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Maurizio and Ben, Thank you for looking and commenting.


Ben, PP is not exactly my cup of tea, but sometimes I'm aware it can "save" some pictures.

Here I developed the picture il Lightroom just adjusting a little the exposure, contrast and some clarity and brilliance, than exported as a .psd and opened it in Photoshop where I did te real work.

First I've played with saturation and colours in "Hue-Saturation" (Control-U, where you can play with red, yellow, blue, etc.) and adjusted colours in the picture so as some was slightly desaturated and other more saturated.

Then i selected and copied the green channel (but one can choose another one) and copied it in a new level. Gave the "highpass" filter at about 20 pixels and changed the blending mode of the new layer to Overlay. Then set the opacity to 20-25%. This gives the picture more crispness.

You can paly with both, blending and opacity to get different results.

However, I think there is a limit beyond which it is no more a photo but became an illustration.

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Before I scrolled down and read about the PP work I thought 'wow, check out the colour and contrast, what lens was that?', the point being that It doesnt look like a lot of 'worked-on' shots do, you've applied the changes in a very subtle way and achieved a great end result. Nice DOF too.

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