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This is probably just a user error, but I can’t seem to save profiles on my M10-R.


  1. Set up preferences using Menu.
  2. Go to User Profiles.
  3. Save profile.
  4. Return to Shooting mode.
  5. Go back to Menu, select Load Profile.
  6. My saved profile is available.
  7. Turn camera off.
  8. Turn camera on, go to Load Profile.
  9. My profile is gone.

What am I missing? (Other than the profile, LOL.)


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17 hours ago, Le Chef said:

How are you saving the profile? Are you “Saving as…”? Are you picking a specific slot? Are you giving the saved profile a name?

Yes to all the above.

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I found a workaround: create profiles, save to SD card, and now they’re still all there on the camera even after powering down. A bit annoying to have to use this method but, hey, whatever works!

(I will have to test whether they're still there on the camera if I (a) use a different card, or (b) reformat this card.)

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One additional thought: do you remove the battery when not shooting?

If you do remove it the built in camera memory may not be charged up enough to support holding profiles in memory.

If you also lose date and time settings that would also support that thought.

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4 hours ago, Le Chef said:

One additional thought: do you remove the battery when not shooting?

If you do remove it the built in camera memory may not be charged up enough to support holding profiles in memory.

If you also lose date and time settings that would also support that thought.

Nope, fully charged. Good thought, though.

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Technically if you saved your profile to, let’s say Slot 1 and named it “Street”, and that was a live when you closed down the camera, then it should be the profile that appears on the LCD screen “summary” page when you start up the camera.

If this not happening, i would try using a different memory card, formatted in camera as a next step. If that doesn’t work you may need to send the camera in to Leica.

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