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Is anyone going to the annual Photographica fair in London on Sunday (19th May 2013)? It's amazing how quickly they come around. I shall go. I find them irresistable, even though I can't imagine there's anything I might usefully buy there -- or sell. But there may be some fabulous bargain, or something I've never thought of.


Photographica Fair

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Oops, missed this thread, John. I made it to Photographica in the afternoon, and had a pleasant chat to Doug. Shame not to have seen you there. I spotted James briefly but lost him in the crowds.


Brian May turned up as well, which was interesting. I wasn't aware that he had photographic interests.



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Brian May at dead centre, to the left of the "We Buy" in blue shirt, red jacket and silver mane.


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I was there, but didn't buy anything - saw a couple of people I know, but no-one from here AFAICT.


Thought there was less interesting Leica stuff than previous years? Or maybe I just have everything I want :)


- Steve

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Thx for sharing the >>Brian May<<-photographs, Pete.


Forgot his name, but remembered his QUEEN- guitarface. He was a musical god in my youth,

well, sort of at least. Unlike many others, he still seems to be going strong.





Edited by k_g_wolf
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