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Regarding M9 jpegs...


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Here are some crops from the jpeg versions of pix I shot in Salt Lake. No post-processing except for cropping.


I note that Leica has vastly improved the sharpening algorithms. None of the video-like halos that appeared in the M8 unless in-camera sharpening was turned completely off.


I also note that ISO 2500 is extremely noise-free (for the ISO)


Shot of the M8 on pedestal: ISO 2500, mixed tungsten spotlight overhead and window daylight, 135 TE @ f/4 and 1/60th (so a touch of camera shake), "normal" sharpening setting.


Detail of the "Leica" shirt is from the same shot, in DNG form, that I posted on my original report. 21 Elmarit, ISO 1600, f/2.8, "soft" sharpening setting (according EXIF - I don't know which menu setting that corresponds to precisely).


Anyway, for your consideration...

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Is the compression of the jpegs still as it was in the M8s? Jono and I both felt that the M8 colors in the jpegs were excellent & hard to match without much work on raw converters. Of course, the jpegs, due to their compression, were only useable as 4x6 snapshot prints.

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Jono and I both felt that the M8 colors in the jpegs were excellent & hard to match without much work on raw converters. Of course, the jpegs, due to their compression, were only useable as 4x6 snapshot prints.


Interesting. I also like the M8 JPEG colours and wished the JPEGs were more usable for serious work.

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