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Another M9 + Noct Image


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Do you mean Nokton f1.1 (or Noctilux 1.0, or Noctilux .95)? Only the Nokton is f1.1 wide-open. Thanks for clarification. Tom P.


No, I meant Noctilux. The f/1.1 was the second generation Noct made after the original f/1.2 and this sample was the 1st version at e58 with the detachable lens hood.

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No such thing as f/1.1 Noctilux.


F/1.2 from 1966-75

F/1.0 from 1976-2007 (but there were three cosmetic versions - with separate shade, pin mount (E58), with separate shade, bayonet mount (E60) and with built-in shade (E60), all were f/1.0, though)


Confusion may come from how Leica marked the f/1.0 lenses - 1:1/50, just as an f/2 lens is marked 1:2/50. The "1:" is equal to "f/"


Nice glow-keh, whatever it was made with.

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Is it cropped? There is no vignetting at all?




No, not cropped. There is vignetting, just not very obvious with this shot. A few others I took were more obvious but it's not convenient for me to post those as there are people in it that do not want them published. Sorry.

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