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Leica DMR & imacon are done with


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Guest magyarman

Is mabe not so bat happen it with DMR becaus is all who want it already has buy. Oba I thing is gonna happen it same with M8 becaus is also happen it bat relation from Jenoptik. This very big prablem buy it spense digital camera from compagny who cant to do himself without helping from outsite. :(

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Is mabe not so bat happen it with DMR becaus is all who want it already has buy. Oba I thing is gonna happen it same with M8 becaus is also happen it bat relation from Jenoptik. This very big prablem buy it spense digital camera from compagny who cant to do himself without helping from outsite. :(


you mean like Canon using Sony sensors ?

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Chips are becoming commoditized, at least to an extent. One thing that Leica needs to do is get some SERIOUS software help in-house, if they haven't already done it. Engineers can always work with new specs on assembly and mechanical issues, but history is important in software.



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I really dont want it to appear that I disagree with that notion, but to make it clear that all manufacturers have assets and weaknesses in there systems.


While Canons FF CMOS has been an asset to them in the past, they are locked into a system that sees slower development compared to CCDs. When CCDs in most crop factors catch up in terms of noise performance and they will, they will be all alone in a system they cant get out of.


The let downs in the M8 release need serious analysis with all the facts present before one could/should attribute fault.

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Guest guy_mancuso

Not sure I would throw in the towel on a comment from a dealer and what dealer is it and were did he get his info. Rumors, sorry I want to hear facts.

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I really dont want it to appear that I disagree with that notion, but to make it clear that all manufacturers have assets and weaknesses in there systems.


While Canons FF CMOS has been an asset to them in the past, they are locked into a system that sees slower development compared to CCDs. When CCDs in most crop factors catch up in terms of noise performance and they will, they will be all alone in a system they cant get out of.


The let downs in the M8 release need serious analysis with all the facts present before one could/should attribute fault.

Hey Rob


I agree with all you say except the part about CMOS vs CCD noise. CMOS inherently low noise device. And when they want to get more pixels in the same size chip they shrink the design which does the following: If you shrink the critical dimensions by a factor of 2 you end up with twice the devices but you have 1/4 the power consumption and it is electrons running through the transistors that create the noise. Bipolar devices don't scale the same way. This is what allows the Intels of this world to continually shrink their designs to the point of now having almost 100 million transistors per chip without it consuming itself with heat. CMOS has some other issues but not in the areas of power and thus noise.



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mostly because they still havnt has high Mp for the real estate they hold. CMOS have a lower fill factor and wouldnt be able to compete in Mp terms. All the small P&S are now CCD for that reason, a CMOS just isnt appropriate for them. I have no idea what the balance is between CCD and CMOS, but there must be something like 95% of all cameras with CCD's in them, so thats were the bulk of the research is going.


The better part to the solution with noise is the software aboard, Canons Digic processor does it well, but when you look at the performance of the tiny Fuji F30 1/1.7" chip, with a crop factor exceeding 4, its clear the CCD will get there.

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