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Leica Bellows I vs Bellows II

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Bellows I works with Visoflex I. Bellows II works with Visoflex II and III. Bellows II has an M bayonet mount on the camera end. While it might be logical that Bellows I has a thread mount on the camera end, it does not. There is a platform with a tripod thread that extends rearward and goes under the Visoflex I. The Bellows I to Visoflex I front interface is just a close metal-to-metal fit. All Bellows II I have seen are grey; all Bellows I I have seen are black. Most of the Bellows I lens mounts will work on Bellows II. There are a couple of exceptions for 50mm Summitar and Elmar lenses on Bellows I that will not work on Bellows II.

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Even though the Bellows II has an M bajonett, do not under any circumstances mount it on the M (Typ 240) body. It will cover the lens release button and you won't be able to take the bellows off the camera. I know it.
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Even though the Bellows II has an M bajonett, do not under any circumstances mount it on the M (Typ 240) body. It will cover the lens release button and you won't be able to take the bellows off the camera. I know it.


Yes, thanks, I've read the threads on that issue. I'm awaiting delivery of an OUFRO which I understand may solve the problem.


If I go the Leica bellows route (also considering Novoflex) I'm trying to figure out whether it makes a difference if I get a bellows I or II and, if so, how to tell them apart. I don't suppose you know whether I and II have different part numbers?

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There is no way to mount a Bellows I directly to an M240 body because it has no threads and mounts with the extension under the Visoflex I. By the way an Bellows II will work best if a 41mm spacer is used between the bellows and the body. The Bellows II and adapters are calculated to be at infinity for lens heads 65mm and longer.


Novoflex bellows are very nice, especially the ones with the double rack.

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How about mounting a Visoflex II as spacer between M240 & Bellow II?


I have the above but have yet to test on my M240 and M lens.


There is no way to mount a Bellows I directly to an M240 body because it has no threads and mounts with the extension under the Visoflex I. By the way an Bellows II will work best if a 41mm spacer is used between the bellows and the body. The Bellows II and adapters are calculated to be at infinity for lens heads 65mm and longer.


Novoflex bellows are very nice, especially the ones with the double rack.

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Thanks for the link.


I've managed to flip the shutter triger arm clockwise by 180 deg and trial mount the Visoflex II onto my bellow II.

However I've yet to mount the macro kit set up to my M240 and M Lenses.

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