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Rhymin' Simon


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I can't stop taking my DMR when I go to concerts - sorry! I got very wet this weekend at the Cornbury festival in Oxfordshire, but kept my DMR dry in a sleeve.


Paul Simon came on saturday night - great musically, but somewhat flat in his audience participation. Anyway here are a couple of shots of the great man himself. It's nice to see someone who's as short as I am!




DMR 180 cron ASA 400

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Charlie -


Excellent shots. Remarkably, Paul Simon, in spite of his intelligence, creativity and thousands of hours of performing is a very shy man, uncomfortable with people he does not know well, which I suspect influenced his "audience participation."

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Wasn't it during a Paul Simon concert, 30 or so years ago, that somebody out of the audience prompted him to "Say a few words!". And he answered, after a certain time:

"Well. Let's hope ..., let's hope that we continue to live... ."

Great musician, and wonderful photos.


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Martin, Stu and Lutz,


Thank you. Now you've mentioned his shyness, I can put his performance into context. I was very glad to stick it out in the rain.


I snatched these shots hiding behind someone else at the front of the crowd. Security was pretty relaxed, but they ban people using 'professional' cameras even if it's for private use. Being a naughty sort of chap, I did what the French do - ie obey the rules that you want to obey (no offence meant!). Interestingly not even the Canon and Nikon 'pros' were allowed to take any shots.


At least I have my images to remember a wonderful evening. Thanks for looking.



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to me he looks old and tired

I'm actually quite shocked to see him like that


I'm afraid he does look rather old. But the again we all get old sadly. But at least he is performing still and wowiing the crowds. Maybe it's just the 180 summicron being too revealing. The 180 cron is a truly stellar lens, but maybe not as flattering as other R lenses like the 80 lux.



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Thank you for all your comments. It's an open air festival, which goes on all weekend. There were a lot of people there with SLRs and zooms. None of the pros were using leica, so my DMR must be classed as amateur!!


I did get asked a couple of times to stop, but you just wait a bit until it's dark and hide behind someone else!! Like all these things, you have to be polite and then become less obtrusive. Security are only doing their job after all; although they were surprisingly good at not being there much.


I could probably have got away with the 80-200/4 ROM more easily, but thye 180 cron is just a great stage lens.



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