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I searched but did not find any substantial information:

Is the same 'thin' sensor glass used in the M11 and the SL3?

Do wide angle rangefinder lenses from Leica, Zeiss, Voigtlander perform equivalent on a SL3 and a M11 regarding corner sharpness and (lack of) color cast or is the SL3 not as good?

The SL3 performs better than the SL2 in that respect?

Please share your experience. Thx. 

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the look you get out of the M11 is different from SL3

Leica lenses with 6bit reads get in-camera correction, I can say exactly, but the results are cleaner on the SL3 than M11
Other brands or older lenses don't get any correction in camera.

But you don't buy the M lenses for the clean look and performance, but for a look you get out of it.

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33 minutes ago, jdlaing said:

The SL series do not.

where is this coming from?

Microlenses have been on Sl2 and SL3, giving the same detailed images as on M camera from the center to the border.
This is the main sensor difference between Leica and Panasonic.

The benefit of this research to getting the same quality while using M lenses on an SL camera is beneficial for the adapted lenses from EF, and Nikon.
Panasonic does not offer this as now, and the images on their camera do show softness and edge smearing with some wide angles.
EF lenses perform better on the SL2 than any of the Sony mirrorless.

as they improved micro-lenses tech, Leica was able to lenses away from the sensor in later models to reduce the dust spots.

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The order of image quality of wide angle M lenses from best to worst in my tests is: M Camera, SL Camera, a big drop in quality, then Panasonic, another drop in quality, Sony. Depending on how symmetrical the lens is and the degree of incidence of the light on the sensor, the difference between M and SL camera can be noticeable. For example, the 25mm biogon ZM is better on M bodies than the SL2. For most M lenses, the difference is not large, or even visible. But it is there for the lenses with the stronger angles of incidence.

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1 hour ago, Photoworks said:

where is this coming from?

Microlenses have been on Sl2 and SL3, giving the same detailed images as on M camera from the center to the border.
This is the main sensor difference between Leica and Panasonic.

The benefit of this research to getting the same quality while using M lenses on an SL camera is beneficial for the adapted lenses from EF, and Nikon.
Panasonic does not offer this as now, and the images on their camera do show softness and edge smearing with some wide angles.
EF lenses perform better on the SL2 than any of the Sony mirrorless.

as they improved micro-lenses tech, Leica was able to lenses away from the sensor in later models to reduce the dust spots.

All sensors have microlenses. The SL series do not have offset microlenses.

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On 12/10/2024 at 12:21 PM, jdlaing said:

...The SL series do not have offset microlenses.

Can you source this? I've read consistently over the years that the SL sensors have a microlens array that while not as aggressive as the M sensor, still have some favorability toward M lens ray angles compared to other mirrorless cameras.

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