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Hi all,


I am currently trying to pick my 50 mm lens (which will be my very main lens) and I have a few deals on the table


1. summicron DR 50mm, perfect glass, great condition, 950 usd (i used this for 4 weeks and really like the built and look of it, I heard type 4 is a bit high contrast but I can't say I have any complicate looking at the images I get out of it)


2. summicron 50mm type 4, canada version, perfect glass and fair condition body, 920 usd (less well built compare to type 2, i heard it is a bit more contrasty compare to type 2 DR/rigid)


3. summicron 50mm type 4, german version, perfect glass good condition, 1300 ( compare to option 2 i get a nicer condition lens and german made version but it looks like i am going to get similar overall image quality)


4. summilux 50 1.4 type 1, good condition overall, 1500 usd ( i gain 1 stop)


I am leaning toward option 1 and 4 as I like old lens, they are better built and have an older rendering and it feels more joyful to use. The lux is a bit out of budget, I quite like to shot in low light area and mainly use iso400 film so that 1 stop might be helpful at time.. i heard the cron is sharper tho...


Appreciate any input!

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Hi all,


I am currently trying to pick my 50 mm lens (which will be my very main lens) and I have a few deals on the table


1. summicron DR 50mm, perfect glass, great condition, 950 usd (i used this for 4 weeks and really like the built and look of it, I heard type 4 is a bit high contrast but I can't say I have any complicate looking at the images I get out of it)


2. summicron 50mm type 4, canada version, perfect glass and fair condition body, 920 usd (less well built compare to type 2, i heard it is a bit more contrasty compare to type 2 DR/rigid)


3. summicron 50mm type 4, german version, perfect glass good condition, 1300 ( compare to option 2 i get a nicer condition lens and german made version but it looks like i am going to get similar overall image quality)


4. summilux 50 1.4 type 1, good condition overall, 1500 usd ( i gain 1 stop)


I am leaning toward option 1 and 4 as I like old lens, they are better built and have an older rendering and it feels more joyful to use. The lux is a bit out of budget, I quite like to shot in low light area and mainly use iso400 film so that 1 stop might be helpful at time.. i heard the cron is sharper tho...


Appreciate any input!



I have owned a " 2" summicron 50mm type 4, canada version and a modern type 4 and still have the 50 asph 1,4 . I will buy the " 2" again because I really miss it. It is perfect in my hands and the image is wonderful.

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Which camera do you use?


On the digital M-bodies the dual-range Summicron can only be used with the goggles, which I don't find very practical for every day use. The normal version without goggles could be more interesting.


I am not sure which canadian type 4 Summicron you mean. Usually the canadian 50mm Summicrons with yellow engravings are called "type 3." It may be a little bit less contrasty than the present version (type 4).


Type 4 (german made) should be the present version, the newer ones with inbuilt shade, which makes it a little bit more compact, though the shade may be less effective.


If he Summilux is really type 1 it should have a number below 1.844.000. If it is a black version you don't notice the difference - only from your pictures. The first version was much less contrasty - with f/1.4 not very usable - only if you look for a special "vintage glow" with lots of aberrations and big focus shift. If it has a higher number, it is "version 2", a good lens, though far behind the present Summilux asph (people who want to sell theirs will tell you, that the pre-asph. Summilux had much better "bokeh" etc, which I don't take for true).

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I am shooting film, using either a m6 or m7. Here's a few images I took with my 50 DR. As far as I understand type 4 is the version with tab focus but no build in hood, from 1979 to 1994, type 5 current version is the one with tab focus and built in hood, from 1994 onwards.




so it looks like summicron is a better bet? I haven't use one yet, but it sounds like there is image quality problem at 1.4. Can anyone show some sample pictures?













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if you own a digital M like the M9, the DR is not worth considering, it will not focus above 4 or 5 meters, so no infinity. so option 1 is out.


next it's a option 2 and 3 vs 4, do u need that extra stop of light? type 4 cron is a more 'modern' than the v1 lux. search up some of the images taken with the lux, since it will add classic character to the pic. all of your choice is great, the option is likely to be 3 or 4 (i prefer the German-made one)

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I own a type 4 german, IE the same optics as the current one, but with focussing tab and separate hood.

I love it. I have 3 other leica lenses, all of them more expensive, but this little tiny gem does it all.

The type 4 is considerably smaller than the type 5 (current version with collapsbile hood)


Besides, it is a mandler design, so can still be considered one of the classics.


Ultra ultra sharp at F5.6-F8.


No wonder Leica had to charge almost eight thousand dollars for a upgraded version.

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For $1300 i would look for a current Summicron (with built-in hood) which is sharper at f/2 than the tabbed v4 and has less flare than the latter if i believe my own copies. Not sure if the difference is obvious with film though. If size matters more, the tabbed v4 w/o hood is significantly smaller and lighter than the current version.

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I was in your same situation last year but ultimately went with the Zeiss Planar. I know you didn't ask about it and are looking for Leica glass, but I was/am so incredibly impressed with this lens that I am considering the 25mm Biogon. I'll likely end up going with the Leica 24mm ASPH, but I'll give a good hard look to the Biogon.


I had your number 4, Summilux, years ago when shooting with an M6 and was extremely pleased with it. I'd have no problem with and would prefer it over the others on your list. Also, since you are shooting film and like to shoot in low light, I think that the Summilux is the way to go. Have patience young padawan and save up some more until it is in your budget. I think you'll find that it was worth the wait.


My 2 cents,



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