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Found 17 results

  1. Let me starts the ball rolling. LeicaT-Generic-Std.icm Download link: < https://www.dropbox.com/s/xcyz9yotsslivxo/LeicaT-Generic-Std.icm?dl=0 > Where are icc stored in C1 For Windows, C1 recognizes all icc files stored in the following folders. Adhere to correct icc naming convention to avoid confusion. For Mac, the icc file is with default file extension .icc. They can be renamed and used interchangeably. 1. C:\Users\JC\AppData\Local\CaptureOne\Color Profiles (hidden folder, for long-term custom icc storage) 2. C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color (for testing, temporary custom icc storage) 3. C1 system installed folder, Not recommend Leica T exposure with lens TL-23 and with Filmtype Standard To minimize highlight clipping, I always set the exposure compensation at -2/3 stop. I wonder if this is the practice with Leica T. With C1, for minor exposure adjustment, I prefer to use a tone curve. For simplicity, use the above custom icc instead of C1 Generic icc. Note that tone curve adjustment does not modify the raw exposure. For this custom icc, only the tone curve in C1 Generic icc was changed. 😊 Your suggestions are most welcome.
  2. Hi all, I wanted to raise some concerns about the colour rendering of my M10P's DNG files by Capture One. I am currently using Capture One 12. About to upgrade to 20. I have seen some comments on here already that the M10 ICC profile is way oversaturated. I have been using the DNG File Neutral setting instead. Something that has been bugging me is that when looking at photos shot in shadow, Capture One has removed almost all of the colour from the dark areas of the picture. It's pretty much like looking at a black and white photograph. I have found that this is a particularly an issue with any red in the shadow - Capture One pretty much removes it entirely. I am finding this to be a particular nuisance when trying to lift detail out of the shadows, only to find that there is no colour in the shadows. Has anyone else encountered this issue and has anyone found a fix that they might be able to help me out with? Cheers
  3. Hi, For the first time, I'm considering getting a Leica, as the Q2 looks very tempting... However, I was worried that the crop modes would not work with Capture One, which is a bit of a deal breaker. So, before purchasing one, I wanted to make sure that this could be fixed and made a script to retrieve the crop factor and apply it in Capture One. 2 goods news: It's possible! It works with a combination of Exiftool and Applescript (so, unfortunately, it doesn't work with the Windows version), and it integrates into the Capture One menus I release it as open-source, so that others can use it if they face the same issue: https://github.com/bezineb5/c1-crop-from-exif Now, I just have to wait until B&H gets some Q2 in stock... unless I finally go for a Q. I hope this will help some of you! Ben
  4. Hello. I would ask for opinions. Which is a better aplication for processing exclusively and only Leica M dng files (Leica MD, Leica M10)? 70% is a conversion to black and white, 30% in collor. I would ask for your experience and opinions between two applications, LIGHTROOM and CAPTURE ONE. Which gives better end results and why? It's only for Leica M files and not files of other camera brands. Thank you very much. Best regards.
  5. I just received access to the new Beta version of Palette Gear's new software that properly supports controlling Capture One 11. Palette Gear is a set of programmable buttons, knobs and sliders which can be mapped to replace keyboard commands in mostly video, sound and photography software. They aren't necessary as such, but I prefer using them to my keyboard when I have a lot of photo or video editing. Here's the video that I think is of the old beta, which didn't support the sliders. That has been remedied in the new version. Since Adobe seems to be pushing everyone into their Lightroom subscription, I decided to buy Capture One. I heard about it on Thorsten Overgaard's blog. I used his code to get 10% off – AMBOVERGAARD. To get access to the Palette Gear Capture One beta you need to 'Submit a ticket' and Andy will probably send you a link to download the beta. For the record, I have no connection, financial or otherwise, to any of these companies.
  6. I bought an SL last week and have the 90mm coming in on Tuesday. I Se use C1 with my M10. How is it with the SL? How are the colors?
  7. Hello!I just got the q3 about a month ago, love the camera but something is bothering me. I find myself cranking up the wb to get “normal” tones(around 8000 or more). If I choose a daylight setting (5500) in capture one the image just turns to a greenish tint…is this normal?toughts about this…thanks https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6bokk7ssoizo8jz/AAAZsN-Kk4Q6UscY0ml0UwTxa?dl=0
  8. Wäre nett, wenn der ein oder andere meine Bitte um M11-P-Support in C1 unterstützen würde: https://support.captureone.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/14470225508637-Leica-M11-P
  9. Hi all, I am experimenting with custom colour profiles for T/TL, I am using Capture One as my raw editor, I liked the default profile for people and indoor shots, but I like more saturated look on landscapes and old town. I created the ICC profile for the Leica T, please give it a try and let me know your thoughts. LeicaT-Color Corrected.icm from Dropbox Thank you
  10. Update 26. November 2019: Das hier ehemals verlinkte Forum existiert nicht mehr. Im Systemkamera-Forum gibt es aber jetzt ein eigenes deutsches Capture One Forum
  11. ... da warens nur noch 3 (oder so). Capture One Pro ist sicher mehr als nur eine schnoede Alternative zu Lr oder Aperture(R.I.P) ... aber dennoch erstaunlich unbekannt in der <=35mm-Szene. Daher hab ich einen kurzen Screencast angefertigt und auf Youtube hochgeladen. Ich stelle ein paar besondere Funktionen fuer Umsteiger (& Aufsteiger), die ich mir heraus gepickt habe, mal kurz vor.
  12. Nach wie vor können mit C1 keine Aufnahmen aus Leica M Monochrome entwickelt werden (das Problem ist seit längerem bekannt). Dazu die gestrige Stellungnahme vom Phase One Support: "There is no way to tell when or if that camera will be supported." Schade. Da es mit C1 in der letzten Zeit sowieso Probleme gab (C1 kann immer mal wieder DNG-Files aus der M9, welche mit CS6 und dem SEP2-Filter bearbeiteten wurden, nicht mehr wiedererkennen), wird es wohl langsam Zeit, sich von C1 zu verabschieden und auf ACR umzusteigen. ACR soll ja gegenüber C1 aufgeholt haben. Obwohl bei Phase One auch das Problem des Wiedererkennens von Aufnahmen, die mit SEP2 bearbeitet wurden, seit längerem bekannt ist, scheint sich da nicht viel zu tun. „Capture One ist die erste Wahl für professionelle und leidenschaftliche Fotografen“, so heisst es in der Werbung von Phase One. Für Leica-Fotografen, die mit der M9 und/oder der M Monochrom arbeiten, scheint das nicht mehr lange zu stimmen, wenn sich bei Phase One nicht sehr bald etwas tut.
  13. My Capture One version is designed for Windows 2000 / XP and is not supported by Windows 7. Is this just "sorry, bad luck" or does anybody know a work around? Ahoi.
  14. Hallo, ich nutze Capture One V4.8. Beim Aufruf von Bildern aus dem Explorer erfolgt die Anzeige in C1 häufig mit umgekerter Bildnummerierung (absteigend, beginnend mit der höchsten Bildnummer), oder völlig chaotisch sortiert. Kennt jemand diese Situation? Ich kann es mir nicht erklären, da auch das Aufnahmedatum entsprechend der Bildnummerierung ist. Oder gibt es noch ein anderes Sortierkriterium? Kann man diese Sortierung beinflussen?
  15. I have taken a few pictures in DNG using CV15. There are cyan corners so I used CF to fix them, resulting in XXXX_CF.DNG files. They look fine after the Fix. When I try to open these _CF.DNG files in C1 for further processing, I got a "An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket" error message. C1 closes and there is the usual box asking me to send an error report to Uncle Bill. It did not happen when I was processing regular .DNG files but C1 crashed several times and each time I was trying to work on a _CF.DNG file. Has anyone experience something like this? I don't even know if this is pure co-incidence or if there is actually something between C1 and CF. I am running XP home SP3, C1 v.4.8.1, CF with the C1 v4 compatibility enabled. PhaseOne support told me to run a cleaning utility, repair Microsoft dotnet 2.0, uninstall and reinstall C1. Which I all did but the same thing is coming back right after all that. Any help is much appreciated.
  16. I'm using the latest version of Capture One (version 4.8.2) on windows, and I've noticed that the program does not display estimated f-stop information any more.... Does anyone else have the same experience?
  17. I am not a computer person and the slightest technical glitch truly throws me. This is a strange one: Yesterday I updated C1 to 4.8.1 (I think it was). All seems fine, but when I process images (as jpgs) the unprocessed RAW hues appear in the Windows Explorer icons and also when I load the jpgs into Corel PaintShop Pro. However, if I load the jpgs into Photoshop or Picasa everything is as it should be! It is not my eyes fooling me, because I deliberately created some greyscale images in C1 and processed them. Viewed in Windows or Corel, they're still in full, unadjusted colour! What have I done?
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