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Leica S 45mm vs Leica S 35mm lens


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I have the S 70 and want to use the S 45 for full length portraits and sometimes 3/4 Portraits.

Sometimes I dont have the room to move back and use the S 70.

Can you LMK your experience with both.  Thank you

 I shoot groups as well


Edited by rollsman4
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The 45 is physically larger than the 35, if that matters.  If you want minimize the change in perspective from the 70, stay as close as you can to 70... so, 45.  I prefer it to the 35... just because.... I think I have a better hit rate with the 45 than the 35.

Groups too?  Get the 45 and the 30. You can always crop!  Soooo cheap, now!


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I have both, and they both are outstanding lenses. The 45mm is my favorite lens in the lineup (partly because, in 35mm terms, a 35mm lens is the one I tend to use the most). It's slightly longer and heavier than the 35, but not by much. It's also sharp corner to corner wide open, which the 35mm isn't (though the 35mm is close). 

Personally, I would go with the 45mm. The 35mm (equal to a 28mm in 35mm terms) shows its wideness a bit more in the images. The 45mm gets you a decently wide perspective without the exaggerated rendering of a wide lens. It's just right, in my opinion. 

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The S system is not very hard...get the lens focal length that suits you. Every single lens is good. The 45mm is one of the best, but you will be unlikely to see any important differences unless you are in very specific circumstances. If you are mostly thinking people, I would get the 45mm, but that is more because of the focal length than the lens itself.

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