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M9 and SF58 flash problem


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Has anyone had a problem with intermittent flash on the M9? I was bouncing the main and using secondary flash at 1/2 power; 35mm Lux fle-160iso and tried both AUTO and 160sec sync speeds. The flash would only fire every second shot; then would fire OK for a few shots and then miss again --- I would appreciate any ideas for this behaviour. All new batteries and ready light working.

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I had the same problem with the SF-58. It ended up being that the flash wasn't all the way on the hotshoe or made insufficient contact. Clean the contacts on your hotshoe with some alcohol, the push the flash all the way in and screw it on tight. This should do the trick. I ended up having completely different issues with mine and ended up returning it. See the thred below:



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Thank you - good advice - I did remove and reseat the flash into the hot shoe 2 or 3 times, but the intermittent firing continued. I will try to clean all contacts with isopropanol and try it again. This is the first instance that this has happened, but was really frustrating not being able to count on the flash firing.


This was also the first time that I had set the White Balance to "FLASH" rather than letting the camera do it -- does anyone see this as causing a problem?

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I had the same problem with the SF-58. It ended up being that the flash wasn't all the way on the hotshoe or made insufficient contact. Clean the contacts on your hotshoe with some alcohol, the push the flash all the way in and screw it on tight. This should do the trick. I ended up having completely different issues with mine and ended up returning it. See the thred below:




I think your issues were not representative; the TTL metering works fine, normally.

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Thank you - good advice - I did remove and reseat the flash into the hot shoe 2 or 3 times, but the intermittent firing continued. I will try to clean all contacts with isopropanol and try it again. This is the first instance that this has happened, but was really frustrating not being able to count on the flash firing.


This was also the first time that I had set the White Balance to "FLASH" rather than letting the camera do it -- does anyone see this as causing a problem?


That does point to a communication problem between the flash and camera. The close functional integration between the two requies the communication pathway to be working where for a basic flash, all that is required is for the old centre contact to work.

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It might be that the camera meter is not awake. If you haven't pressed the shutter release for a couple of minutes you should find that a half press of the shutter wakes everything up. I found this to be annoying quirk of the M9 with the SF58 and SF24 until I got used to it and now it has become automatic just to give a quick press to make sure the camera is fully awake before taking the shot. Hope that is clear!!!!

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I find that I get more consistant results with the Leica flashes if I pause for just an instant at the half press position of the shutter release. When I see the pre-flash in the viewfinder I press the rest of the way. That has the side benefit of ensuring the meter is awake as viramati suggested.

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