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Found 10 results

  1. Hey all, Wondering how you approach maintaining the fantastic level of shadow detail we get with the monorchrom sensors when moving into an 8-bit format such as JPG, as well as standardizing on sRGB vs something like Adobe RGB 1998? When exporting to JPG (100% quality) with sRGB, shadow detail is definitely lost and gets muddy, while Adobe RGB maintains much more detail. I've also seen posterization or blockiness if black levels go to near 0, where the conversion from the working raw/dng space (in my case in Capture One) to sRGB loses the gentle tonal transition and instead it seems as if anything close to 0 just gets mapped to 0.. As a result, I've started manually protecting the white and blacks by using the curve adjustment and just changing my white point to ~252 and black to 3.. but even that small shift sometimes reduces the nice dynamic range we get in raw editing. I'm curious if you all have run into this at all, and what you all might be doing to prevent the sRGB conversion from creating a muddy effect on shadow detail? Attaching an example (post below as well due to file size limitations).. If you right click on each image, and open the images up in a new tab and then zoom into 100% at the top-left or the bottom-left corner of the image, then flip back between them both, you should see where some of the tone mapping difference occurs. This is Adobe RBG (profile embedded) JPG 100%, 100% crop.
  2. Hi all, I've noticed there isn't a dedicated thread for editing L-Log footage, so I will begin one here. I realize that colouring and re-touching video is a very subjective field, but I wanted to see how others work within Leica's limited literature surrounding post-production in video. I've just updated my Atomos Ninja V to the latest firmware, which now allows for L-Log recording from leica (the past year with the SL2 was a little tedious working with both internally and externally recorded video footage). Now, with this update, BT2020 seems a lot nicer. I've just done my first video about this update here:
  3. I couldn't find any threads that helped me with my predicament. I'm currently using Windows for my post. I have a Lenovo Yoga 920 ultrabook and a Surfacebook 2. Neither of which pack the punch I need. With the release of the new M1 chips, I'm attracted to the idea (in theory) of doing my post on an iPad. I don't make a lot of changes post as I try and get the best photos I can SOOC. But I would like something that is fast and not prone to crashing/freezing, or that allows me to make heavy edits when I feel like it. I've watched a lot of videos and read a lot of reviews but was wondering whether anyone here had experience and advice on this in general or with the iPad Pro/M1 chips in particular. Specifically: Experience with a good iPadOS lightroom alternative (I've been looking at Pixelmator Photo, Darkroom, and Affinity Photo) Whether 8GB RAM on an M1 iPad Pro would be sufficient. I understand 16GB would always be better but is an M1/16GB configuration overkill on an iPad even when taking into account future-proofing? Overall experience of iPad editing with Apple Pencil Thanks in advance!
  4. The new Capture One Pro 10.2 just released and has support Leica M10, Leica M-P and Leica M Monochrom as well as a number of Leica M lenses. You can get a free 30 day trial download here: Capture One Pro 10.2 free download Also there is profiles for these lenses now: Leica Elmar-M 24mm f/3.8 ASPH Leica Summilux-M 21mm f1.4 ASPH Leica Summilux-M 24mm f/1.4 ASPH Leica Super-Elmar-M 18mm f3.8 ASPH Leica Super-Elmar-M 21mm f/3.4 ASPH Leica Tri-Elmar-M 16-18-21mm f/4 ASPH
  5. I just received access to the new Beta version of Palette Gear's new software that properly supports controlling Capture One 11. Palette Gear is a set of programmable buttons, knobs and sliders which can be mapped to replace keyboard commands in mostly video, sound and photography software. They aren't necessary as such, but I prefer using them to my keyboard when I have a lot of photo or video editing. Here's the video that I think is of the old beta, which didn't support the sliders. That has been remedied in the new version. Since Adobe seems to be pushing everyone into their Lightroom subscription, I decided to buy Capture One. I heard about it on Thorsten Overgaard's blog. I used his code to get 10% off – AMBOVERGAARD. To get access to the Palette Gear Capture One beta you need to 'Submit a ticket' and Andy will probably send you a link to download the beta. For the record, I have no connection, financial or otherwise, to any of these companies.
  6. I noticed capture one has released it’s ipad version with some caveats, no tethering at the moment and can be bought only through subscription of 4.99 usd? I might be wrong … i have noticed some of good images were edited through Capture One which seems to be more ready with its profile colour for M11 compared to LR, very subjective anybody already use this app for ipad? I’m curious as my workflows for digital M is very ipad dependent, right now im using LR CC
  7. Hello, my first post here I have been scanning negatives with Plustek 8200i, in 7200 dpi and 48-bit color (Vuescan). The black borders are cropped, images (tiff) are color adjusted, and the file size is around 450 MB each. Had anyone done the same, and if so, what were your next steps? I want the images to be shown on a 8k TV in the future. But is it worth keeping this resolution, or should I scale down to perhaps 50% of the current image size? Besides changing size, is there any other way to reduce file size without losing image quality?
  8. It's been a couple of days that I am stuck with plaintext while posting on the forum with my iPad. Don't know if this happens also on other OS's. Also, the first empty line of text used to separate the quoted message from the reply is removed when editing the reply.
  9. My online magazine ColoradoSeen won two editing awards from the NPPA (National Press Photographers' Association) Best Magazine Cover - First Place: https://nppa.org/node/61334 Picture was shot with an M9 and 21 Elmarit (original was horizontal, cropped to vertical to fit page) Best Use of Photography by an Electronic Publication - Second Place: https://nppa.org/node/61440 Mostly M9 shots with 21, 35, 75, 90 and 135 lenses - a few shots with Canon 5D2 and various Leica R lenses, and a few with M8 or M9 and Voigtlander 15mm. Link to the orignal work at ColoradoSeen in my signature.
  10. I'm in the process of re-evaluating my PP workflow and tools. I remember having tried LZ (LightZone) a few years back, but wasn't entirely convinced. I know there's a new trial version, but before going that way, I wonder if anyone on the forum is using the latest (3.9) version of this software for editing M8/M9 RAWs? Comments, pros, cons, comparisons with LR/C1, etc. would be much appreciated.
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