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From my blog In love again


A few months ago I started to struggle with the restrictions of the Leica M. The lack of reach and it’s ability to focus closer than 0.8 of a metre. I know both can be overcome but not as easily or cost effectively as with a DSLR and for some situations auto focus can be a boon too. I bought a Canon 7D and three lenses. Over the months since I have found myself using the Canon more and more; to the point where I wondered about ditching the M9.


Saturday morning promised good conditions for landscape photography so I got my kit ready and had an early night on Friday. Up at 5:30 there was time to enjoy a cup of tea before heading out to Bradgate park. At the door I picked up the bag with the Canon in it in one hand and the Leica in the other but, remembering the reason I was attracted to the M9 in the first place, the light weight of the kit, I left the Canon in the hall and set out.


There was just a feint lightening of the darkness as I got out of the van at Old John car park but not so much that I could see well enough to avoid almost walking into the centre of a herd of deer on my way to the summit. I skirted around them, leaving them in peace and, on arrival at the top found two other photographers from Nottingham. I had a few words with Chris who was burdened down with over 20lbs of Nikon gear and felt better about my decision.


Dawn was a muted affair but the soft light allowed me to make a few pleasing exposures near the Toby jug before I wandered over to the war memorial a few hundred yards further on. Here there are many interesting, albeit quite small, rock formations. I had not been there long when a very short shower dampened the rocks, adding a slight glistening sheen and then the sun broke through a crack in the clouds and low side-lighting set the world alive for a few brief minutes.


Quickly the sky turned to even grey and within 30 minutes it was dull grey and raining but I was back home. Had I not woken until 8:00 a.m. I would have done so in the mistaken belief that it was as well I did not go out with my camera. As it is I am once again in love with my Leica!



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this is a most superb capture which makes you feel looking deep into Middle Earth. Your story behind is quite interesting since I can understand using a Canon 5DMKI myself with Leica lenses. The lightweight of an M9 is a big advantage and a compromise is always there.

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