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with my X1, LR4 and Nik Color Efex. more images here at...Ivan Muller, the lazy travel photographer ...

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Edited by Ivan Muller
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and here is a tight crop from the image abover..the little X still continuous to impress me...

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The first image is strong, although I find the brick wall a little distracting (maybe just a bit too much CEP?) but I think I like the second image even more than the first, although it was posted for other reasons, as it really comes across as an adventurous composition and technically outstanding.

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thanks Robert!


The 2nd image as indicated is only a crop of the first image. The first image is about as close as I can get without going into macro mode...the wall is very typical South African, and yes I did darken some parts of it in post. I try and shy away from 'pretty' portraits and that's why I prefer the 35mm lens, because it shows a bit more of the environment, even if its just a bit brick wall. I really don't like cropping my images, except square, which could also have worked here, I think. I stay within my frame format even to the detriment of the 'composition', I really don't mind not having a perfect image, but that is just me of course...:)


i!have worked with the 35mm equivalent lens for more than two years now and sometimes wish I had something a bit longer, like a 80mm or so, it would help a bit with distortion in closeups like this and there would still be a bit of background...but then I would have to buy another camera and lenses and... and..it all just adds to the decision making process...so for now the 35mm it is....

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