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Hi Id appreciate any advice regarding fitting these rings (2 parts plus spacer) from the Leicaflex era to a 280 f4. The extension tubes fit any of my lenses with the shiny cam 1 (single, twin or triple) eg my 50 summicron, 60 macro 100 AME but not my R cam 280, or rom 28-90. Realistically Im not needing to keep it original for my Leicaflex (and seldom shoot film these days) so is there an easy modification to allow compatibility? Thanks in advance, Brandon

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  • 2 weeks later...

I must have won the prize for the most boring post: no response after several weeks! Never mind, this is just a veiled attempt to bring my original question to the top of the pile, and maybe someone will be able to help me with the question of compatibility of these leicaflex era extension rings (not) fitting on R era lenses.

As a side issue I think the use of R telephotos on the M when it delivers is unlikely to better using them on a Nikon or Canon dSLR where liveview is an option but also TTL use can be achieved which is essential in bright light and following action two frequent occurences with long lenses in my experience

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No answer to your question, but I started a thread about using R long lenses on the M. I have plenty and will post some from time to time. They might be boring, but I am still trying to get a workflow using focus peaking, etc on the M-240.

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Doug Herr is the expert on it, but I suspect your adapters have the wrong mount on them for mounting all R lenses. At one point in time, the mount on the lens side (male mount) was modified to to prevent mounting on some Leicaflex. You will see it as an extra step on the outer circumference of the lens mount. The camera side mounts were redesigned with a champher on the inner circumference of the mount to allow there newer R lenses to mount.


I think it may have been related to the original Leicaflex, where the more modern lenses would interfere with the mirror box.

Edited by robsteve
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  • 5 years later...

As a follow-up to this rather inconclusive thread...


Can anyone point me to the thinnest possible R extension ring that I can put on the camera body side of the Apo-Extender-R 2x?


I have the Leica 14158-1 + 14158-2 adapter set, but the Apo-Extender does not fit. Likely because of change in the R-mount back in time.


The Leica Macro adapter R 14256 will work, I guess, but it is rather thick (extends 30mm).

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Just guessing that you are using R lenses on an SL?  If you are also using the R-Adapter-M and M-Adapter-T/TL, then an option would be to slip an OUFRO (16469 or 16469y)  in between them.  That'll give you 10mm of extension. Even with two of them stacked, the linkage is very solid.  

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Just guessing that you are using R lenses on an SL?  If you are also using the R-Adapter-M and M-Adapter-T/TL, then an option would be to slip an OUFRO (16469 or 16469y)  in between them.  That'll give you 10mm of extension. Even with two of them stacked, the linkage is very solid.  



Thanks - I should have mentioned that I am talking about R-lenses on the S, not SL.


For the S, I have the Lei-Ko adapter allowing to use the 1.4x APO-R extender on the 280mm APO-R f4, with focus to infinity. Fine.


I would like to mount the 2x APO-R extender in a similar way, likely loosing infinity focus, but that isn't too important. The problem is that the rear element of the latter protrudes a tiny bit to much, 1-2 mm, making mounting impossible. 


A second option could be to have the following arrangement, in order from the S-body: Lei-Ko - 1.4x APO-R - 2x APO-R - 280mm APO-R f4. In this case, I need some spacing between the two extenders since the front element of the 1.4x APO-R protrudes beyond the lens mount. 


I guess the above can be transferred to other R-lenses, as well. But in the absence of long S-mount lenses, the 280mm APO-R f4 is one route to follow. The the 280mm APO-R f4 is a beauty, as you (and others) have repeatably demonstrated...

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Am I understanding correctly that you cannot attach the APO-Extender-R 2X to your 280mm f/4 APO lens?


If so, that can be remedied by pushing the aperture lever of the extender (on the camera side) as far to the right as it will go while you attach the extender to the lens.

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Am I understanding correctly that you cannot attach the APO-Extender-R 2X to your 280mm f/4 APO lens?


If so, that can be remedied by pushing the aperture lever of the extender (on the camera side) as far to the right as it will go while you attach the extender to the lens.



There is no space for the rear lens element on the APO-Extender-APO 2x when mounted on the Lei-Ko adapter - the mirror will hit the APO-Extender - which is not god for neither the camera or me ;) ...

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Thanks - I should have mentioned that I am talking about R-lenses on the S, not SL.


For the S, I have the Lei-Ko adapter allowing to use the 1.4x APO-R extender on the 280mm APO-R f4, with focus to infinity. Fine.


I would like to mount the 2x APO-R extender in a similar way, likely loosing infinity focus, but that isn't too important. The problem is that the rear element of the latter protrudes a tiny bit to much, 1-2 mm, making mounting impossible. 


A second option could be to have the following arrangement, in order from the S-body: Lei-Ko - 1.4x APO-R - 2x APO-R - 280mm APO-R f4. In this case, I need some spacing between the two extenders since the front element of the 1.4x APO-R protrudes beyond the lens mount. 


I guess the above can be transferred to other R-lenses, as well. But in the absence of long S-mount lenses, the 280mm APO-R f4 is one route to follow. The the 280mm APO-R f4 is a beauty, as you (and others) have repeatably demonstrated...


All TC in this post I refer to are APO types. Tested with SL601.


IT seems only TC sequenc that provode infinity focus is TC1.4 on top of TC2, i.e. Lens next to TC1.4 - tried and tested but combined 3 stop light reduction makes it somewhat impractical with f4 lens like APO Telyt 280mm.


I have tried your sequence with TC1.4 first followed with R macro tube 14256 and finally TC2. I have attached Macro Elmarit 60mm. Object tha was some 50cm popped into focus, focus scale on the lens was showing jus over 1.5m. My conclusion is tha insertion of macro adapter is causing combination to act as close up setup. Tried with on SL601 via usual R-M adapter. Boy, those two TC with macro adapter is a beast on top of the camera.

43350750980_b819cd6517_b.jpgUntitled by Mladen Radman, on Flickr

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Further to what i wrote in the previous post:-


a) Stacked APO Telyt R 280mm on top of APO TC2+Macro Adapter R [30mm]+APO TC1.4 on R-M on SL601, i could not get sharp focus at all.


B) Stacked APO Elmarit R 180mm Mk1 [11273] on top of APO TC2+Macro Adapter R [30mm]+APO TC1.4 on R-M on SL601, this works with some limitations, at infinity setting focus plane was some 8 - 10 meters away.  It would work as close up 500mm f8 lens combination. Mk2 version of the APO Elmarit 180mm [11357] allows attachment of APO TC1.4 next to the lens - which gives you 252mm f4 lens for S system via Leic-Ko adaptation. 


I'll post pictures of the setup later.

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Further to what i wrote in the previous post:-


a) Stacked APO Telyt R 280mm on top of APO TC2+Macro Adapter R [30mm]+APO TC1.4 on R-M on SL601, i could not get sharp focus at all.


B) Stacked APO Elmarit R 180mm Mk1 [11273] on top of APO TC2+Macro Adapter R [30mm]+APO TC1.4 on R-M on SL601, this works with some limitations, at infinity setting focus plane was some 8 - 10 meters away.  It would work as close up 500mm f8 lens combination. Mk2 version of the APO Elmarit 180mm [11357] allows attachment of APO TC1.4 next to the lens - which gives you 252mm f4 lens for S system via Leic-Ko adaptation. 


I'll post pictures of the setup later.


APO Telyt R 280mm f4


44453879174_6d0130ec59_b.jpgSL with APO TC and APO R 280MM lens stacked by Mladen Radman, on Flickr


APO Elmarit R 180mm Mk1 [11273]


44264984425_73fdd4a256_b.jpgSL with APO TC and APO R 180mm lens stacked by Mladen Radman, on Flickr

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Thanks! Somewhat scary stack, this... But I asked for it, so much appreciated!


It would be good if a thin, say less than 5mm, R-extension ring was available, but apparently not...


I really want to use long lens(es) on the S, for static wildlife. The 280mm APO-R is great, but somewhat short. The Leica modular system is an option, but it is too expensive and it need to be shaved/adjusted by Leica. So a no-go for me.


The mamiya 645 500mm f4.5 apo is an option; looking at that now.

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Even if stacked arrangement optically worked it would require some mechanical improvements.  Probably one common fixing bar [Arca Swiss type] between lens tripod foot and the camera that would allow fixing the contraption to the tripod ballhead, selecting actual centre of gravity.  Despite being solid i wouldn't trust myself in the field with such combination with lens foot fixed to the tripod and rest exerting increased load onto both the camera and the lens mount. 

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Even if stacked arrangement optically worked it would require some mechanical improvements.  Probably one common fixing bar [Arca Swiss type] between lens tripod foot and the camera that would allow fixing the contraption to the tripod ballhead, selecting actual centre of gravity.  Despite being solid i wouldn't trust myself in the field with such combination with lens foot fixed to the tripod and rest exerting increased load onto both the camera and the lens mount. 



I fully agree...

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  • 2 months later...
On 10/7/2018 at 1:19 PM, helged said:

Any R-alternative to the M extension rings a la


that works on the modern R mount, in this case APO-Extender-R 1.4 and 2.0?

Hi folks - I haven't fully abandonded the search for a thin R-mount extension ring... Since thin (~5mm) R extension rings dont exist (strange, but correct me if I am wrong), it must be possible to put together a thin, dumb adapter-type of ring with R-to-R mount of, say, 5mm thickness.

Any suggestions to Leica repair services that could be contacted for putting together such a ring? I could possibly do it myself, but I rather leave drilling and threading tiny screws on a thin ring to experts...

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