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So we were out drunk a few weeks back and I passed my camera to a friend. This was his first Rangefinder photo. Beginners Luck!?

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Nice subject and framing but he missed the focus on the pretty subject's eyes. You are still the master of your camera, I would bet. :)

Edited by Karl G
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Pretty good shot. I heard that sharpness is a bourgeois concept *cough HCB* :D


Hey, I know the quote but what is HCB?

Ah, sorry I get it, just really tired right now...

Edited by paulsydaus
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Thanks for the reply guys. I'll show him and the subject (my friend) this website!

That's me on the far right.

To be honest, I think he got the focus pretty spot on.

The softness is a result of the following:


1. Noctilux is naturally soft anyway. This is one half-click off wide open I believe.

2. ISO400 film is always going to be softer than digital.

3. Everyone was quite tipsy.

4. There might be minor rangefinder calibration issue (slight front focus).

5. It was much darker than it looks, so focus a little tricker.

6. I did the post processing and applied too much noise reduction. Looking at the original it is noticeably sharper but quite noisy.

7. These days I tend to get the feedback that subjects don't like their portraits being too sharp anyway?

8. Perhaps the unsharpness reflects our unsharp minds at the time!?


Anyway, I'll pass this on, thanks!

Edited by paulsydaus
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