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Received my new (old) 50mm 'Summicron' today, which, according to info gleaned from the 'net, it is a V5, dating to 1980. S/No. 3506XXX. (I don't think it has ever been used!)


Research I've done so far points to the fact it is a Canadian lens, but there's nothing on it to identify the country of origin.


It came with a vented metal shade (12585) clearly marked 'Leitz Wetzlar Germany' but realise, of course, the hood may not be original to the lens.


It doesn't matter a tinker's cuss to me where it was manufactured, but I would be interested to establish its origins.


Anyone? (Thanks)

Edited by Rheingold
spelling error
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You meant 1990 right? I'm no Leica expert but I think I recall reading that they shut down the Canada factory in 84 and anything made after that date was made in Wetzler. Also, with that serial number, It can't be a v5 as they weren't made until 1994. Does your lens have a built in hood? Doesn't sound like it. You must have a v4.


I'm getting all of my info from here.


LEICA Lens Serial Numbers



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Sounds like a Summicron-M 50/2 # 11819 ("version 4") from 1990 with concave focus tab. You should read "Germany" here normally.

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