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Is the 28 PC Super-Angulon lens a tilt shift lens as the Canon tilt shift lens? If photographing a field of flowers can it be used to focus from front to back and be sharp when using large f stops as is the case with the Canon tilt shifts?

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Is the 28 PC Super-Angulon lens a tilt shift lens as the Canon tilt shift lens? If photographing a field of flowers can it be used to focus from front to back and be sharp when using large f stops as is the case with the Canon tilt shifts?


The Leica 28mm f2.8 Super Angulon lens is only a shift lens. For optimum performance for shift and to cover the entire shift of the lens, the lens must be stopped down to f11. The lens is substantially smaller than the Canon 24mm T/S lens.



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The Leica 28mm f2.8 Super Angulon lens is only a shift lens. For optimum performance for shift and to cover the entire shift of the lens, the lens must be stopped down to f11. The lens is substantially smaller than the Canon 24mm T/S lens.




It is still not a small lens, 72 mm filter I think. you should be on a tripod to use it effectively.


T/S lenses tend to shift in one direction , tilt in another. They are not unlimited like a view camera. Further, beware all the movements do is move the plane of focus from one place to another, fine for tabletop work, but rarely does it work in a three dimensional world .


Example being a tall foreground tree . You can get the grass in focus near to far, but then the foreground tree will have only the bottom in focus. the top will go out.


This ends up looking strange.


How well this focus plane can be set with live view, I doubt. Mine has a Nikon mount now and I use it with a optical viewfinder DSLR . These are not as nice as the old viewfinders made for manual focus. But still 28 mm is fairly forgiving.

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The lens itself is not excessively large, but the hood is, to allow for the highly angled light rays when shifted. The hood screws into the filter thread. It's filter thread is E67, but that's not the whole story. There are two ways of using a filter; either use an oversize E67 which used to be made by B&W, instead of the hood, or, use a suitable series filter screwed into the hood. I avoid the use of a filter whenever possible, because I think the lateral shift of light rays at high angles of incidence affects performance. (I actually have two hoods, one empty, and one with a UV series filter screwed in.)

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It is still not a small lens, 72 mm filter I think. you should be on a tripod to use it effectively.


It takes 67EW wide angle filters and/or special unmounted glass 74mm from B+W that fit into the lend hood.

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The lens takes this special UV filter:


B+W 67mm UV Haze Extra Wide MRC 010M Filter 66-040295 B&H Photo


What I did for my lens is to purchase the filter and an 82mm metal lens hood on ebay that came with an 82mm lens cap. The lens does not come with a lens cap (at least mine did not; I do not believe they did new).


By the way the reason for the special size filters is to allow for total shift of the lens without vignetting. There is a special Schneider Polarizing filter available for the lens as well. But, I have opted for the Cokin P system as I mention below.


I leave the filter and the cap on the lens.


If I want to use other filters on the lens I use my Cokin P adapter rings (67mm ring) and I then have available either the usual Cokin P holder or the single lens holder. I can use my Singh-Ray Warm Polarizer, Singh-Ray ND filters, or Singh-Ray Grad Filters with the lens. But, I would have to make sure that there is no vignetting.



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Mine came with a plastic lens cap which fits over the bare lens.


It says


SN 223-29


Best. Nr. 14232


Thanks for correcting my error. I purchased mine in M or M- condition from a fellow Fred Miranda Member last year. I got the lens for a very good price, so I couldn't complain that there was no lens hood. Everything else was with the package including the lens case and box.



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Schneider (for Leica R) PC Super Angulon 28mm/f2,8 is a Perspective Correction lens. Unlike the Canon T/S family, it can just shift with no tilt. Selective focus effects require tilt movements, as it could be required in the case You cite ( the field filled with flowers). For the rest, when no selective focus effect is required, just stop down (and stop down even more when shifting).


Nonetheless the PC Super Angulon is an excellent lens and it's fairly useable even at freehand. Some (not extreme) Perspective Correction is allowed even at full aperture as it is reported in the example below:


EOS 5D mkII, ISO 6400. f2,8.

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Edited by sydkugelmass
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I have this lens and it seems so complicated I have not yet used it although there is a Spanish professor who it somewhat of an expert in its use.


Yes, there is an excellent thread with a complete and very deep explanation by Manolo Laguillo.

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For your info Schneider have actually now created a 28 PC-TS lens ...

New Schneider 28mm PC-TS Lens | Robert White Photographic Limited

They have a 50 and a 90 already, but their US web site doesn't yet list the 28 ...


here is the German pages ....

Jos. Schneider Optische Werke Kreuznach: Tilt/Shift Lenses


Not for Leica though.



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For your info Schneider have actually now created a 28 PC-TS lens ...

New Schneider 28mm PC-TS Lens | Robert White Photographic Limited

They have a 50 and a 90 already, but their US web site doesn't yet list the 28 ...


here is the German pages ....

Jos. Schneider Optische Werke Kreuznach: Tilt/Shift Lenses


Not for Leica though.




Maybe not available in a Leica R mount. But, having spoken to Schneider USA about the 50 and 90mm lenses in the past, I believe that a Leica R mount could be swapped out for one of the available mounts. This would of course need to be confirmed and could quite possibly be accomplished if a Leica R mount could be obtained (should be fairly easy to get). But, Schneider indicated to me that they did not have the license to sell the 50 and 90mm (and I presume the 28mm TS) in the Leica R mount. They only had license for R mount lenses when they were contracted to make lenses for the Leica R system.



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