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It's early days but it does seem similar, my two current favourites with the SL3 and Q3 43 are currently Monochrome HC and Chrome, useful for when posting JPEG's to social media etc given the SL3 and Q3's blazingly fast transfer times (far quicker than the M11's). I tend though to then use my custom presents in LR on the DNG's whereby I endeavour to get close to an M9 style look but that's just personal preference.

I think though the Leica looks aren't bad at all and I've used an number of Chrome shots with light editing.

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I tried downloading the new chrome film simulation to my Q3.  I received an error message stating that there was insufficient memory space for this new look. I had to delete one of the looks from my Q3 before I could download the new chrome simulation.  

has anyone else experienced this issue?

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I like this new chrome look from my Q3/28 so much.

I came from Fuji, and I think it is better than Fuji Chrome look which is a bit too heavily toned to my taste.

For Leica, this Chrome look also solve the problem of skin tone as well.

So, for casual daily shots, I can rely on this jpeg preset and save the hassle of edit DNG files.

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