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Found 11 results

  1. just got my Q-P back from the repair center, they are telling me that everything is fine with my Q-P, but, are your images in camera also looking like this? See the red stuff? somehow its not on all images... please check your Q and tell me.
  2. just got my Q-P back from the repair center, they are telling me that everything is fine with my Q-P but, are your images in camera also looking like this? See the red stuff?
  3. Has anyone else noticed an issue when using AF with the SL2? CONTEXT - I'm working with VE 24-90 and VE 90-200 on the SL2. The same problem occurs with the Sigma 45 DG DN - so it's not a Leica lens specific problem. I usually default to field metering and AFS. However, I've recently set Intelligent AF as a default. At the moment (lockdown!) I'm mainly working with landscape photography while doing socially distanced treks in the area around where I live. ISSUE - I've started noticing that with Intelligent AF + Field (or ANY other relevant AF mode) the focus locks as normal on the selected area, but with the shutter half down to lock AF, the image in the screen blurs slightly. The moment the shutter is fired (or pressure is released) everything snaps back into clarity. I found this very distracting. I think I've found the solution for now is to switch to AFS, where this behaviour does not manifest itself. REQUEST - Does any one else share this experience - or can you reproduce it? If yes, any thoughts on a solution - or is this maybe a firmware issue we need to raise with Leica? I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.
  4. The lack of a tilting display on the SL2 makes it difficult to shoot from low or other than eye level angles. Has anyone tried to put a secondary display, say mounted on the flash shoe so that it becomes easy to see the with low or difficult angles. I saw using the Atomos Ninja for also recording video. Can the iPhone mounted on the hot shoe be a possibility or any other display option?
  5. Hello all, new member and Q owner here. Just wondering if any of you use a digital art display your pictures ? Thinking of the Meural or Depict devices - or alternatives ? Thanks for any input !
  6. I purchased a brand new S typ 006 three weeks ago. I had my entire extended family over labor day weekend. At dinner I removed the camera from its case to take pictures. After I switched on the camera there were no warning alarms nor messages to suggest anything was wrong with the camera. When I pressed the shutter release button it made a terrible whirring sound and the mirror was locked in the midway position and after some more whirring the mirror went back down without exposing the sensor. The rear display was blank. I was unable to review previously taken pics nor view the camera menu. The display light is on but there is nothing being displayed. The top LCD shows camera settings but no error messages. I am Fedexing the camera to 1 Pearl court NJ in the morning. Does anyone have any thoughts as to what problems I might be facing. BTW I tried calling customer care USA to no avail however the gentleman who answered the phone in Germany was extremely polite and asked me to ship the camera to Allendale.I checked the warranty book that came with the camera and it mentions that Leica would send me a replacement camera should I need one. Does anyone have any experience with their loaner service ? Please Help . Warm regards Fritz
  7. I bought this old Leica case off craigslist for not much, hoping to kick start a Leica collection, and I'm having trouble figuring out its model. There are only a handful of forms and websites that have information on a cases like this, but I have yet to find information relevant to the configuration of my case. Its obviously in very rough shape, most likely missing many parts, only hindering my search for information on it. Anyways I was hoping you guys could help me out! I'm very new to this form, so forgive me for my being ill-informed on the topic.
  8. Hello everybody! I just got a Leica Monochrom and am puzzled: I shoot in JPG. When I view the picture on the rear screen of my camera, it displays a lot of grain. I don't see this grain however, when I view the image on my computer. Even more mysterious: My husband's Monochrom doesn't display this kind of grain on the rear screen image! Are my camera settings faulty, or is it a Software problem and I need to turn my camera in for repair?
  9. Hello dear reader, This is my first post @L-Camera, and I was wondering if someone could give me some advice and help me out. I bought the D-Lux 4 a couple of years ago, so now I'm out of range of the warranty.. :-( I started to have a problem with the display, like the display would loose connection and it goes black. This started to be more and more frequent, and now my display is almost the whole time black...so I don't really see what I shoot.. :-0 I wanted to ask your advice here, especially if someone else had the same problem, before I send it in to repair.. I like to thank you in advanvce for your precious help Best regards Michele
  10. Hallo, seit heute kann ich eine V-LUX 3 mein Eigen nennen. Würdet Ihr mir empfehlen, das Display mit einer Schutzfolie zu beziehen. Wenn ja, welche Folien sind empfehlenswert? Kann man solche Folien tatsächlich rückstandsfrei entfernen? Freue mich auf Eure Tipps!!
  11. Hallo zusammen, durch Zufall habe ich bemerkt, dass auf meinem Display ein grau-brauner Ring zu sehen ist. Es liegt nicht am Objektiv oder Sensor. Wenn man in ein Bild hineizoomt bleint der Ring an der gleichen Stelle und auf dem Rechner sind die Bilder tadellos. Zum Test und zur Veranschaulichung habe ich mal eine helle Fläche bewusst unscharf fotografiert. Kennt jmd. diesen Effekt? Mögliche Ursachen? Nur bei der M8 od. auch bei der M9? Ich habe die Kamera im Mai gebraucht bei einem Händler mit 12 Monaten Gewährleistung gekauft. Werde da in jedem Fall mal die Tage vorbei schauen. Mich interessiert halt, ob dieser Fehler bekannt ist/öfters vorkommt. Die Forumssuche hat zunächst nichts hervorgebracht. Danke. Gruß Andreas
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