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Good morning,

I've looked at several threads after using the search function which discuss SD card compatibility, firmware etc but am still scratching my head.


I will randomly get a black horizontal line in a file that is visible when reviewing a file on screen or after importing it into Lightroom.


My current firmware is 1.162, using a fully charged Leica battery and an ADATA 16GB Class 6 SD card. I also had the same issue using a 4GB ADATA 4GB Class 6 SD card. I was using the 4GB cards in my M8 with no issues whatsoever prior to moving into an M9.


I shoot in "S" mode and rarely shoot 3-4 images in a row, chimp very infrequently so I can't put my finger on a set of variables that come together each time I see the black line. Again, its in camera as well as after the card has been placed in a card reader and downloaded.


The Panasonic Gold cards that have been mentioned time and again seem to be very hard to find and if you can find them OMG expensive compared to other brands.


Does anyone have any ideas?



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Guest WPalank

See this thread:



Replace MM with M9 and "White line" with "Black line". Best if you posted a picture. When it happened to me, I could move the sliders in LR to the extremes and see it in every shot. also, typically more evident in high ISO shots. Again, please post a picture.

It probably wouldn't hurt to be running the most current firmware.

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See this thread:



Replace MM with M9 and "White line" with "Black line". Best if you posted a picture. When it happened to me, I could move the sliders in LR to the extremes and see it in every shot. also, typically more evident in high ISO shots. Again, please post a picture.

It probably wouldn't hurt to be running the most current firmware.


Thanks William -

I did indeed read that thread and I should've been a little more specific in that the horizontal black line is not simply a single pixel or two wide but is more like a solid black band which is sometimes wider in spots than others. To me it reminds me of an end of file error...


I'll see if it raises its ugly head and post an image.


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Here are a couple of images that this strange line appears in the file - and in this case they are not black, I'm 99% sure these images were written to an ADATA 16GB SDHC card. I've actually taken the card out of the camera and zeroed it out with Mac Disk Utility - the issue has happened on (2) different 16GB ADATA cards and (2) 4GB ADATA cards.


The 4 GB cards worked beautifully in my M8... I'm a little reluctant to update the firmware from the 1.162 that I have based on some of the reports of Discreet Mode issues as I use Discreet Mode a lot...


I appreciate any input.


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First of all: What a cozy birthday party! Wish I was there. It strikes me how similar we are. This could have been a family gathering in just any garden here in Oslo, Norway.


I am sure that this is not a dead pixel issue. I find it more likely that it is SD card issue. Try to change card - and up date your camera. There can't be any advantages with not updating.

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