never thought I'd contribute to a bag thread!!



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As far as the Spotmatic is concerned - I have always believed that that is what a Leicaflex should have been. I see quite a few Spotmatics today, with heavy signs of use, and they still work like clockwork with the typical smoothness of Pentax products from the 1960’s.





Jan, I 'll always remember one day on January 1971 skiing with a friend of mine in a beautiful day at 3000 m altitude. with a magnificent view of the Alps around us.

My friend was pulled out his Spotmatic armed it, and aiming around then stopped and press the shutter release... but the shutter remain stuck...

I pulled out my M3 with 3.4_21 Super Angulon and shutted 6 time around, tapped my friend shoulder and said dont worry we have the pictures...

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  • 4 years later...



I used to own Benser cases many years ago but found that they did not last very long under heavy use. Still have a few inserts, that I use in other cases.... I just scanned some Benser case information into a couple of pdf files and will upload them here. They are from a 1966 Leica Catalog no. 39 - Leitz used to list the Benser case in their literature in those days.


If you need better quality scans, please send me your email address via pm and I will re-scan the pages with higher quality.






I typed these (plus some other info from an old Benser brochure) into an Excel spreadsheet but was unable to upload it - so here's the same thing as an Adobe pdf document.  May be of some use to others struggling to find or identify the appropriate insert.

Cheers; Dave

Benser camera cases and inserts.pdf

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My large case that I have owned for many years is coming apart due to the corner stitching failing. But the inserts are perfect. 


I recently found a mint example (no inserts, which I don't need) on ebay and bought it for about $90 - a very good price. Top examples can be very expensive.


Stitching can be repaired by a good leather worker - a shoemaker...


I replaced straps with black nylon webbing and some velcro sewn on to make it adjustable. In fact, the bag fits perfectly into a back pack, which also holds other useful bits like a spot meter, table tripod, film etc. I haven't found anything to improve on it.

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