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I am a happy owner of a 2nd hand v4 that has been awesome to use over the past couple of days. I put on my Leica issued UV/IR filter (I own a m8) as soon as I got it. Well today I noticed what I thought was a chip in the front glass element (turned out to just be a weird glare.) However as I went to expect it, I went to remove the UV IR filter and noticed the entire lens was rotating. So the part of the lens barrel that extends all rotated. The part with the focus tab didn't. Once I noticed the lens it self was turning, I just reversed my turn and the lens appears to be tight again. I didn't actually separate the lens at all. I took a few shots with it (I'm in the office and haven't had a chance to do a full field test.) My question is, is this normal for this to be able to turn? Should I be concerned at all about any calibration being thrown off? things still seem reasonably sharp. Just wondering what others experience with this is.

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I´m not certain about the v4, but earlier Summicron 50´s usually have a detachable optical unit that can be unscrewed from the mount and focussing helicoid for use (via an adapter) on a Visoflex housing. Your description fits rather well with the way this works.


Just tighten it again, rather firmly, but using no other tools than your hands. It should not come loose again in normal use, but trying to remove a stuck filter may very well loosen it up again.

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...Just tighten it again, rather firmly, but using no other tools than your hands. It should not come loose again in normal use, but trying to remove a stuck filter may very well loosen it up again.

+1 but it is not normal, just usual. Same for other lenses from the same period like Summicron 35/2 v4 and Tele-Elmarit 90/2.8.

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