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Voting is now open and will close at the end of Sunday 29th of October. All Forum Members, as well as contestants, are welcome to vote.

  • Voters must give 3 points to their 1st choice; 2 points to their 2nd choice and 1 point to their 3rd choice.
  • You must vote for 3 places otherwise your vote will be invalid.
  • Naturally contestants may not vote for their own entry.

Please cross reference your votes by quoting the post # and the photographers name or image title.

The contestant with the highest total of votes is the winner and has the honour of organizing the next challenge and setting the theme for it.


Ihr habt bis zum Sontag 29 Oktober Zeit, zwischen den Bildern zu wählen.

  • Drei Punkte für das beste Bild, zwei für das zweitbeste und einen für den drittplatzierten.

Nennt bitte auch den Namen des Fotografen oder den Bildtitel und die Aufstellung #.

Der Gewinner erhält das Recht, das Thema für die nächste Barnack Challenge festzulegen.

Edited by Bateleur
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  • Bateleur changed the title to Barnack Challenge # 49 "Geheimnisse der Bäume" / “The secrets of trees” - Voting thread / Bitte stimmt hier ab

I enjoyed your entries very much, there was humour and originality and its always difficult to choose, however today my votes are for ...

3 points - Pyrogallol,  These Bots,  #3

2 points - Aryel,  Once upon a time …,  #4

1 point - oldwino,  Untitled,  #9


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Aryel, # 4 - 3pts

Pyrogallol # 3 - 2pts

Bateleur # 2 - 1pt

Uliwer # 6 Honourable mention, for a simply beautiful image.

All entrants to be commended because participation is so rewarding. Well done all.

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#4 Aryel, Once upon a time…, 3 pts

#3 Pyrogallol, Bots, 2 pts

#5 Roland Zwiers, 1 pt

Yes, this was a challenging theme.  I found it easy enough to take pictures of trees, harder to take any that somehow captured “the secrets of trees”.  I applaud the imagination and creativity of others! 

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Its around midnight (my time) and time to wrap up the voting ...

Aryel received the most points (15). Followed by Roland Zwiers (13 points) and Pyrogallol (12 points)

Congratulations Aryel for your imaginative photograph and well done to the runners-up too. Thank you to all participants for your lovely photographs.

Aryel, you have the pleasure of launching the next challenge.

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Congratulations to Aryel for the win and also to Roland Zwiers and Pyrogallol. It was a tough topic which is good for stretching our imaginations. Thank you Bateleur for that. We now look forward to the next battle of the LTM's. Currently, my 111f is in for a CLA. I hope it comes back in time for the next round.

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May I add my congratulations to Aryel, Roland Zwiers and Pyrogallol!  I look forward to the next challenge.  I see there is a thread for the rejects.  I have plenty of those, and may post some.

All best,


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Thanks a lot everyone. Congrats to Pyrogallol, Roland Zwiers  as well as everyone for putting up such nice entries. 

Great topic Bateleur, both challenging but also accessible to anyone. Will do my best to come up with an exciting subject for our next one. 

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  • 2 months later...
On 1/1/2024 at 1:41 PM, Pyrogallol said:

Time for the next Challenge? We haven’t had one since last year.

To have four challenges a year, which was the original concept, a new challenge should begin about three months after the beginning of the previous challenge. That would be about now. 

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