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This pheasant was doing wonderful mating displays this morning but always coyly, half behind a tree. He was behaving normally every time he stepped into the open. This is taken with a 280/f4.8 Telyt-V on the M240, using a Visoflex replacement adapter from Amedeo Muscelli. Converted in Capture One V7.1.1 and re-sized in PS-CS6. On a dull day like today, I am quite pleased by the colour rendition, saturation and contrast from the Telyt on the M240. I actually had to reduce the green saturation slightly. Other settings - lens at f4.8, ISO 640, 1/500. The pheasant was about 80 metres away.



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Lovely picture from a complicated set up.




Mike it is actually no more complicated than putting any other lens on the M. I leave the Muscelli adapter sitting on the 280, as that is the Visoflex lens I need it on most. On the Elmar 65 and 135 Tele-Elmar, i mainly use those for archival and copying, so I will use a Novoflex bellows rather than than the Muscelli adapter. I don't use my 400 and 560 Telyt's that much, as they have to be unpacked from their airline case and the lens head, aperture unit and Televit all assembled. By the time you have done all that, the HCB decisive moment is long past. This is what the assembled 280 on an M looks like. On the Series 3 of this lens, the rotation collar/tripod mount/M bayonet is built in rather than on a separate OUBIO adapter as on S1 and S2 lenses.



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Excellent colors.

So, how do you rate the version 3 relative to version 2 of this lens?




I was rather disappointed with this S3 lens on my M9 but it seems to be a bit of a star on the M240 - go figure! I think my Visoflex III needed tweaking a bit. I have actually got it a bit better by reverting to an original ground glass (DAG had new ones), just in time for it to sit in a drawer. I had had the Nikon split image screen professionally collimated but when I checked it last autumn, I found that the way the shims had been installed, caused slight bowing of the screen. My impression of the S2 is that it may be fractionally sharper or at least the equal of the S3 in the centre of the image but noticeably softer in the corners and a bit lower contrast. I will give the S2 a run on the M240 tomorrow and post on this thread.



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The pheasant was about 80 metres away.





This one was outside my window! (sorry, couldn't resist, taken in Anglesey last week)


M9, 35 'Lux Asph.



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This one was outside my window! (sorry, couldn't resist, taken in Anglesey last week)


M9, 35 'Lux Asph.






If they get that close to our house, particularly if they start digging up her bulbs, my wife will have them in the freezer before they know what has hit them. I told her last week that they were out of season and she replied that if they were in her garden and digging, they were vermin and therefore, fair game.



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What a beautiful bird. It's hard to credit that people would

mess up that stunning feather arrangement by shooting them.


Bird watchers in the UK hate them, as they are a non-native species, originally imported for shooting and their appearance in large estates, from India in the 18th century. They would die out fairly quickly if they were not bred every year. They compete with the native ground living birds like lark and partridge and the males in particular, are very aggressive. They are also extremely stupid and have a terrible habit of walking across roads, just as you are driving along it. The number of accidents they cause a year is not up to deer levels but is a fair number. I hit one last year and it did around £400 of damage.



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I have done tests with the 280/4.8 S2 and S3 lenses. There is so little difference between them, that I am not going to post images, as you certainly would not see it at web definitions. Now I suspect I have a very good S2 and a middling S3, which probably equalises things. I also think my S3 could do with an internal clean, whereas again, the S2 is spotless. Things like coming a smoking or non-smoking households of the previous owners, can make a difference due to tar deposits left on air surfaces. My daughter who is house hunting at the moment, says that the difference in the cleanliness of paintwork between smoking and non-smoking houses is striking, with brown rings above the lights in the smoking ones.



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Thanks Wilson.


I have two version or series 3 - S3 - 280/4.8 Telyts.

The first one I got had a tremendous haze problem.

The second one seemed fine.

I had both of them CLA'ed and they now perform similarly.


One thing to try would be to stop the lens all the way down and see whether the resulting image has a whitish appearance in the central part.

That was the case with my first S3.


Even after the CLAs I wouldn't use my S3s beyond f/8 or f/11.

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I have arranged to take my S3 over to Kelvin at Protech this afternoon (only about 10 miles away), to be taken apart for a good spring clean. When I got the lens and unwrapped it from its bubble wrap last year, it actually smelt of cigarette smoke.



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You have managed to coax an impressive performance from your 280mm Telyt since I'm sure the submitted photo is the result of considerable cropping if the pheasant was 80m away. Even photographing larger greylag geese (Anser anser) at 40m with a 280mm Telyt I still have a lot of sensor going to waste.

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You have managed to coax an impressive performance from your 280mm Telyt since I'm sure the submitted photo is the result of considerable cropping if the pheasant was 80m away. Even photographing larger greylag geese (Anser anser) at 40m with a 280mm Telyt I still have a lot of sensor going to waste.


I could always have unpacked and assembled my 560/5.6 Telyt and all the bits that go with it. However, I know that lens is not great and I suspect I may have got better definition by using the 280 and cropping. After all there are plenty pixels to spare on the M240.



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Wonderful picture, Wilson !! How is the using of the EVF with the 280 ? Your results make me confident... :) I have great hopes on my 280 when will have my M... your pic shows that even wide open the 280 can perform fine : I will be curios to verify (as soon as I will be able... :o) which exposure times one can afford with the 280 HANDHELD with Televit and the Amedeo adapter... with the Visoflex, all the button/arm/mirror mechanism makes risky even the 1/500... without those gear I hope things can be better, which coupled with the capability to use, in the mean, higher ISO settings, can make the set much more enjoyable.

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I have neither very strong nor steady hands, so I would not even attempt to hand hold the 280. I have invested in a heavy duty Manfrotto Neotech 685B Monopod with a 1D tilt RC head on it, for when I don't want to take a tripod. It will double as a walking stick for me. I have really got it for using the 80-200 but I think it would be OK with the 280 as well.


I did some comparative shots yesterday with my S2 and S3 280's and I could see no difference between them, either in contrast, the centre or edge. The S3 should be noticeably better. Now it may just be I have an exceptionally good S2 but I took my S3 off to Kelvin at Protech Camera Service, who are only about 15km away, for a through clean. I know the last owner was a smoker, as the lens stank of cigarettes, when I first got it.


On a tripod, focusing with the EVF or LCD on zoom is spectacularly accurate. You don't need to open the diaphragm up either to focus, like you do on a Visoflex to get the image bright enough. The amplification of the EVF, does the job for you. Now what is less good, is trying to take moving objects. You very much have to do predictive focus and hope that the object (or pheasant) will appear, where you have predicted. In the photo at the top, the pheasant actually came out from behind the bush, slightly further away than I had predicted, so the focus point is a little in front of the bird.


I am going to break out the 560mm/f5.6 today, while the 280 is away (it should be done by tomorrow) and see how I get on with that.



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